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It's Time to Face the Facts! >:( ... The Fun Facts <:)

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Mar 24, 2014, 09:08 AM

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Cara has burned down several kitchens and ruined cast iron skillets (including Serrin's favorite smiting skillet) in the name of cooking.  She is forever banished to making cold sandwiches.


Since Bella brought up the Tentazione's and food.  Cecilia Tentazione aka Badhbh has eaten a hin... charbroiled. She did not care for it and hasn't eaten a sentient since. Too stringy. Her mother Calla ate a gnome.. but in a completely different way   <.<  >.>  <.<

Incidentally, neither was the worst thing either had eaten.
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.



~ She will do almost anything if bribed with strawberries or gems.
~ Has a horde of gems that could very well compete with a dragons collection.
~ Wouldn't think twice about murdering someone for touching her hat.
~ Speaks without thinking.
~ Can't stand people walking around half naked or in ugly outfits. Fashion must save everyone!!!!!!!!
~ Wields a sentient rapier.


~ She prefers to be called Wolf rather then by her name.
~ Often has conversations with trees and random animals.
~ Is very easily embarrassed around certain conversational topics. She will resort to shifting and fleeing if it gets too bad.
~ For a druid, she gets lost ... a lot. >.<
~ The ring finger on her right hand has been severed off.
~ She is very amused at the shock given when people find out she is Elf's wife.


Morwen : What You See Is What You Get. The most uncomplicated and transparent character there is. Her one secret is the painful loss of a lover two years ago, which caused her to plunge into work to escape thinking of it. The one thing people may not realize is that she likes to volunteer for patrols so she can find a quiet spot to loaf.

Mala : Intensely attracted to surface elven men. Which, naturally presents some obstacles and difficulties to her romantic prospects.


Daeatria: As good as she can be at persuasion, she does not enjoy dealing with mercantile related matters.  Can convince someone to get themselves killed, but not to lower the price on goods. Go figure.

Taly'siana: This merry widow, on the other hand, haggles and does not mind dealing with mercantile related matters. And will use that to her advantage quite a bit.  Well - unless she knows the person would starve his family if she did so. Then she would not.  That just would make her feel too bad!
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Anisa's favorite hobby is testing what kind of textures bugs have when she eats them. She prefers squishy bugs.


Galdern:- Is still barred from going anywhere near a Tailor's on his own. He may only look at a piece of clothing, he may not attempt to make his own. This is for the good of all, as Galdern really really sucks at clothing design.

Iyanna:- Was originally going to be a cold and distant elf, who didn't interact with the human world all that much. Until certain characters got to her, and changed her. At this point the very thought of playing her that way is something I just couldn't do.
          :- When she first arrived in Arabel hid under the Old Willow Tree in her own private little domain once she was under it those outside it couldn't see her.
          :- Used to go up to the Clerics of every faith she met asking about their gods, having previously believed there to be only five.

~ For a druid, she gets lost ... a lot. >.<

Druids don't get lost... they take the scenic route, unless it's a city then they are allowed to be lost.

Ogre Time Yay

Fun Fact:
The event in the past where James St. Bell and Hydaro get trapped in an illusionary world that acts as a nightmare, that ended up being created by a demon, and eventually got to the point where the two had to go on a brutal pilgrimage through the Abyss in order to escape. That back story for the two characters actually came from one of our role plays a few years back when Yhposolihp and I thought it would be cool if we had a role play on a game called Dark Souls as James and Hydaro, along with some other characters. We have role played as the two characters on many other games before, Baldur's Gate games, Icewind Dale, even the newer Neverwinter game, and mainly on Neverwinter Nights. Dark Souls was one of the newer ideas we went with before going back to Neverwinter Nights again, and the story worked out beautifully. Alot of the things that happened in our role play through Dark Souls could be applied to actual Forgotten Realms lore, so it's a back story we stuck with before we hopped on the Cormyr and Dalelands server.

So that's where that story spawned from, where the two went through hell (quite literally) for several months before returning as broken men who had to rebuild their lives piece by piece after the event, with it going so far as Hydaro having to learn how to walk again, and all participating (and surviving) characters came back to the world of the living slightly more mentally insane than before... Some more than others.

Ogre Time Yay

Rocket Raccoon! :D

Fun Fact:
Needless to say I'm excited for this movie and can't wait to see it in theatres. What movie? Guardians of the Galaxy, that's what movie, it generally came from a series of comics made by Marvel. One of the characters, Rocket Raccoon, is actually one of the two characters I based Hydaro's personality on. Although they removed Rocket's Cockney accent in this movie it seems (The Rocket Raccoon with a Cockney accent has a more similar voice to Hydaro's "Cockney" sounding accent, heard in the following link: ), the angry, jaded, EX-con personality is still there and strong.

The latest advertisement for the movie can be seen in the link below, check the movie out if you wanna see Hydaro on the big screen in the form of a space raccoon:


Amarae Dwin'arinth, my evil inactive Shevarashi, will actually smile.  She is not clergy, so she does not feel as compelled to not smile.  Granted, it is often a smile used for a specific purpose more than a real, happy smile.  
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Ogre Time Yay

Fun fact about Hydaro, his original family is one he refuses to accept he is a part of, mostly because he's a defiant bastard.
The second family name he received was "Juei'walin", the last name of Hal 'Tzer who made Hydaro his "foster son" (in actuality he made Hydaro a slave from kid ages to adult).

While Hydaro uses many of Hal 'Tzer methods and could be considered as cold hearted as Hal 'Tzer, Hydaro actually is one of the good guys. Sadly Hydaro's methods may give others the wrong impression.

It is why Hydaro is "simply Hydaro", because both of his -real- or close to real last names that he has had in his lifetime are ones he refuses to associate with.

However... Hydaro has had a history of changing his first and/or last name from time to time. Usually when he changes his first name the change is only temporary, used to hide out from certain folks who might be looking for him (whether they be the law or criminals). Sadly, he often gives names like "Bob","Bill","Gregory Smith", "Rico Suave", and "Eddie". He may realize that people aren't buying it, but it's his way of saying "None of your business", or simply a means to be silly. (Despite Hydaro's serious nature, he pretty playful hidden under that sculpted frown and corpse like appearance)

His last names on the other hand, while most of the time not kept for longer than a decade or two, act more as a title than they do a name.

If it sounds cool, it's fitting for a name. He looks at them like a comic book fan looks at super heroes.
He may not admit it, but he's still a child at heart.


Thedran was based largely off of

Prince Phillip: Sleeping Beauty.


I knew you watched disney movies.

Fun fact about elf.   He wished everyone would just get along.

Atomic Twinkie

Alright, let's see here.

He is always curious about other people's fears because it makes him less scared
His biggest fear is that he'll lose control and kill someone he cares about (which is why he distances himself)
He's a convicted Murderer
He used to be married

If he doesn't swim for more than a week he becomes uncomfortable
His favourite food is crab
His father is still alive (DUN DUN DUNNNN)

He's gay.
He was given a place in his clan halls and chose not to stay
He's prone to planar alteration


Ife introduces herself as "Ife'a de clan Ssanyu, daughta'f de Daceiva'n danca'f de Chultan eart'."

The Ssanyu clan is a group of families, headed by the Ssanyu family, originally started many moons ago by a man named Ssanyo the Happy and his hyena companion. To remember Ssanyo, the Ssanyu replace one or some of their teeth with ones of gold so that all of their expressions smile as brightly as he had.

As the daughter of the Deceiver, she is implying devoutness to Ubtao - the Curator of Chult. Ife believes he is called the Deceiver because, ultimately, free will is the ultimate deception. For Ubtao, life and death are both a maze (the latter being a bit more like a real maze than the former), and in a maze you only have so many options. Existence is in the style, not in the will. He tricks you into believing you have a choice in the matter, thus "deceiving" you!

A dancer of Chultan earth refers to her background as a spirit dancer, where she would often temper more mischievous and restless spirits by dancing with them and "leading" them back to their peace. Her powers don't function well outside of her home, as the spirits are a lot less tangible (or outright hostile), hence the Chultan earth.