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The Shield and You! Everything you need to know!

Started by threeguesses, Dec 30, 2014, 04:10 AM

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So, some of you might have seen that I am starting a new push with The Traveler's Shield, and some of you might know all there is to know about the Shield, others might be new and not know much about it.

I wanted to take a few moments to let people know a little of what's coming up, so that you can all decide whether you might be interested, ask questions, and the like.

The Shield is an IC group of individuals who do good deeds, relating to the portfolio of Shaundakul, Rider of the Winds, which includes exploration, caravans, portals, and miners (little known but true fact). It's got some past achievements under it's belt (don't ask, I can't list them all, without boring you!)

If you're interested in finding out if your PC might make a good fit, or would like to RP with them to explore, well, just find us!

But! This isn't what the thread is about.

I'm hoping to transition from being a firsthand participant in events (some of which were truly epic in scale and telling), to a more facilitating role, as befits my outlook on the role of epic characters.

The Shield will be hosting a number of events, if we can get some DM participation, that relate to Shaundakul, survival, exploration, and caravans, as well as other such. In terms of vibe, you can hopefully expect a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen/Around the World in Eighty Days kind of vibe, for some of these events. Others will vary, depending on necessity and tone and DM!

I enjoy going fairly deep on lore, so I will be putting together very detailed ideas for some of these happenings, and referencing a lot of direct and supplementary lore - but my big hope, is to make some of these occasions a team/party DIY event, where you get a framework, and you get to go deep on the lore. If you need any help finding resources, feel free to give me a poke.

How can I get involved?

There are tons of ways, from joining the Shield, to, once the events are announced, signing up, or even building a specific team to participate. The Shield could use scholarly experts, field experts, the like - and anyone with Knowledge ranks in underrepresented knowledges, would be welcome, as would any skill monkeys. There won't, the hope is, be as much emphasis on hack and slash, but on deep thought and challenge - logic, imagination and the like.

If you would like to get involved but aren't sure how, find me in game, IC or OOc, and I will be glad to help. Likewise, in this thread.

Let the games begin!

Ogre Time Yay

I'm gonna get my boat, I'm gonna go up river, and I'm gonna kick that sonova bitch Bison's ass so hard... The next Bison wannabe is gonna feel it.

Now you can go home... Or you can go with ME!


Who are the most knowledgeable Shield members?

Rashan - founder and co-owner.
Priya - Co-owner, diviner, and Master of Paperwork
Siris - Solid member, quiet guardian

There are a few other members, but most are not as up to date on the info yet. These three can be approached at any time or meetings can be arranged!

Players of them: ThreeGuesses, Reality Jumper, Valimar Dragonbane
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


If you've seen the latest recruitment flyer, you'll notice we've expanded the field as to character types we're looking for.

There is no level requirement to this - it can be a pre-existing, high level character, or a freshly made low level to explore the kinds of roleplay that come with the aforementioned roles and archtypes. The only thing that matters is that you're looking to have fun!