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Prettier Shield Models on NWNVault

Started by Plot Lost, Apr 08, 2024, 12:00 PM

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Plot Lost

You can only find me in game, or through forums. No Discord installed here.


While these all look good, these HD asset packs clash with the low-poly low-res content of NWN so they've generally not been added. They work well for new projects who can pick and choose, making sure everything has the same style, but on a long running server like CD it'd require a review of all our assets.

Plot Lost

I get where you are coming from, but as a real world example, Leonardo Da Vinci was once hired to paint a shield, and the end result was so fierce, so realistic, that it managed to shock whoever saw it. And when people sold it on, and ever onward, the price people paid for it just kept doubling and doubling. Therefore, a highly detailed shield could be seen as a fashion object, if not a clear advantage when dueling.

Anyhow, when I edited my post, I seem to have managed to delete link to this pack:

Oh well.
You can only find me in game, or through forums. No Discord installed here.