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Red Wizards and Knights

Started by The Red Mage, Apr 04, 2014, 07:13 AM

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The Red Mage

I'm looking for new Red Wizards and Knights to join the ranks of the faction! If you need information regarding how to roll either of them, let me know.

A few things to consider!

Red Wizards, in this time period, are overwhelmingly, and almost always, human and mulhorandi.

You must chose a school of magic when creating your character, AND prohibit an additional spell school, unless you have good backstory for why you don't(it's the trade off for getting +6 to your school DCs!)

Knights need to be more than walls of walking muscle. Try to create a character who is self sustainable, meaning you could play them by yourself or when other faction members are not on. A mute bodyguard who is seven feet tall is cool and fun and all, but you won't get much roleplay done when everyone else is offline.

Other than that, everything is pretty much "go". Since we don't have a real Thayan Knight PrC, the build paths for Knights are wide open(except cleric, druid, bard, sorcerer). Rangers, fighters, rogues, tatooed barbarians, and monks tend to be the way people have gone so far.

If you're looking to specialize in a school of magic that isn't being done, Transmutation, Illusion, Evocation(there's a few Red Wizards doing this, but they aren't active), Divination(RP only mostly), and Abjuration(RP only mostly, except for your imprisonment would be godlike) are good choices! But feel free to go whichever way you prefer for your character or playstyle.

Any other questions, you can PM me.


Do it. They are surprisingly fun to play once you get into it.

The Red Mage

Feel free to also make pairs of characters with friends or whatnot. A Wizard/ Knight who came together, or two long rivaling Knights. Your characters don't have to "serve" Marziima. He's a benevolent ruler! A Knight can already be established to belong to another Wizard before they even arrive.

The Red Mage

May extend the recruitment to Clerics of Kossuth(or more shady deities). PM me with questions.

Here's some source material to give you an idea of the faction.

Under major organizations.

The Red Mage

I'm bumping this in an attempt to revive the faction after some players went MIA. Currently, we're in dire need of some Knights. I've some plot ideas I want to try and execute and maybe introduce a persistant, rival force to focus on since the server's time frame has moved up.


I still have a Knight for this faction, I just haven't played him because.  Well, I rarely play alts without a good reason to.


I have a character who isn't currently associated with Thay, but she is a defensive-minded warrior type (Fighter/WM [Morningstar]/Blackguard [Dispater]). If the local Thayans aren't averse to picking up their protectors from areas outside their homeland, she might not be averse to aligning herself with them. It'd certainly give me something to do with the character, who otherwise kind of hasn't had much direction, heheh.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

The Red Mage

We often hire mercenaries for contracted work, but some of the plots will be very "in-the-know" and secretive which may not allow members immediately outside the faction access,(because of how dangerous some information can be floating around!) if that makes sense. You're more than welcome to come with us on some plots, but the more Red Wizardy the plot gets, the less likely the faction will hire outsiders to help with it.

We're initiating the start of a new Red Wizard era by introducing Tam which will make it less strict(...very minorly) so it would be up to other players/wizards to decide if they want to tattoo a non-Mulani person for a Knight. You just may face extreme prejudice from within the faction, of course.


Yeah I figured there would be at least some phase of "earning trust/earning your rank" for any potential outsiders getting involved. Not unlike pretty much any other faction.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda

The Nameless Bard

I've made a character today, Danax Kallos who is built as a Thayan Knight.  

I have to play it for a bit to see if the character will stick or not though.

The Red Mage

The Nameless Bard

There doesn't appear to be a lot of lore of Thayan Knights in any source books.  Maybe in novels?

At any rate, I think I am going to steal from somewhere else and get something written down.

Ogre Time Yay

Got a character I could make in mind, I might try it out sometime...

The Red Mage

Anyone is welcome to try, even if it doesn't sit right with them afterward. No pressure! Just be open to questionably moral activity. As far as source material, there is a limited amount as well. The most I can find is a blurb in the source book which lists the PrC information. The rest of it is more or a less copy and pasting of that or adaptations of the source material into fiction.

Here's some consolidated source info for general purposes. Some of it has been changed for the server but most not:

Here's the consolidated source from LoD on Thayan Knights. I have the PDF of the actual book if someone wants it too. It has some more information on all the topics.

We've a much looser concept of Thayan Knight here since the PrC is unavailable. We've had a barbarian(mine), a few fighter/rogues, and a few monks. Feel free to roll whatever you're interested in martial wise. It could be a melee/heavy armor ranger, a pure tanky fighter, a rogue type... whatever. We just at the moment have many wizards and very few knights(summons are boring). ECL races have been accepted as Knights before, but it is the exception with typical human/ mulani(and rarely Rashemi) being the majority.

The Nameless Bard

I'm thinking that Space Marines from Games Workshop* Hellknights from the Pathfinder world would be a good place to draw from for Knights.  Certainly, the ranks.

It would also give my character something to do other than follow around fokes in red robes.  Each of the Order would be a good theme for the character although some are better than others.

* - Lawsuit for misuse of trademarked term is pending.