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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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I would also like to thank for the great interaction between Voss and Arawinla last night. Was good getting in touch with a part of the character that doesn't get a lot of focus and learning a bit about Ara.


Been a while since I've done this, so let's get going!

Canticle & Luidaeg: You two are awesome. Your characters are lively, engaging, and offer depth to each one that I absolutely love seeing. Be it Mouse chatting with Wing about Sembia, Ara baking sweets for Suvi/Mouse and getting tentacle knowledge from Tahl, or Ara speaking with Voss about the deep stuff and eating raw onion, I'm eager to have my characters interact with your's for the sheer enjoyment you two bring. You acknowledge some of the grittier parts of the fantasy and setting, and that, in my mind, is very refreshing. Also, loot.

Terallis: While Wing and Aedan's rivalry can be a drain at times, it's still a good reminder that even though they're both adventurers who want to see their common friends succeed, friends of friends are not always friends! The deep devotion you show with your characters, and the detail of your emotes is tantalizing. You breathe life into everywhere you go with your characters.

Hyrulee: The king edgelord. I have terrorized Rin with most of my active characters, be it Wing and his ways, Tali knocking him out cold with a gem (or drowning him!), or Ara having him hand out baked goods. Your characters are endearing, and you take any RP that comes your way in great stride.

Necrofai: While we haven't done a whole lot lately together, I really enjoyed the hunting night we did with Ara and Shash and co. It was a fun trip, even though Shash is a sassy lil lady :P

Jarvik: Charter. I absolutely love Charter and the thoughtful sweetness he brings. Plus I'm a little biased with there being a Sunite wearing pink! While we haven't gotten to interact too much yet, I've enjoyed the small chats and adventures we've had together.

Buurag: I forget your login name, but Buu is a wonderful recent addition to the server. Another prime example of a player who can go with the flow, you are engaging and a delight to RP with. Plus, Buu eats all of Ara's baking she gives him, which is very much a treat!

Lionheart: Edy's cheerfulness is quite appreciated. I'm a bit sad that it gets spoiled by Tali's rowdy ways when she stomps and yells around the commons, but the interactions between Edy and Ara have been delightful.

Trylobyte: Whether it's Kaylee hanging out with Mista, Ara feeding forty-four or your hin arguably too many treats, or whatever interactions we may have, you are relaxing and easy to RP with again and again. I greatly enjoy the time we get to pal around together, even if our timing isn't always the best! <3

Project Iroh: You are simply delightful to RP with. I'm glad I get to keep bumping into you over the years, and you're still refreshingly fun every time we get to play together.

onivel1: You're a wonderful person to RP and hunt with. I really want to be able to play with you more, and I enjoyed the bit of mischief Dani and Ara have gotten into.

Melody: The RP between Shyla and Tali was great. It's really enjoyable to me when Tali's softer and more protective side can be expressed, just gotta get through the thick-skulled, loud-mouth she is!

Silvery: Where to start. Be it mischief and fun with Wing and Deryn or Ara and Saffron, or just interacting with any of your other characters, you are certainly one of my favorite people to RP with. You're awesome! <3

Of course, there are many more of you who are great! Just these are the people who have stuck out to me with recent RP from my own failing memory! <3


Whew. Been a few years since I've done one of these, so here we go!

First, to all the Sins, you've made our time back on the server absolutely amazing, and it's been a real pleasure having Voss and Mouse build up a family with all of you. The roleplay has been at times lighthearted, others serious, and often compelling, and I'm overjoyed that I get to interact with you all everyday on the server and in our Discord.

Breaking things down a bit:

@davorin — Not only have you been great fun to tease with a variety of my characters (many of them seem to have an unshakable mischievous streak — sorrynotsorry), but it's also been wonderful exploring with your character the idea that despite the things that make us different from others, we don't need to fix what's "wrong" with us all the time; this has been particularly poignant for Mouse, even if it's a lesson learned a little too late.

— I've truly loved the more tender moments I've gotten to experience with your characters - Mouse with Rin and Soley both, and Suvina with Ohzra. Giving Mouse people to care about again has been crucial for her growth here, and that's only made greater by seeing how much they care in return. Ohzra's friendship with Suvina was really unexpected, but no less fantastic for it. I can't wait until your quest happens for him so I can learn more about where he's come from and where he's going!

— Unicorn Friend, Rith always makes me laugh, and Charter is just too fabulous to be allowed. It's always so fun playing with both of them. I also love that you let me play Nerd Barbie with Rithy. It's amazing.

— Justina and her ever-growing harem are a source of endless amusement to Mouse, and Justina's ego boosts to her Rat Queen never go unnoticed or unappreciated. Getting to go on the quest to meet Justina's "other family" was a ton of fun, and I look forward to more!

- Cookie's energy and enthusiasm are infectious, and I love playing with her. When she asked to join the Sins, Mouse, who usually takes a hands-off approach and sends people to Voss to join, jumped at the chance, insisting they had to have her. I'm so glad she did!

- Kevran's given Mouse and Suvi both things to reflect on more than once, and I like the dynamic between he and Suvi — friends despite her goddess' opposition to his.

— You've been a great friend these past few years, and I'm glad to be playing with your characters again. I love them all — you know I do — but I think Axxton has been one of the most surprising of late, and it's been awesome learning more about him.

— Though Nai doesn't always feel like she fits, the night she and Mouse hunted together and bonded was actually pretty magical. I can't wait to do it again!

— one of the latest additions to the Sins, the Big Lad has been one of the most interesting half-orcs I've ever seen played. His interactions with all of my characters have been so much fun. Thanks for giving the Sins a chance and hanging out with a bunch of loonies like us all day. You've made playing Dwinna fun again, too.

And now, outside the Sins:

— I've always enjoyed playing with Wing, and it's only gotten better since we've been back. Ara's baking is going to make Mouse chubby at this rate, and she's not even sorry about it, and Suvi loves having her as a gal pal. And Kaylee? Adorable.

— Drak is super sweet, and Mouse is finding she likes him more than she expected to, and is glad he's got her back. There's a war on out there, after all. And Alaric is an absolute charmer. Voss better watch out.  ;)  And Kai regularly gives me giggle fits. 

— What can I say? Aislinn's charmingly confusing use of planar cant on poor Dwinna makes her dizzy, and I love every moment of it. Makes me miss the days I used to play on a planar server. Which brings me to . . . 

— I really missed playing with you, buddy, and I'm glad I get the chance again. I'm finding I love Ezrabird as much as I did that big old softie, Grod. <3

— It's been great playing with Kel and Til both again, and rediscovering what I loved about both characters way back when!

— What can I say about Father Lewis? He's full of surprises. Suvina, as a paladin, of course likes him, but I hadn't expected such a deep conversation between him and Dwinna, or for her to get such incredible insight from him. I started the interaction on a whim, just wanting to be polite when she found him at the gate, but got so much more out of it than I expected. I hope we can do it again, soon.

I'm sure I missed a ton of people, and so I'll likely do another one of these again soon, but thank you, everyone, for all the great experiences I've had since I've been back!


What would Aislinn do without someone reminding her she needs to eat more than bar food and ale?


DubiousScroll Avatar

What would Aislinn do without someone reminding her she needs to eat more than bar food and ale?

Probably just confuse all the other tavern drunks instead of Dwinna.  :D


I wanted to thank  for the interaction with Neisha last night. Neisha did something that hit a sore spot for Alyssana and the conversation became rather interesting once the two and Jaylithel were in a space for dialogue.

I also want to thank  for the roleplay with the Ravenshadows over the years, but especially Alyssana. An unplanned curveball hit and there were so many things that despite having known each other a long time, Jay and Alyss both did not know happened and in parts of their story that had fit perfectly together. Such as the priestess and chosen of Shar having tried to mess with them both at the same time!
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Always fun to RPL with you Arya... and yeah... kind of funny the things you find out 10+ years later!
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.

Garage Trashcan

 Because, even after all these years, Felix and Alyssana's interactions are so genuine. The unshatterable familial bond they share is so endearing, and it feels great to have something my character cares about so strongly even after years of me being a grumpy cynic.

 I'm glad I dragged your ragged ass back here. It's good to shoot the shit and just have shenanigans with you again

 It's been like a literal decade since I got to RP with you, thanks for the fun on Sunday

I haven't gotten some real RP with you in oh-so-very many years. Sam's cheerful confidence was fun to play off of Halonya's stoicness.

 I wish we got to RP more, but you're my eternal dungeon buddy and power-level partner. You even forced me to play on non-CD servers recently. How dare you.

 our non-stop meme-ing breathes life into me and is one of the reasons I haven't completely burned out yet. Every conversation with you is a riot.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich

I want to thank Arya for Alyss'ana, Daeatria and whoever else I Rp'd with over the course of my time here.  They've woven a very intricate story, and It's mind boggling how deep it goes.  Many kudos for you.

Onivel, well, why wouldn't I mention you?  Badhbh is epic.  Jay is awesome.  Nuff said.


Hi, I dont do these often. I think the last one I did was when I joined the server. But this one is mostly general if anything.

Even with all the breaks I've taken, etc. CD has been a home base for me in more than one way. It was an escape, it has been a way for me to get away from whatever was bothering me.

And also, it saved my life.

I wont get into gritty, but just know- if you took the time to talk to me, RP with any of my characters or have me along for events? You kept me in mind, and you kept me alive.

Thank you CD, thank you everyone. And I hope to be here for ages to come. Love you all.


It has been awesome getting to play with your characters as well - particularly Shan and I absolutely love Cookie. She's adorable!


Shout out to Team Shield for all the fun last night!!  :)


Wanted to very quickly thank all the players in the Sins of the Father Mercenary company for all the awesome and fun rp we've had! You guys are the best. Too many to list here, but you know who you are!


Want to thank everyone that has shaped Lauriella's life in Cormyr so far. they've done some fantastically outstanding rp with her to get her where she is. Alyssana plays a big part of that along with Neisha, Aedan, Theodure, Azaela, Dove, Ezra, Buurag  and the many other people she has met and associated with at one time or another. They have all influenced her.