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A Better (And More 3.5ish) Ranger

Started by Voice of Kerensky, Dec 27, 2014, 10:17 AM

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Voice of Kerensky

Quite simply:

If anyone is wondering how the 1 bonus feat every 3 levels is supposed to relate to the 3.5 ranger, if you look at the feat list, this is mostly designed to allow a character to emulate the 3.5 ranger TWF or ranged weapon specialization (as typically speaking a person will build for one or the other).

Only other change I'd make is a bump up to 6 skill points/level as implemented here.


Rangers do get 6 skill points/level here.  (Sans 1st level if at creation which needs a LETO.)  They also gain HiPS at 17th level, in addition to the TWF feats they gain for free as they level up.

I do plan to improve their spellbook a bit in the near future.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Colin Mack

Alice will thank you by building you a snowman.

Ogre Time Yay

A better Ranger wouldn't go home, a better Ranger would go with ME!

Voice of Kerensky

Been a while since I touched this one, and admittedly I didn't get into as much detail as I should have.

Thoughts on implementing a bonus feat system that roughly emulates the 3.5 edition "dual wield or bow" path choices and adds a little more pizazz to levels 10-20?


I've always hated that the default ranger get's nothing in the line of the path choices of PnP really. Something like that would be really neat, allowing one to -actually- perhaps build a ranged ranger.. Without it just being subpar to other options.
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything


First off, thanks for all the interesting mechanical suggestions Psappho! You've obviously put a lot of thought into these, and you're also clearly quite smart in the domain of math/logic that is important for game balance, and in my view spot-on at understanding the big picture - a rare, and extremely useful combination of aptitudes.

This one however has a particular technical issue: namely, the way ranger bonus feats are handled by the game engine means that people can use them to select epic bonus feats instead of their intended function (ranger class features). That's already a major issue in my book, and shifting even more of their abilities to be based on bonus feats would only make the problem worse.

Now, you could work around this with nwnx-granted feats, through a conversation menu or something, but that requires a bit more work to set up (I've done something similar in the past). And also is a bit less user-friendly.


lol I stumbled onto this one.  Vince, I agree!  You should totally make these changes to ranger will the 3.5.  Rangers need the buff  *sage nod*


Vincent07 Avatar
Rangers do get 6 skill points/level here.  (Sans 1st level if at creation which needs a LETO.)  They also gain HiPS at 17th level, in addition to the TWF feats they gain for free as they level up.

I do plan to improve their spellbook a bit in the near future.
I demand the ability to stick knives in the ground to learn if Orcs are heading for Isengard or not.


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DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Me I'm selfish, I just want the 6 bonus feats


The bonus feats would be nice, I could have one nasty ranger/weaponmaster already at level 9m :D