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Connection problems

Started by Mystic Warden, Jan 20, 2015, 05:15 AM

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Mystic Warden

I am sorry to the good people I had RP with at the square yesterday for just simply vanishing in the middle of it. My ISP is a stinking heap of dog crap and I tend get very laggy or to loose connection at random times. Sometimes I can log back in, sometimes it goes for an hour or even more.

As for future notice, if I got disconnected suddenly in the middle of some RP and/or adventuring and I am not back in 10 minutes than please go on without me. Chances are that I will not be able to get back in reasonable time in such case and I do not want to rob your time by waiting for me unneccessarily.
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords


So not a problem, it happens to the all of use at some point. Hope to see you on soon!

Colin Mack

Bad isp bad.. we should spank it. I hope you get it fixed.