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Change RP XP from per day to per week

Started by adalon, Jun 05, 2021, 11:20 AM

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I'd like to propose changing the 300 XP daily limit to a 2100 XP weekly limit instead. This would provide for the same exact speed of leveling, but allow folks like myself with rigid and limited schedules (single parent) the ability to level our characters the same as those folks with more time on their hands. I'll try to outline the benefits as I see them below:

1. Will provide more continuity with RP. I see a lot of people hitting their daily 300 cap, logging out, logging back in as another character and jumping right back into the RP that they were just engaged in. I don't feel like this is a good thing. If you're in good RP, you should be able to stay in it and not have to feel like you're wasting your time. If the cap was weekly instead, you could spend nearly a full day on a character and play your other character the next day. I feel like we'd see a lot less flip flopping on characters.
2. Allow people with limited time the ability to level the same as everyone else. I currently have almost no time to log in Wed - Sat and as such it is nearly impossible for me to level a character past 15 or so. Yet I have tons of time Sun - Tues. I hit the cap on most of those days and proceed to level at about 1/3 the rate of everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat! Lots of people have commitments outside the game and it is difficult to feel shoehorned into needing to do a certain number of hours per day to not fall behind the people you're playing with.

none that I can see, since it doesn't change the rate at which most people would level up their characters.

I'm curious to hear thoughts on this, but I feel like this would be a positive change for the server. I think it would encourage longer RP sessions with a single character for the entire player base and allow leveling to be more flexible.


I fully support this idea as well! Really like the idea of it



For what its worth, I think that this may be a good idea. (Although I may be going on a 'hiatus' soon it may not be that relevant to me.)

I believed I searched the Forums, and read the CD: Experience & Leveling and it would appear to me that the limit could have been set to cease power-leveling or to establish a growth standard for immersion purposes to the best of my knowledge. Adalon may have a significant point where people can't be logged in for days at a time so they can at least catch up. In a persistent world, time moves as slow or as fast as the Admin want it too.

This isn't my 'House' but I cant find anything wrong with it, so.


At first glance this idea does look pretty cool, and for some folks it can be certainly very helpful, but it 1) was discussed before in the discord and dismissed and 2) has a couple drawbacks.

The biggest one is that it'd actually fairly likely result in an overall fall of activity, since quite a few people would end up maxing out their ticks e.g. on their free day and then lack an incentive to play their character for six other days. Yes, this may not apply to you, but it would certainly apply to quite a few who need the incentive of having ticks daily to login daily.

It would also change the overall progression on the server quite a bit. For one, getting your character to 12 would inevitably take two weeks, since it won't be possible to get from 3/4/5/6 (depending on ECL) to 11 in the time you get 1.1k exp, unless you maybe literally power level without any regard to rp whatsoever.

It'd change the whole journey behind the character development a lot. Just my thoughts on it.


The recent discussion on this is currently in the archive under for those interested in viewing that


So, people really think its better and more interesting to be forced to bunny hop between five pcs every single day, while cancelling the rping going on with one pc, just cause they maxed their ticks? I see people end the rp they're in literally mid rp just cause they reach the limit and switch to another pc to jump right in the same rp. And they do that 3-4 times. i refuse to believe that way is better, especially when there are no real draw backs to this proposal other then a few people being like "Oh, theres no reason not to have it but i just dont want it. So no". Especially when it would help more players then it would harm. as far as i know, every time its discussed nearly everyone loves the idea of it but it always gets rejected because... "fuck the players" i guess?. And the only real way to gain any exp past 15 is in events, but on this server there are so many super popular people who are in, like, every event and are also on daily meanwhile some players arent able to join any events and can only log on a couple days throughout the week. doesnt that seem just a -little- unfair to you?


1) I barely have that happen at all. I legitimately cannot remember when it happened to me the last time. And I don't do that myself at all either.

2) I (as I've stated in the other thread) don't play daily. I personally need the incentive to even login some days that daily ticks give.

3) Some folks are committed to just one character. Making them wait *an entire week* to have a rewarding feeling sounds just as unfair, doesn't it?

4) Honestly, mute discussion anyway since Admins did already decide against it not too long ago.

Edit: A lot of folks level up mainly through RP ticks. Admins, DMs and sDMs control quest queues. As someone who literally dropped from a quest final, maybe -don't- put forth such accusations, Autokilla.


So, for starters, it's not every player that simply reaches cap and cuts off RP. In fact, I've observed very few like that, myself. The entire intent is to play your character and have fun with it. While XP is part of advancing, the daily ticks are still not meant to be a full-fledged focus to rely on. It's something you gain by playing, and most will continue to play further past their daily cap, because they enjoy playing the character and whatever is presently going on, as well. To comment as well on the end point, about there being popular people, DMs across the board put up quests that even specifically state that we'll give preference to those newer or less quested, while alting those who've been in many plots. This is to give more opportunity for those less involved players to actually become involved. There are, likewise, plenty of events that even go completely unfilled despite these complaints.

I won't go further into the reasonings of not switching to this system, though, as it's been explained rather thoroughly through the past archived post as well, so I'd just be repeating what has already been said. But there really isn't any sort of "fuck the players" mindset in any of this. No system is perfect, but the daily system over a weekly system has far fewer detriments to consider.
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall


I dropped from the quest final that one time because i did not have any enjoyment just sitting there being a viewer in an event im a part of. how can anyone enjoy an event where they arent allowed to do anything, hmm?


Let's keep this civil please. If you have a complaint to make, send it to the SDMs and admins via the posted forms. If you have already made such a complaint, stop bringing it up in public threads.
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oh, im only explaining to jaz. just the fact that if i feel like im doing nothing and not having fun, im going to drop out. no point in playing when i feel im not making even the slightest impact

The Red Mage

I like the idea. But it won't affect me as much as other people. I just play to play. 99% of my XP comes from ticks, and my play hours(a few after work every day) would remain largely unchanged.


Whoa... I think we might be getting a little off topic here

Let me see...:

1) I barely have that happen at all. I legitimately cannot remember when it happened to me the last time. And I don't do that myself at all either.

I'm assuming you're referring to my comment about people jumping on and off of characters? I see that pretty often, but not everyone does it.

2) I (as I've stated in the other thread) don't play daily. I personally need the incentive to even login some days that daily ticks give.

Then don't get all of your ticks in one day? Play for a few hours each day, it'd be no different than what you currently do.

3) Some folks are committed to just one character. Making them wait *an entire week* to have a rewarding feeling sounds just as unfair, doesn't it?

Why would you need to wait? It isn't any more or less experience than what you currently receive per week. If you want to get XP every day then don't play for 18 hours straight on one day.

4) Honestly, mute discussion anyway since Admins did already decide against it not too long ago.

I'm not a fan of this attitude. Especially since the last conversation was seemingly ended with "no plans to do this" with no reason or discussion to the contrary given so it could at least be documented. Ignoring people asking for help so they can simply play like other folks is not constructive.

Now the others:
"So, for starters, it's not every player that simply reaches cap and cuts off RP"
I never said it was, but some folks do it and I have seen it.

" While XP is part of advancing, the daily ticks are still not meant to be a full-fledged focus to rely on. It's something you gain by playing, and most will continue to play further past their daily cap, because they enjoy playing the character and whatever is presently going on, as well."
I agree with most of your sentiment, and I do like to RP for extended periods on one character. That is why I was proposing this. But I think you're also looking at this from the point of view of someone that can log on every single day. Imagine if you could only log in 3 days out of the week and you had all the time you wanted those 3 days. Are you going to burn an entire day only getting 300 xp for one character, or might you jump around to 2 or 3 characters on one of the few days you get to play?

To your last point, I didn't see it explained well why this system would be worse than the daily cap. It appears that the thread was simply chopped off. Maybe there was discussion in the discord? However, things like Discord are not good for record keeping.

Garage Trashcan

Only going to chime in on #3 here, which is explained a bit in the archived thread.

Switching to weekly slows down progression for new PCs and new players, which can be offputting. You can grind to 11 in 4-6 hours with a powerlevel (which is frowned upon) if you know where to go. Probably 8-10 if you're solo and know the best farms, which most people don't do because it's tedious. In that case, I can immediately begin getting RPXP and on my way to level 12 the next day. However, most people don't play this way.

A new player it might take 15 hours of dungeoning, and only dungeoning, to get to 11. If you do that in a week, that means you now hit your weekly cap and are at a stopgap until reset, rather than immediately working toward your next level the following day.
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