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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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CD Module v4.10b2


  • Fixed a suspected server crash during area loads.

  • Fixed black screens after loading areas with resource overrides sometimes not being cleared correctly.

  • Fixed EFFECT_PARALYZE, EFFECT_IMMOBILIZE, EFFECT_FRIGHTENED, EFFECT_PETRIFIED not being applied to plot or immortal creatures.


  • NPCs and PCs will display whether they are sneaking, invisible or in sanctuary under their nameplate if visible.

  • PC party members can always see other party members who're sneaking. (Because of engine limitations, you still can't see them if they're invisible or in sanctuary currently.)


  • The Semberholme has seceded from Deepingdale into the newly formed dale, Semberdale. Area names, conversations, placeable descriptions and items have been updated appropriately.



CD Module v4.10c1

With this module update, some tweaks are being made to the server configuration as a speculative fix to a server stall resulting in a server crash we've been seeing over the past year that occurs during area loading, though the exact reason isn't known to us due to the type of crash not giving us a crash dump. This change will result in slower area load times for players. Load times should approximately be what they were again from before July 2022 when we first tweaked area load times.


  • Player house updates.

  • Updated various player home, guild, and business areas to conform with the _ph_ reserf naming convention. Some bindpoints set to these areas may need to be bound again.

  • Fixed Yulash - Sewers - Lower Reaches being incorrectly flagged as an above ground exterior area.

  • (Banshee) Quest area updates.

  • (Banshee) Updated Ashabenford exterior and Ashabenford - Temple of Tyr interior

  • (Rykka) Updates to dungeons in testing.

  • (Rykka) Various miscellaneous fixes and tweaks to a number of underdark areas.

  • (Rykka) Updates to Maerimydra - North to reflect server events.

  • (Rykka) Fixed various issues in Sschindylryn - Central The Toy Box.

  • (Rykka) Redesigned Sschindylryn - Central The Toy Box's layout to separate rooms by distance, partially resolving LOS issues.

  • (Rykka) Added more locations for player housing in Sschindylryn Central Markets and Drow District.

  • (Rykka) Added Sschindylryn - The Tangle.

  • (Dorca) Added Sschindylryn - Outskirts - Sligo Qu'Madonest - The Inkblot.


  • Fixed Swordmage incantation DC's scaling incorrectly off a character's base charisma score, and not charisma modifier.

  • Fixed shifter and druid wildshapes not merging skill bonus/penalty properties or custom damage immunity/vulnerability properties for custom skills/damage types.


  • Fixed on-spawn creature buffs such as premonition and greater stoneskin sometimes not being cast.


  • Fixed stealthed PCs being revealed to other non-partied PCs.

  • Immunity to poison or disease will give 100% damage immunity to each respective damage type.

  • Fixed 100% damage immunity on PC racial skins to be immune against vulnerability decreases to mirror damage immunity feat behavior.

Dungeon Masters

  • Resetting or destroying areas will remove linked paths/portals from connected areas.



CD Module v4.10d1

Character Deities

  • Character deities are now selected during character creation after having selected your origin region. Existing PCs will be required to select their deity on login by talking to the Divine Ascendant in the OOC Room if your currently set deity doesn't match the exact name of one of our valid deities.

    With exception for Aasterinian and Asgorath, if your character follows an aspect of a deity, please select the deity themself.

    A note for Kara-Tur worshipers: Because of a dire lack of information presented in our sourcebooks for individual Kara-Tur deities, we were only able to incorporate Kara-Tur's religious paths. If your character worships an individual deity (such as one of the Eight Million Gods), please select the religion that applies most for your character.

  • Clerics will be required to reselect their domains after selecting their deity (or after taking their first cleric level) if one of their domains isn't valid for their deity.

  • Racial or region locked deities can be unlocked with the help of a DM (and an approved Misc Request for new PCs).

Character Origin regions

  • The Character Origin Region selector has been updated to use a NUI menu instead of a conversation.

  • Added support for selecting Zakhara, Maztica, and Maerimydra as origin regions.

  • Added support for selecting Sigil and Faerie as available origin regions with a DM unlock.


  • Player house updates.

  • OOC Room changing room doors can now be locked.

  • Fixed Semberdale - Ssrenshen area region names.

  • Corrected Caverns of the Claws regional area name to Stonecliff.

  • Monsters in Arabel sewers, Yulash sewers, Arabel's ant warehouse, and Calanter's Way bat cave will no longer chase PCs outside the dungeon.

  • Added Wayside Refuge on The North Ride between Shadowdale and Halfhap, which provides a public camping ground with a global pawn shop and an outdoor arena. This area has a discoverable teleport key, can be bound as your server restart spawn point, and can be set as your temple respawn location.

  • Weight reduction medical cases, trunks, and scroll cases can be bought in Wayside Refuge and Sschindylryn Markets.

  • Equppable baskets and various equippable food can be bought at generic food vendors.

  • Updated item use restrictions on all temple store items.

  • Fixed Nether Archives puzzle portal.

  • Updated Hogger, Hob, Faerio'phax, and Minotaur Stormwitch with experimental latin lyrics.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixed z-fighting placeables in Suzail - Estate Row and adjusted some ponds.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixed floating lamp in Suzail - Docks.

  • (Fire Wraith) Suzail Promenade and Royal Palace: Merchants will now announce their wares, and certain nobles may exchange a bit of gossip outside the palace.

  • (Fire Wraith) Suzail Estate Row and Royal Gardens: Fixed a issue that was causing players to be able to walk through the closed gates of certain estates.


  • Shifter Drider shape will use a female appearance for female PCs.

  • Updated Shifter's Gargoyle Shape appearance.

  • Using /setportrait or /editdescription while in a polymorph (both spell or druid/shifter ability) will save those permanently to that polymroph, allowing you to have different portraits and descriptions for your true form vs each polymorph.

  • Fixed Tempest losing Tempest Defence AC and Two Weapon Versatility when affected by stat ability changing effects.

  • The following PRCs no longer require application to unlock:

    • Demonic Servitor
    • Diabolic Disciple
    • Doomguide
    • Heartwarder
    • Silverstar of Selune
    • Windwalker


  • Shadow Weave's permanent -2 wisdom penalty is now automatic for characters who don't worship Shar.

    Nb. If a DM already took -2 wisdom from you and you receive a further -2 wisdom, you must contact a DM to have +2 wisdom given back.

  • Shadow Weave can no longer be taken on clerics who don't meet the feat's domain requirements.


  • Dwarves no longer need to submit a LETO request for the Dwarven Waraxe weapon feats (focus, specialization, improved critical, etc).


  • Added support for Magical Tattoo items. Magical tattoos whilst in a PC's inventory can provide minor benefits, as if it were an equipped item. Magical tattoos can be rewarded from extended plotline quests.

  • Renamed all old functionless Myth Drannor imported unique power potions to "Empty" versions of themselves.

  • Painting now requires a paint brush item and paint palette items, replacing the previous single "Painter's Palette & Brush" item.


  • Fixed save vs. spell rolls suffering a -5 spellcraft penalty on non-wizards rolling vs general spell school saves.

  • Fixed saves not including Divine Grace or Dark Blessing save modifiers.

  • Fixed saves vs creature powers incorrectly including spellcraft save bonus.

  • Epic spells can now be cast by ECL 21 characters via their special abilities radial menu.

  • Lowered chance of hellball wild surges.


  • Round numbers will be displayed in your combat log when using combat dummies.

  • Fixed telegraphs becoming stuck if the player changed servers via the server portals or changed areas while a telegraph was active in their last area.

  • Fixed NPCs sitting in chairs turning to face the player when talked to.

  • Added a Return option for Sschindylryn for underdark races, origins, or bindstone bound characters.

  • Fixed telegraphs not being updated for players or DMs possessing other creatures.

  • Updated server story to "Interlude" and updated season to Fall.

  • Added Blast Infidel to /usefeat.

  • (Fire Wraith) Fixed cats stealing dog treats.


  • Deprecated cd_openpawn, cd_openstore, cd_openstore2, and all other generic store scripts. All new stores should now use cdb_openstore included in the builder module. Documentation can be found in the toolset forum.

  • Added door/transition int var NO_HOSTILES which blocks hostile NPCs from chasing PCs across transitions.

  • Added door int var NO_USE, which makes a door not usable.

  • Added placeable/door/creature int var DISCOVERY_MASK, which sets the object's discovery mask. (Whether the object can be highlighted and whether the object's text bubble appears when moused over or when tab is pressed.)

    To use multiple options, sum up each option you want to use. eg to disable highlighting for both mouse over and tab, use 3.

    Default: 0
    None: -1
    Highlight when moused over: 1
    Highlight when tabbed: 2
    Text bubble when moused over: 4
    Text bubble when tabbed: 8

  • Added placeable float var OVERRIDE_VISIBLE_DISTANCE which overrides the maximum distance at which a dynamic placeable will be sent to the client from the server and rendered. The default distance is 45.0 (4 and a half tiles). This should be used very sparingly if used to increase an object's visible distance. Do not use it on small objects like chairs or tables, this is for making large scaled up statues or buildings visible at long distances.

Dungeon Masters

  • Locked deities can be unlocked on a PC with ALLOW_DEITIES 1. Setting this variable will also allow a PC to reselect their deity.
    nb. This will not unlock deities that are restricted because of a PC's class requirements or alignment.

  • Locked origin regions are now unlocked with ALLOW_REGIONS 1 on the PC. Setting this variable will also allow a PC to reselect their origin region.
    nb. For PCs created after this update, this will also automatically remove and swap old regional languages. Old PCs will still require manual DM intervention to correctly change regional languages.



CD Module v4.10d2


  • Player house updates.

  • Fixed Swordflame's bulk stores.

  • Fixed generic food merchant's bag of ingredients item.

  • Fixed generic toy/plushie store only selling 1 children's toy bell.


  • Fixed Shifter's new gargoyle form not being able to fly.


  • Fixed Brambles and Spike's weapon restrictions.


  • Fix sequencer items being unable to cast their spells.

  • Fixed magical tattoos not applying on login.

Boss Abilities

  • Rewrote all boss ability scripts to use our new boss ability script system, fixing various bugs and adding telegraphs to various abilities where appropriate.

  • Rend and Slam's AOE radius now increases in size with the creature's personal space, fixing issues where the AOE would be smaller than the creature's size.

  • Fixed Blink Strike not stunning the NPC when crashing into objects.

  • Fixed Unstable Golem's grease spray not being a proper AOE.

  • Added various configuration options for all boss abilities for builders and DMs.

  • DMs can disable abilities on NPCs after having set them.

  • Acid spit now ramps up damage based on the amount of time a creature has spent standing in the acid, rather than the lifetime of the acid itself.

  • Rebalanced acid spit's default damage configuration for DMs. Acid spit now does 0.7% damage per second spent in the pool every second up to a maximum of 7% damage per second.

  • Fixed Meteor Swarm.


  • Fixed various module NPCs missing weapon proficiency feats after class and racial proficiencies were deprecated in 4.10d1.


  • Damage formula strings as used in /damageme, area heartbeat damage variables, etc now support summing multiple damage rolls deliminted by a plus sign (+). eg: 20 + 6d10, 1d20 + 10%.

  • Damage formula strings now accepts floats.


  • Fixed POPUP_FLAVOR_TEXT area enter event.

Dungeon Masters

  • /setupbossnpc now also sets NO_WHIRLWIND 1 which will make the NPC immune to Whirlwind's CC effect. NPCs will still take damage from standing in whirlwind and failing their saves.



CD Module v4.10d3


  • Player house updates.


  • Fixed Green Knight's Challenge being incorrectly usable on plant creatures.


  • Removed Bioware's "Target is immune" debug whisper messages from Bane and Feeblemind.

Boss Abilities

  • Fixed Blink Strike preannouncing its intention to blink strike before the blink strike had begun to be cast, which could sometimes be cancelled by the AI if the AI decided to do something else between the announcement and spell cast.



CD Module v4.11a1

Scroll, Potion, and Wand Crafting

  • Increased gold cost on all scrolls by 50%. Decreased gold cost on all potions by 25%. Wands are unchanged. This now makes potions the cheapest to craft, followed by scrolls, then wands.

  • Changed the XP cost formula to be independent of gold cost, and instead be calculated as 1 + item caster level + 1 per spell innate level. Overall this will reduce XP costs for high level spells, but may slightly increase the cost of some low level spells.

  • Metamagic wands can now be crafted (extended, empowered, maximized). Metamagic wands have an increased XP and Gold cost, increased by the metamagic spell slot level increase. The XP formula is 1 + item caster level + (1 per spell innate level * (1 + metamagic spell slot level increase)). Gold is plus an additional 50% per metamagic spell slot level increase.

  • Innate level 7, 8 and 9 spells for scroll crafting now requires T4 diamond powdered spell ink found in loot. The following spells also require an additional material component for crafting:

    • Crusade now requires Holy Ointment.

    • Energy Immunity now requires Malachite Dust.

    • Gate now requires Planar Tuning Forks.

    • Implosion now requires Flawless Lodestones.

    • Mordenkainen's Disjunction now requires Hizagkuur Shavings.

    • Premonition now requires Polished Mirror Fragments.

    • Shadow Double now requires Shadow Powder.

    • Time Stop still requires Dragon Blood.

    Overall, these changes are aimed at making potions and wands competitive options with scrolls; reducing XP costs for crafting; providing more options for players to trade for items from crafters by trading spell ink; and adjusting the ready availability of some high level scrolls to adjust and rebalance the spell item economy on the server.

    The drop rates of ink and material components may be tweaked over time as we try to strike a balance, but we'd like to encourage people to first wait for the economy to settle in as people begin to first collect these new items first before we plan any tweaks.


  • Fixed War Wizards in Eagles Peak who really wanted to sit.

  • Fixed numerous broken shops in different module areas after the 30+ separate generic shop scripts that had been added over time by various builders that had been merged into one global script in a previous update, which broke a few outlying shops that had been setup in non-standard ways.

  • Minimap exploration and pins now persist across server restarts.
    • Pins and tile exploration are not persistent in event or player areas.
    • Tile exploration will be reset in areas if the area's layout is changed in a module update.

  • Added a pettable frog to Wayside Refuge.


  • Fixed Red Wizard's Spell Power feat's bonus incorrectly scaling at the wrong levels.

  • Fixed Fellfrost Cross attempting to damage plot placeables and doors.

  • Fixed Dragon Breath attempting to damage plot placeables and doors.

  • Fixed goad not being considered a finessable weapon for duelists.

  • Fixed duelist's damage bonus being applied to unarmed attacks if a finessed weapon was unequipped.

  • Fixed Demonic Servitor to allow Zuggtmoy as a valid deity.


  • Fixed Alter Self not correctly updating creature size until the character changed areas.

  • Fixed Alter Self being able to be used when polymorphed, which resulted in various bugs and exploits.

  • Summons will now appear in your /viewspells menu and can be dismissed.

  • The following spells will now only override the same spell on a target if the new spell is cast at an equal or higher caster level:

    • Bless
    • Silversteel Veil
    • Crusade
    • Recitation
    • Prayer

  • The following spells will not be applied/replace a higher spell if a higher spell in its spell line is already active. (ordered by highest to lowest):

    • Crusade > Recitation> Prayer


  • Fixed some cases where the death screen would incorrectly report you as being petrified if you were petrified earlier.

  • Fixed tailoring systems having to make a separate copy of an edited item for every edit made to the item, which often resulted in item's being dropped to the ground if you didn't have at least one full inventory tab's worth of space available.

  • Fixed global pawnshop inventories not resetting correctly.

  • Fixed Dragon Disciple and Hellbred's vision buffs stacking with itself.

Dungeon Masters

  • Fixed /dmplaysound


  • Migrated all 3000+ treasure loot items out of our treasure area into the item palette under a new Treasure Table category. On the player side, this won't be a noticeable change. On the developer's side, this will allow much faster and easier access to adding or editing loot items.

    Loot items in the palette accept a few variables for configuring randomized item stack sizes or charges:

    • string CDT_ITEM_CHARGES to set the amount of charges to spawn a loot item with. This accepts flat numbers, die rolls, and additions. ie: 20 + 2d6

    • string CDT_ITEM_STACKSIZE to set the amount of items in a stack to spawn a loot item with. This accepts flat numbers, die rolls, and additions. ie: 20 + 2d6



CD Module v4.11a2


  • Fixed item value calculations for UMD when using metamagic wands.


  • Fixed Father Milligan's store in Huthduth.


  • Fixed treasure table specific loot not spawning in various containers.


  • Added int var ITEM_OVERRIDE_UMD_COST to override an item's gold value for calculating UMD requirements.


Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11a3


  • Corrected the OOC Room to reflect Spring season.
  • Guards in Essembra will no longer be hostile by default.
  • Imported new and updated Evereska areas for the ATAE quest series.

  • Added fixes for Druid spell Nature's Beauty (Vincent:   Nature's Beauty: Changed to point at a custom Aura script. Aura now causes a Fortitude Save OnEnter for a 3 round Blindness. If that save is failed, the target then makes a will save vs death. If either save is made, the target is immune to the respective effect for 10 rounds. )

Dungeon Masters

  • Added a command to /resetareabytag to try and clear up problem crash areas without a reset.
  • Added a PC Renamer and PC Archiver NPC from Fox, although these will need further testing before being used. At present these are not accessible normally to players.


  • Added a prototype function to swap (dynamic) placeables above/below the floor, making them seem to appear/disappear at the use of a button

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11a4


  • The exterior for certain areas now reflects recent events.
  • The Halfway Inn is now available to be teleported to/from, and the Inn there is a valid Bind point for those involved in the ATAE quest.
  • Additional updates will follow in hotfixes.

  • Made a number of changes to revert recently recompiled scripts to their previously stable configuration to address recent issues.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11a5

  • Made more adjustments to the script base to fix apparent compilation issues.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11a6

  • Reenabled Area changes from 4.11a3 and 4.11a4.

  • Reenabled fix for Nature's Beauty from 4.11a3.


  • Added just over 1,000 new loot table items, including the Tier 6 loot, courtesy Edge, Ladybug, Bella, GarageTrashcan, and Fury.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11b1


  • Disabled fix for Nature's Beauty from 4.11a3 due to lag concerns.
  • Paladins of Sune and Selune should now be able to take levels in Hospitaler and Divine Champion freely.
  • Updated the Character appearance setters to allow next/previous access to the new heads. You can also use /sethead to access them.


  • Uploaded some fixes for items with cost and other minor errors that had previously been hotfixed.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11b2

  • Minor overall fixes for general stability.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11c1

  • The server has been updated to NWN patch 8193.36-12, and corresponding NWNX updates. Please let us know if there are any issues.

  • Made a few fixes to improve stability while transitioning on the Event Server.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11c2

  • The gates to the Festival Grounds outside Halfhap should now be appropriately locked (and relock as necessary) when not in use.
  • The Lathanderite Temple in Eveningstar now has a new lead priestess, with the former high priest aiding her in semi-retirement.

  • Divine Might, Divine Shield, and Barbarian Rage should now properly extend their durations again.
  • Timestop and similar abiltiies should function correctly now, and trigger their cool-down timer once more.
  • The DM Quest Area Import tool will now properly allow DMs who have updated to the .36-12 patch to import quest areas.
  • Players that receive a new Persistent Runestone for any reason should receive a chatlog message helping alert them to this, in case they somehow gain a duplicate.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."