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Greengrass Festival Schedule of events

Started by daphne, Mar 20, 2014, 01:18 AM

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This is a placeholder for the schedule of events, questions and suggestions for people. 


There will be "Door Prizes" at most of them - Random people attending will get one chit to have a plushie made of their choosing

IG Contacts:  Carys MacKenna, Sheighley Flynn, Alana, Aelie


Friday March 28 - 4 PM Eastern 9 PM GMT - Opening Ceremony

Saturday March 29 - 3 PM Eastern 8 PM GMT - Wrestling

Sunday March 30 - 2 PM Eastern 7 PM GMT - Riddle contest

Sunday March 30 - 5 PM Eastern 10 PM GMT - Drinking contest

Sunday March 30 - 7 PM Eastern, midnight GMT - Plushie auction

Monday March 31 - 7 PM Eastern 12 midnight GMT - Archery

Tuesday April 1 - 6 PM Eastern, 11 PM GMT - Bonfires, cooking, maypole dances

Wednesday April 2 - 4 PM Eastern, 9 PM GMT - nature people event, possibly The Wild Ride

Thursday April 3 - 7 PM Eastern, midnight GMT - Hammer Throwing

Friday April 4  - open date

Saturday April 5 - 4 PM Eastern 10 PM GMT - Bardic competition

Saturday April 5 - 6 PM Eastern, 11 PM GMT Swords Thrown Down rite, spring ball, - Sune's Temple

Sunday April 6 - 4 PM Eastern, 9 PM GMT - Melee competitions

Sunday April 6 - 8 PM Eastern, 1 AM GMT - closing of the festival


Opening Ceremonies

Friday March 28 4 PM Eastern Time, 1 PM Pacific, 9 PM Brit time

Welcome by Lord Marliir
Announcement of Important Political changes for Cormyr
Recognition of recent heroics for the services of the city of Arabel

((Daphne will run, approx. time no more than an hour))


Bardic Competition

Saturday, March 29
5 PM Eastern Time, 2 PM Pacific, 10 PM Brit

Songs, dances, tales - anything that will be a treat for our audience!

There will be prizes for winning contestants

There will be a door prize for a lucky audience member!

((I need judges, and performers obviously...please sign up or PM if interested.

Rhea - judge


Hammer Throwing

Thursday, April 3
7 PM Eastern, 4 PM Pacific, 12 midnight Brit time

There will be prizes for winning contestants

There will be a door prize for a lucky audience member!

((Daphne will run))


Riddle Contest

Sunday March 30
2 PM Eastern time 11 AM Pacific, 7 PM Brit

Aelie will run

Door prize!

Winner gets a prize!

((Bring a riddle with you to the event.  All contestants will get a chance to answer all riddles.



Saturday, March 29

3 PM Eastern / 8 PM GMT

Clay will run
Alana IG contact

Prize - a bath from two females or males, winner's choice!


Drinking Contest

Sunday, March 30
5 PM Eastern 10 PM GMT

Clay will run
Alana IG contact

Prize - an ever-full mug!


Plushie Auction

Sunday, March 30
7 PM Eastern 12 AM GMT

Carys IG contact

Bring lots of coin, based on last time.

Door prizes will be awarded throughout the auction!


Archery Contest

Monday, March 31
7 PM Eastern 12 AM GMT

((Based on interest, will run two or more divisions of the event so that more-or-less equal levels can compete.

Prizes - special arrows, custom made bows


Bonfires, Cooking

Tuesday, April 1
6 PM Eastern 11 PM GMT

No contest or anything - this is just a chance to socialize.  Please bring any special food/baking your character does, and be prepared to share!

Bonfire Jumping - a very common celebration, it is said to attract the luck of Tymora to jump over one at midnight


Nature Event

Wednesday, April 2
4 PM Eastern 9 PM GMT

Iyanna IG contact

This is still in the planning stages, and a placeholder.  One possibility is the Wild Ride, where followers of Mielikki and like-minded deities ride unicorns across the forest and celebrate with feasting and dancing.


Swords Thrown Down, Spring Ball

Saturday, April 5
6 PM Eastern 11 PM GMT

Swords thrown down is a ceremony of the Revelmistress Lliira.  Weapons are cast on the ground and symbolically covered with flowers as a gesture of the desire for peace. 

Sheighley Flynn, IG contact

Followed by a Spring dance, wear your best / most interesting spring-time get-up!  Anything from formal dress to strands of flowers acceptable.


Melee Competition

Sunday, April 6
4 PM Eastern 9 PM GMT

((Based on interest, will run two or more divisions of the event so that more-or-less equal levels can compete.

Prizes will be awarded


Comprehensive Schedule of events now in the first post of this thread


Note:  Bardic Competition rescheduled for Saturday, April 5 at 4 PM Eastern.