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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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New to the server (and the discord and the forum). Just wanted to put out some appreciation for Melody Sigers and Fire Wraith for the amazing tales and time taken to tell them tonight. As well as just a general message of appreciation on the whole for the amazing RP I've seen and interacted with so far on the server. This seemed the place to do it?


Thanks to Lyenia, Mathias and Ajmal for the fun and dangerous adventure and the great RP tonight.  Glad to have some others around the same level to party up with.  Hope Ronin doesn't lag behind too much XD


There are so many names to list. With regards to the HWC plot "All The World's A Stage: Old Grievances" on November 19th, thank you to everyone who was involved and keeping us alive. It was so laggy. I am so glad I had the opportunity to take part in this arching plot with all of you. We all contributed and it made the difference!!
Alaunlith • Amethyst • Aolinn • Craven • Daisy • Isobel • Jocelyn • Rosalind • Tisiphone • Zirzabett


Big thank you to everyone who has been interacting with Yrlisa in my short time on the server. It is really heartwarming to meet so many nice people on a server!


Wanted to quickly thank everyone I've roleplayed with so far on any of my characters but most recently everyone who joined Rinhian this evening. It was a lot of fun!


The current crop of drow players running around the Underdark has been a real joy to interact with. The scheming, social maneuvering, and thinly veiled hostility always brings joy to my day, whether I'm conversing with all of you or just in a one on one scene. Thank you for giving Trisstyrr such a delightful group to fit into. <3


Dorca Avatar
The current crop of drow players running around the Underdark has been a real joy to interact with. The scheming, social maneuvering, and thinly veiled hostility always brings joy to my day, whether I'm conversing with all of you or just in a one on one scene. Thank you for giving Trisstyrr such a delightful group to fit into. <3
I wanna hop on this and thank everyone in Drow gang too! It's been such a genuine pleasure getting to know you all. Thank you so much for including me. <3


I don't usually post in these because everyone I RP with is so phenomenal and I can't make a post without naming everyone and that'd be a very long post. HOWEVER, there is one person in particular that I want to say thank you to, and that is Wolfgar. Though we don't RP a lot together, its in those brief moments that we do, that I cannot help but smile. I love the Grumbling Giant who is a softy within and last night at the handfasting I don't think I could have smiled any bigger. So, Thank you for the wonderful RP everytime we get that chance. 

There Is A Light

Thank you all so much.  From the first time I logged in, to my finally getting some active play time now, everyone I have interacted with has been great.  Special thanks to the players of Shaynah, Rinhian, Yrlisa Rhea, Edward, Serena, for the lovely roleplay and conversations with Zara.  A big thank you to the Yulash crew, Bell, Alma, and Raelis for an amazing RP with my new guy, Baleron.  You're all the best!


I posted this in Discord and wanted to post in here, as well.

Thank you everyone who attended the wedding of Alyssana and Jaylithel!!!

It was very meaningful and I am glad that everyone could come together, have some time after the reception, and wrap up a character's story on a good note. If you need to speak with her in the next week or two I'll hold off on having her archived until then (if permitted of course), but otherwise we can come up with something off-screen.

This character was made in 2008~ (give or take) and I had her out of action for a few years due to some IC, and she was allowed to come back on a better note per admin gracious permission (with stipulation, naturally!). I am glad I made the decision because of stories needing closure, and importantly she could help do something to fix that which she had much regret over happening . It has been wholesome to see it all happen. And she had an ending I did not expect her to have!

Thank you again for being part of it. It was very emotional for it all to happen for me, and in a good way! I had moments I was about to tear up because I can finally bring the end of a chapter. And a book with a happy ending!


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Agreed... was a great ending to this chapter of these character's lives and a perfect send off for their next stages. Thank you very much to all who came out to be a part of this for them.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Wanna thank everyone who came to the grand opening of the Bistryu! Was a lot of fun to just gather and socialize with everyone! Hoping everyone enjoyed!
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall


Thanks to everyone who has made Uth's first couple of weeks in Arabel so memorable... Charlotte and the Morninglordians... Tallulah, Val, Ness and Lucy... Anastasia, Olga, Eha, Serena, Inky and Ari! (and everyone else!)

The young Paladin will never be the same.

I want to thank Ariadne, Serena, Onivel1, Alice, RJ and anyone who's been with me for Rp in the last month or so, You've all made this wonderful, thank you.


I want to thank Olias, Vivienne, and Celebrithrade for the fun dinner date RP tonight. It was very enjoyable and seeing your home was so lovely!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody