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Brief awayness

Started by thorien, Aug 24, 2015, 03:30 PM

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I went countryside to get some fresh air and have a break from big city life. While I am having much fun, my connection here is... Well. I am more or less able to log once or twice a day to see what's new on the board, but I can forget about any form of playing. When I will be back? In a week or so. If any of you needs anything, I am reachable through PM (I realized that I have no skype on this machine and downloading it is too much for now.). I hope you are having much fun and I'm looking forward to hop back online.


Tommorow I'll be officially back, though I will be online for some time today (Internet that actually works, yay!).

Wittle Dreamer

Welcome back! You were so missed!


Indeed! Its great to have you back here, Thorien!


Oh man I thought we where done with this guy



Welcome back thorien!! <3