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Animal & Druidic

Started by Misty, Apr 16, 2015, 04:25 PM

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So I had a question about these 'two' languages. I was told that on Cormyr, Druidic and Animal are the same thing. In which case, only druids can learn or know animal.. Shouldn't there either be an actual druidic language, or animal simply be what it's called? As it stands, only druids can ever learn to speak what most would assume is the language animals would speak.. Which is kinda crappy for any rangers/other wild character types.

Isn't there normally a druidic language included in the language tools? It'd make a lot more sense for these to be separate languages.
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything


The druidic language is Sylvan.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


Really? Huh. Well, then I need to get a language swapped. Because I was told otherwise!
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything


Yep. Rangers get animal.


Note that what we do not have is the actual PnP Druidic language - the secret language only Druids can know. There's no script in game for that language. So that's why you may encounter other characters who speak Sylvan who aren't druids, due to them having connections to fey or other creatures that speak Sylvan as a racial language.

If you're wanting that secret Druidic language, it's like the elemental languages - we have no widget for it so if you want to use it you have to do so by emoting your character saying something incomprehensible then send tells to the people who should be able to understand, or emote speaking in that language and trust people not to metagame it.
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Nope nope. Just needed animal. I'd asked for it on a very wild/tribe like character that had the background for it. But I was told that was druidic. And was given Slyvan instead. I'll ask a DM to fix.
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything


I have removed the Sylvan token for now. I will post for discussion in DM forums as far as allowing Animal to a starting PC without Druidic or Ranger levels.
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


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Druidic is a secret language only known by druids. Sylvan is the language of fey and and other sentient forest creatures. Animal is a sham and not a language at all. If anything, I would say take out the Animal language. Any communication that needs be done with animals should be covered under the umbrella of skill points in Animal Empathy.

This kinda is my personal preference.  :)  For the exact reasons stated.

It's supposed to simulate using the Speak With Animals spell, though, rather than being actual "talk with animals normally."


Or if not taking it out, since the spell does exist and it seems a understandable compromise, I would kind of like to see Animal get the same limitation as Thieves Cant does, a limited number of letters that can be said in it, to go along with the fact that at best they are going to understand a few easy concepts, just my feelings on the matter


On characters that I've had use either, I insist on very limited language, because neither is intended for very complex communication. Thieves' cant limits it by default, but I'm pretty sure the way it is now, with animal, you have to self-monitor that kind of thing.


Yeah at the moment you have to self limit animal, I'd like to see that changed to limit the same way Thieves Cant does