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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Ok, it must be said. Since I came here about a month ago, I've been pleasantly overwhelmed with such great people and their RP!! I've been able to delve into a new chapter with my character, and it's flourishing!!! Thank you to everyone that has pulled me in so completely to this new server, it's fantastic!!!

Here are a few names that are of immediate relevance to the RP I've had. Upto, but not limited to of course!!!

Vaesi - Such a warm welcome, and intriguing RP!! You're showing me things about my character...that I've played for over 6 years mind you!! ....that I have yet to explore!!! Thanks!!
TheotherKip - Again, a very warm welcome! The various characters I've had the chance to meet are very colorful, and engaging! Awesome!!
Arion's player - A great welcome to the server as well. I look forward to learning more about your character too >:)
Arya Kalarathri - Very very intriguing RP from Daetria so far. More more!!!!
Theorem Of Neutrality - Yander is such a bundle of complexities!! Love it!!! Also a great welcome to the server by the player!!!

....there are more!! You know who you are!!

Thank you!!


Thank you to all the awesome that came to the Croy wedding. Most of you have seen their journey; it ain't over yet!

Everyone had fun comments and great discussions. Glad others enjoyed it!

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


So I had a lot of fun with the whole descent in to the underwater tower place... yesterday? I lost track of time. The bath house adventures were fun, too, and I ended up staying awake until 7:30 AM - almost 24 straight hours - and I was on my second 8 oz glass of scotch by Bathhouse time. So great fun all around!

I don't remember who all was there, username-wise. I know   was there, and   and Elzevir who's username I don't know. :(

And  !


Hydaro, Tarah and Trent. The last few nights have pushed Lena in her abilities and Gifts. Either Sehanine is going to reward her handsomely... or the Dy'neis are going to kill her :)

The ongoing relationship between Hyde and Lena has amazing dynamics. How two messed up people found each other and make it work has been a blast to play. Looking forward to more!
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


Honestly, I second this except removing my name and putting yours in RJ, you guys are awesome RP that I just cannot get enough of!!
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden

Ogre Time Yay

Yes! I would also like to thank people, and things all over the world.

RJ and Val, for being, like... I dunno... Totally awesome, and joining me in exploring the minds of poor bastards who live in a brutal medieval fantasy world, with multiple characters.
And the players of Paythin, Trent, Tarah, Kel, Shade, Ash and Timothy: For actually taking the time to invite someone (myself) to an RP Quest that hasn't been apart of one for a looooooooong, long time.

And lastly, I'd like to thank Varyxia... ((The Red Dragon enemy, not a player))
... For fuckin' dispelling me, and making me use all of my expensive as hell potions,
And totally making the trip not worth it financially,
But totally making it worth it after allowing me to beat the ever lovin' fuck outta her.
You sonova bitch.

To everyone else,
I love you,
Be free.


Right back at you Hydaro, you are awesome to RP with!!
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


First I wanted to give a shout out to    for keeping Zander on his toes and making him fun to play again.

To all the new Purple Dragon and War Wizard recruits and the Vets for making the faction fun to be apart of again.

To all the people who have participated in the Sky Rock plot and are pushing it to its closing you have done awesome!


To the Shazzelurt crew. I need to make sure I do not do any ab workouts that day because I am almost die laughing every time.

To  for finally bringing closure to a question with an old pc. It was thrilling and exciting to learn about the events that had happened with the various Ravenshadows since 2007 when he ran across them last!

To everybody on here. You guys are all great and I really love the playerbase right now!


I should probably post another one of these.

Naleeah's player (too many GSIDs :P) and Thorien - For making Fade fun to play again with all of your PCs involved with her. She had been a difficult one for me to start and now we have all the people who can support her role as the wild card she truly is in Cormyr and the Dalelands. 

Vincent - for letting me make Fade to start. And having us do it in a way where the twins are still getting to know each other. I miss seeing Anora around more, but look forward to the day she makes an appearance and confuses everyone else in the mix. :-D 

Yander, Teldrath, Velenya, Florian, and Jared - Thank you for acting as non-elves who have sincere interest in learning about elven lore for differing reasons, or at the least have connected with Daeatria and helped her continue being more than just her namesake and her mission. It has been a nice venue and yet natural for my main, considering her stance on what constitutes the "Elven Ways." I am happy you guys try to include me in the stories your PCs make to one degree or another. Even sometimes, if it is to remind her that she has other aspirations not involving just her people.

The Moonshadows, the Lyre Society, and the Taures, and those affiliated (you know who you are) - Thank you for giving Daeatria some work to do in the Semberholme. ;-) We all know there are not many things she holds above her 'mission,' even if she may not be just that.  And all of the familial-like bonds she is making with some of the characters in these factions is rather endearing. It has added a layer to her that I never planned on being there when I made her.

Valimar - For being a good sport with the romance between the privateer and his 'princess.' We all know she is not an easy one to catch, and much harder to keep up with! Their current development has arguably been a risky one, but also yet seems to only strengthen their relationship more than challenge it. Sumest knew what he signed up for and has stuck with it all the way. Two independent souls, that somehow are in love each other regardless of what lives they lead. All the more reason they have chosen each other. People who know being best friends is the most important priority in their romantic (yet strange) love life! 

Ravenshadows - It seems I am kind of being redundant here as some of the other groups are now mixed in with this one, but thank you for having developed your personalities and been part of the roleplay - and for making it more than just about the Ravenshadows, as well. I never thought things would go as they did, and they are much funner for it, too. Personal roleplay yet roleplay that can end up including more versus few is very awesome to me! 

Erelrae's player - Your character and Daeatria seem to have a lot in common, and some similar bloodline insecurities. It is interesting to see Daeatria finding herself less and less alone and that there is some support to keep her internal struggles from getting too much of her. Despite the characters having a few superficial differences, it feels as if their lives are going to lead them being less able to retire before their loved ones do. With parallel dangers. And both seem prepared (or are preparing) to deal with the consequences of such! 

Dismus - Are you kidding me?! The PC you previously mentioned was there for the start of the Ravenshadow saga, from the time Alyssana was Spymaster of Deepingdale, to going after the Vyshaan who began his emnity with the Branded King and the Daemonfey...and, to finally seeing that Daeatria's bloodline connections might have been where that terrible night in the Moonwood and Silverymoon began. Almost a decade of political and psychological thrillers in Cormyr's Elven History, and I am excited to see more of his story develop! It is always a gift to play with you.

And everyone else who is here, and those who left: thank you for gifting me with your roleplay and talent. Thank you all for having made this place a better and fun place to develop stories. Finally: thank you for trying to be kind and considerate of each other. What makes this community is the people, and we know that ultimately is what enriches our time here.
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


You are awesome to have around, always tons of fun be it with the PDK or with your events, your always willing to help too be it IG or on Skype!! You rule, keep up the great work!!
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


The community i hang with as Keldray already know i appreciate them a lot, but i want to make it more official on the forum, at least once, it is not purely an RP thank you, it also include DM and OOC thanks:

The admins:
Thank you   for your welcoming when i was on my first day of playing, it helped me greatly and it was a warm receiving, for that i will always appreciate you.

Thank you @belladonna   for all the great events you have hosted so far and for being patient with me at times, i know we haven't met eye to eye recently due to specific circumstance but you do your job without predjudice and i respect you for that, you always answered me on the forum and in-game with a certain "neutral judge" stance, and that somewhat help me when i am feeling distressed, thank you, i look forward to play in your future events.

Thank you   for what you do in general, you're a busy man so you are very often in the background, but you pour a lot of energy into the module and you are a patient individual, despite your own limits your efforts are positively seen among the community and it is sometimes important to note it, so thank you for what you do.

The DMs and aDMs:
There is so many DMs that i just love to interact with, both OOCly and ICly, a lot of you are really awesome, i greatly like a lot of you.

  you are easily among my favorites, such a charming personality, always very caring and attentive and always trying to do your best, you are admirable, and your events are so majestic, you were also the DM to have hosted my first event ever on the server, thank you, very much so.

  you are pretty awesome, your events are very good to attend to, as a player you are easy to hang with and your characters does not conflict with my main character, which is a huge plus, thank you for everything you do, it is reflecting as very positive to me, this short thank you does you no justice, but it comes from the deepest heartwarming intentions.

  thank you for what you did for me in the short length of time we had so far, i look forward to your events, if our time lines ever allow it.

  some of your events were very epic and great, i personally loved your events with the pirates in Immersea for the comedic aspect, and your epic event with the Maze, keep inspiring yourself to such events, it really pour a lot of essence and immersion into your work, and thank you for having stopped Arion in your maze event when things were getting out of hand, it was honestly very distressing so it was a great relief when he started getting a leash on his attitude, thank you for doing what you can to keep the community serene and positive.

  we haven't gotten to talk a lot OOCly, but every times i needed to you were always positive on your answers, and you helped me whenever i needed help, i sadly only gotten to attend to one of your event, but i loved it (Paythin the Silent clothing up ravens with shirts), thank you for being overall a great person.

  thank you for your epic lost eyes event, that was such a great event, i am actually a bit bummed that this is the only event i gotten to attend in your efforts, but it was really good!

  sorry for completely twisting Tarah's loss of innocence event into something that completely made you scrap your future event sheets *chuckles* but i loved the event, thank you for the great time!

The players:

  Paythin the holder of many titles proclaimed by Keldray who is the sister he never wanted, always fun when our characters tease each others mercilessly!

  who would've thought Trent would turn from seeing Keldray as the most undesirable person in the world to one of his most trusted friend and ally? I love playing with you, and you are a sweet person OOCly, keep being who you are, you are a dear.

@misplacedmaskarran   you been with Keldray over 3 servers in an amount of time that can be considerated as a couple years in real time now, despite the busy schedules, the oopsies at times and the drama we went through yer still around and taking some time every so often to play with my character, thank you for even considerating that, i honestly wish more time would be invested, but you have choices to make and we have to live with them, thank you for the great RP experiences whenever we can afford to have them, it is always very appreciated!

  &   &   thank you Nyacelil, Faelon and Nim Elen, i greatly enjoy playing and interacting with you three when the situation afford it, keep Keldray in mind as she always keep you all in hers!

Thank you to all the other players who started to acquaint my character, i look forward for progressing relationships.


I would to thank the three players who ran with Astraea-Celes and the RP, it was awesome! You were a great welcome to the server! I'm sorry I don't exactly recall the player loggins but you know who you are :D   Also my apologies for crashing heh system decided to shut down, so catch you Ig next time ;)


To the players with whom I've had the opportunity to role play, be it briefly or at length, thank you!!


My usual suspects of course get a thank you, Firstman, Sorn, Arya and Stormy and co.

Autumn I want to thank you for giving Iyanna something to kidnap every visit to Arabel she makes, and show just how kitten obsessed she is.
Misplaced I've enjoyed Erliza and Naleeiahs times together recently.
The Taures in general for helping to bring the Dales to life recently...
And Ryoko especially for a funny little moment that really showed how freaky Galdern has become in regards to certain subjects, due to the plot of Matron Zaurev, until seeing her reaction to the concept of Fey'ri I had not thought about just how much that plot line changed him.