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Soooo, what's this EE craze all about? (i.e. for MAC)

Started by Sidhe, Mar 17, 2019, 01:37 AM

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Heya kiddos,

I was eyeballing returning/revisiting ye ole CD, and I saw that you all jumped ship onto a newer, (slightly) more sparkly NWN. 

So what's the scoop? By that, I mostly just mean to ask if any resident Mac users are bouncing around on it, and what their experience is like? I gotta make a decision about whether I try to go for a straight-to-Mac version or bungle around with another Windows-based NWN on my Wine and hope I can get that moving. 

Anyone have some experience they can relate? 

Thanks all!

(Of Ridley Knight fame, such as it is)

Fire Wraith

From what I understand, it comes with all three clients (or at least, the Steam version gave my the Windows, Mac, and Linux executables).

So you should be able to just pick it up and then use whatever works best for you.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Late to answer but to answer firsthand, yes, EE works very well on Mac OS once again.

As with the older version, there is still no Toolset for Mac. Though there is also once more a functional NWN server app.

Your mileage may vary with gpu as to how easily it just loads and goes. Web drivers for your computer's gpu tend to work better than the Mac OS supplied driver.