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Started by Fox², Oct 03, 2023, 07:32 PM

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The Inner Sea

Also known as the Sea of Fallen Stars, this huge body of water connects the east and west of Faerûn. Through the River Lis, the Inner Sea also connects with the Moonsea to the northeast. The Sea of Fallen Stars was the original migration route for the Chondathan humans who spread out from the Vilhron Reach and settled the center and north of Faerûn.

Cormyr, Sembia, and to some extend the Impilturans maintain powerful navies on the Innsea Sea, but for the most part these are merchants' waters rather than the warships' domains. Undersea kingdoms of aquatic elves, merfolk, and sahuagin populate the Sea, but surface dwellers have little to do with them aside from violent flare-ups like the sahuagin attacks that battered the human cities of both the Inner Sea and the Trackless Sea in 1369 DR.


Lake of Steam

Capital: None, (largely independent city-states)
Population: 1,74,280 (humans 90%, halflings 9%; higher proportions of nonhumans in the Border Kingdoms)
Government: Varies
Religions: Any
Imports: Grain, horses, livestock, small ships, soldiers, stone, wood (varies by region)
Exports: Cast brass and bronze,, chains, dyed wool, dyes, fruit, gems, ink, magic items, mercenaries, mirrors, pearls, seafood, sheep-skins, spellbooks, sturdy books, vegetables, wagons, weapons, wine (varies by region)

With independent city-states on the north shore and a succession of small countries founded or conquered by people of many races, faiths, and agendas to the south, the Lake of Steam is a hodgepodge of varying interests, bustling trade, and frequently changing boundaries.

Most of the cities on the north shore were part of Calimshan in the past and retain their parent's desire for wealth, comfort, and influence, as well as a strong desire to remain independent. The intrigues brewing around these cities led observers to dub the northern shore the Moonsea of the South.



Capital: Sheirtalar
Population: 1,217,642 (95% human, 2% yuan-ti, 2% rock gnomes, 1% wild dwarves)
Government: Limited monarchy
Religons: Sseth, Talos, Deneir, Chauntea, Eldath, Garlglittergold, Illmater, Kelemvor, Lliira, Selune, Silvanus, Tempus, Tiamat, Umberlee, Waukeen
Imports: Armor, beef, gems, fruit, iron, jewelry, pottery, weapons
Exports: Olives, pearls, roe, seafood, spices, wine, wood
Alignment: Usually LE or NE

The Lapal League is a confederation of city-states along the southeastern shore of the Shining Sea. Loosely ruled by the Overking of Sheirtalar, these small realms are sometimes known as the Cities of the Seabreeze, though that phrase technically also includes Narubel, Tashluta, Ormpur, and the ruins of Procalith. Lapaliiya stetches from the eastern end of the Delphin Mountains to the Sheir Peninsula, and from the shores of the Shining Sea to the northern edge of the Mhair Jungles, the Great Wall of Halruaa, the western edge of the Bandit Wastes, and the peaks of the Dun Hills.



Capital: Sambar
Population: Gnomes and humans (lantanna)
Religion: Gond (state religion)
Government: the Ayrorch (council of 12 lifetime members)

Lantan is a southern nation some thousand miles south of the Moonshaes that is known for its merchant traders, found up and down the Sword Coast. Lantan is widely known for its maroon-sailed, lateen-rigged ships, which ply the crystal and deep green waters of the southern seas of the Realms.

Lantan itself is a land of lush jungle and rock pinnacles, atop which perch the turreted aerial homes of the Lantanna. These homes are often joined to neighboring abodes by spidery, railless bridgespans. Lantan is peopled by contented folk who worship Gond Wonderbringer, god of artificers. The Lantanna carry on energetic independent sea trading in order to make enough money to enrich their homes with splendid ornamentation and new ideas or inventions, which they are always encouraging the experimentation with and implementation of.

Folk hear tales of Lantan, "where Gond is worshiped and magic shunned." Most know very little more beyond the hearsay that Lantan is a strange and dangerous place where clockwork machines and infernal devices work great wonders and terrors at their makers' direction. Common wizardry pales in comparison.

The humans of the island of Lantan pioneer technological solutions to problems that citizens of Faerûn solve with magic. The faith of Gond rules the pleasant island realm, and its inhabitants farm, craft things, and experiment endlessly. The Lantanese inventors constantly create new "small wonders" for the greater glory of Gond, and sometimes sell or trade these devices for glass, charcoal and other odd ingredients their clients require.



Capital: Beluir
Population: 838,080 (halflings 92%, humans 4%, elves 2%, half-elves 1%)
Government: Benevolent Theocracy
Religions: Brandobaris, Tymora, Yondalla
Alignment: Usually LG, LN, or TN.

Luiren, the land of the halflings, is both peaceful and bustling. Though halflings can be found in every country in Faerûn, all their ancestors originally migrated from Luiren. Sometimes known as Small Folk, halflings actually prefer the term hin, the name they call themselves. But they don't hold the use of other names against visitors who don't know any better. They're happy enough to welcome newcomers with a smile and a place to stay - though that lodging might be a half-sized stable or barn.


The Moonshae Isles

Capital: Caer Callidyrr
Population: 680,400 (human 89%, halflings 4%, elves 3%, dwarves 1%, half-elves 1%)
Government: Monarchy
Religions: Chauntea (in an aspect as the Earthmother) among the Ffolk, Tempus among the Northlanders
Imports: Coal, horses, minor magic items, ore, parchment, silk
Exports: Armor, timber, weapons
Alignment: Usually NG, TN, NE

A cold cluster of rocky islands cloaked in mists and deep woods and sprinkled with abundant beasts, bogs, and soaring mountains, the Moonshae Isles are shared by two dominant races of human folk. The northern section of the islands is dominated by seafaring Northlanders descended from the raiders of Ruathym. A darker-haired and darker-skinned human race known as the Ffolk, the islands' longer-term residents, control the southern part. The Ffolk thrive in a dozen petty kingdoms ruled over by a High Queen.

In previous years the Northlanders and the Ffolk spent much of their time at each other's throats, particularly because of the Northlanders' penchant for bloody raiding. The rise of High King Tristan Kendrick unified the two peoples of the Moonshaes. Tristan's daughter, High Queen Alicia, has held her kingdom together through the usual small wars between petty lords. Compared to the nations of mainland Faerûn, the Moonshaes have enjoyed several decades of relative peace.


The Moonsea

Capital: None
Population: 1,745,280 (humans 69%, orcs 10%, half-orcs 6%, halflings 5%, dwarves 5%, ogres 2%, gnomes 2%
Government: Independent city states usually under oligarchic rule
Religions: Bane, Cyric, Loviatar, Mask, Talos, Talona, Umberlee
Imports: Food, textiles
Exports: Forged metal, furs, gems, lumber, raw minerals, slaves
Alignment: Usually TN, LE, or LN

The Moonsea proper is a deep natural lake located north of the Dalelands and west of the Vast, connected to the Sea of Fallen Stars by the shallow, swampy River Lis. The name "Moonsea" applies to both the lake and its environs, which stretch south as far as the mouth of the Lis where the river flows into the Dragon Reach, west to the Dragonspine Mountains, north to the frigid steppes of the Ride, Thar, and the Tortured Land, and east to the Galena and Earthspur Mountains.

The Moonsea region holds a huge amount of mineral wealth for those hardy enough to brave peril to win it. The area is infamous for its bleak landscapes, harsh winters, ravaging dragons, pirates, and rapacious local governments: Some of the most aggressive cities in Faerûn rise from the Moonsea's shores: Hillsfar, Mulmaster, and Zhentil Keep. Wherever a government exists in the Moonsea; it rules with an iron grip. Tombs, ruins, and monster lairs abound in the Moonsea, as do complex intrigues and double dealing tyrants. The battle cry of the area is well chosen: "Dare - and Beware!"



Capital: Skuld
Population: 5,339,520 (humans 99%)
Government: Theocracy
Religions: Mulhorandi pantheon, Gond, Mask, Mystra, Red Knight
Imports: Pine timber, incense, iron, perfume, slaves from Thay, spices
Exports: Ale, beer, blank spellbooks, gold, granite, paper, precious stones
Alignment: Usually LN, LG, or LE

One of the few ancient empires that has survived to the present day, for millennia Mulhorand existed under the rulership of physical manifestations of its deities. Now in the hands of. those deities' mortal descendants, Mulhorand has begun to change and accommodate the rest of the world, opening itself to foreign trade and ideas.

With the collapse of Unther's government, Mulhorand has conquered much of its old rival's territory and may be looking to remake itself into the empire it used to be. Still unpopular in some western countries for its acceptance of slavery, Mulhorand remains an exotic land with powerful magic, old technology, and a powerful clergy.



Capital: Bildoobaris (summer only)
Population: 36,720 (humans 99%)
Government: Tribal
Religions: Lathander, Tempus, Waukeen
Imports: Clothing, jewelry
Exports: Horses
Alignment: Usually CN, CG, or CE

A country where only the strong survive, Narfell is a land of infertile soil that supports only scraggly grass. The people of Narfell are tribal folk called the Nars, fierce horse-riders who believe that all people are judged by their actions. Their motto, "Deed, not blood," shows their disregard for those who expect deference because of "noble" birth. Some of the tribes are hostile to outsiders, but all set aside their differences once a year for their great trademeet.

In addition to the riders, Narfell is home to tundra yeti (dire apes) and hordes of hobgoblins in the mountains. Ancient Narfell was a powerful, wizard-ruled state that was destroyed in wars against the now-fallen empire of Raumathar. The barbaric folk living here today remember little of their civilized past, but the Nars occasionally find buried cities within their land, each containing great items of battle-magic.


The Nelanther Isles

Capital: None
Population: 2,822 (orcs 30%, humans 20%, half-orcs 15%, lizard-folk 15%, ogres 10%, humanoids 9%)
Government: Armed anarchy
Religions: Beshaba, Cyric, Talos, Tempus, Umberlee
Imports: Anything natives can steal, loot, or salvage
Exports: Slaves, stolen and salvaged goods of all types
Alignment: Usually NE, CE, or CN

The Nelanther Isles are a widely scattered chain of nearly a thousand islands sprinkled from Amn into the Trackless Sea. More than half the islands lack water and are fit only for wrecking ships upon. The hundreds of islands that have drinkable water and can support life are fought over by seagoing pirates who prey upon the shipping of Amn, Calimshan, the Sword Coast, and the Moonshae isles.

Aside from their dependence on violence and larceny, the Nelanthers have surprisingly little in common with the Pirate Isles of the Dragon Coast. The Pirate isles are predominantly human, while the Nelanthers' pirates are non-humans such as orcs, lizardfolk, ogres, and minotaurs. The various races and factions of Nelanther pirates war on each other as often as they war on outsiders.



Nimbral the Sea Haven is a fabled and seldom visited land that lies off the western coast of Faerûn, southwest of Lantan. it is a small realm of forests, high meadows, and deep green forests. Little farms and spired, fairytale castles dot the countryside. The small coastal sites serve as fishing ports and docks for infrequent visitors. Many believe the land to be a mere legend.

The reclusive folk of Nimbral have a well-deserved reputation as great wizards. An enclave of studious, introverted, and extremely powerful archmages called the Nimbral Lords rule the place. The lords keep to themselves and split their time between governing and magical research. There are reputed to be more than two dozen of these lords and half as many apprentices, and they form a tight-knit, loyal family. They guard their secrets jealously, fearing attacks from groups such as the Red Wizards, the Arcane Brotherhood, the Cult of the Dragon, and, the Twisted Rune.

Nimbral is also known as the land of the Flying Hunt. Aerial knights mounted on pegasi and clad in armor of glass patrol the skies and waters of the island, seeking out flying monsters and keeping pirates and raiders away from Nimbral's shores. These knights follow the highest ideals of romantic chivalry, though some (mostly Calishite slavers) revile them as raiders and bandits.


The North

Despite settlements and civilizations that have endured for a thousand years, the constant orc invasions, harsh weather, and unyielding wilderness prove that the North is still a frontier. "The North" is a term Cormyrians and Dalesfolk use to refer to the lands west of Anauroch and north of the High Moor.

The North can he divided into five separate areas: the High Forest, the greatest existing forest in all Faerûn; the Savage Frontier, which encompasses the lands outside the High Forest and Silverymoon; the Silver Marches, a new confederation of cities, towns, and fortresses centered around the shining city of Silverymoon; the Sword Coast North, the lands west of the Dessarin River; and Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, virtually a nation unto itself.



Capital: Immilmar
Population: 654,48O (humans 99%)
Government: Monarchy/magocratic gynarchy
Religions: Bhalla (Chauntea), the Hidden One (Mystra), Khelliara (Mielikki)
Imports: Cloth, food, wood products
Exports: Carvings, cheese, firewine, furs, wool
Alignment: Usually NG, CG, or TN

Rashemen is a cold, rugged land, populated by hardy and fiercely independent people. Its men are berserkers, disdaining armor and fighting with axe, spear, sword, and bow. Its women wield powerful magic tied to the land, training those with magical potential to serve the land and the Rashemi race. Although Rashemen is ostensibly ruled by a powerful warrior called the Iron Lord, the true powers behind the throne are the Witches, who choose the Iron Lord.

The land is full of nature spirits, any of which can turn jealous or vindictive against those who offend them. Rashemi laws are simple and based on honor, and they disdain the trappings of civilization. The people are devoted to the warrior ideal competing in athletic contests and other harsh physical activities such as swimming in near-freezing rivers. These challenges keep them strong, for weakness would doom them to death at the claws of the land's many monsters.


The Ride

North of the Moonsea and south of the Tortured Land lies the broad green swale known as the Ride, which is home to numerous roaming barbarian tribes, believed to be the descendants of the Angardt barbarians of northern Netheril.



Capitol: Samargol
Population: 434,510 (humans 99% [Tashalans 80%, Chultans 19%, Halruaans (Nimbrese) 1%], yuan-ti 1%)
Government: Monarchy (vassal state of Nimbral)
Religions: Leira (Gyric), Squamata the Black (Sseth [now Set])
Imports: Weapons
Exports: Pearls, salt, spices
Alignment: Usually CN or NE

The Hidden Kingdom of Samarach lies along the southern shore of the Chultan Peninsula, between Thindol and the Jungles of Chult. Although independent of Nimbral, Samarach is a vassal state of the Seahaven ruled by one of the twelve Nimbral Lords. Mountain passes leading to Samarach are cloaked in veils of illusion (treat as widespread hallucinatory terrain effects made permanent), and the kingdom's settlements are protected by high walls and overlapping permanent images.