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Death and Respawn xp and rehunting it.

Started by kothoses, Jul 17, 2016, 09:08 PM

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So, I was wandering around and not overly paying attention and got my self killed, no biggy it happens.  I respawn thinking, ok this will be fine, only to find out, the XP penalties are back (thats how long its been since I died lol)
ok so apparently a bit of crying into my tea and reading I find out I will have to go hunt it back, painful with that +4 ECL but I can do it, especially since I was about 22 xp from leveling before this happened so I am all kinds of motivated right?.

But ermm, I am not able to get the xp back from hunting, to be clear this was all fairy XP that I lost, I dropped 750 which at this point with my schedule is 2 or 3 weeks worth of XP at the very least.  Not to mention a good portion of Gold too (not that I am uber rich, but it still cost me about 100k)

Anything that can be done so I can go earn those precious points back or am I SOL?  


** happened to everyone when the database went kablewy. If you haven't leveled since then your DM XP counter is borked. I had that happen to my fey character. I had to get it all back via DM/fairy XP. He finally recoups the last bit with his next two fairy drips when I log him in next.
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Yup. Since the database thing, all RP XP from before that time was converted into combat XP. Everything afterward is fine. Just try to get your level and errthang will be back to normal.

I had to be VERY careful with my wizard Kimbell when it happened as she was about 1.2k from 18. IT sucks, but really not much you can do about it except spend more time with amazing people writing fun storyline stuff.