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How do you all generally meet people in-character?

Started by Myv, Jan 31, 2016, 11:02 PM

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Myv Avatar
One problem that I'm seeing arise again, though, is that persistent feeling of anxiety and fixating on worst-case scenarios. For example: I'm constantly convinced that everyone hates me, regardless of truth

Sounds like me, except replace 'everyone' with 'the admins.'  :P

I also have a tendency to go silent in busy conversations, most often because I can't keep up with the conversation quickly enough to formulate a relevant response before someone else says something.  But everyone here will tell you I'm also very easily distracted and they'll also tell you I might randomly space out of a conversation to go get a drink, read a news article, or yell at people on Skype.  I'm really sorry about that, but I'm working to control it better.


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Myv Avatar
Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be once I actually plunged in and got interaction going. One problem that I'm seeing arise again, though, is that persistent feeling of anxiety and fixating on worst-case scenarios. For example: I'm constantly convinced that everyone hates me, regardless of truth, and if that feeling gets too strong I mostly just sit in silence around people. That's the current hurdle!
Just remember, no one hates you (the player), although characters might have feelings for or against your character personally, those never reflect on you the player. also remember that some times OOC issues effect responses, like if I'm semi-afk I might be slow to respond, or my responses might be minimal. But we don't have any problems with you as a player, regardless.
Oh yeah, I know nobody (probably) actually hates me. It's just one of those doubts and insecurities that pops in to your head. I think it's just insecurity trying to subconsciously undermine what I want to do. I'm definitely not the only one, too! Which is another reason why I posted that; so those people that aren't quite as open as I am about it would know that other people are also feeling it. I know it helps me to know there's others!


See thats where you all go wrong.  

If everyone really does hate you, embrace it, become one with your inner C U Next Tuesday and run with it.  Be the massive bell end the world believes you to be and use it to fight back at the system that keeps you down.  Eventually you will transcend it, and people will start to find you funny, because its a natural reflex of defense.  They think to them selves "Nah they cant possibly be right, they must be trolling" to make them selves feel better, meanwhile you will know the truth, You are simply very mean, and they just think you are joking.

Also understand that no matter what you do, some one will resent you for it, in a microworld like nwn, that is even more likely to be true if some one thinks you are taking their spotlight, so just dont let it hold you back, the people who are worth knowing will make them selves known, and those who are not will shine through just as quickly and just as easily.


I hate you Kothoses!! I mean yeah what he said!!

Fire Wraith

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Myv Avatar
One problem that I'm seeing arise again, though, is that persistent feeling of anxiety and fixating on worst-case scenarios. For example: I'm constantly convinced that everyone hates me, regardless of truth
Sounds like me, except replace 'everyone' with 'the admins.'  :P
Just as a side note, we (the Admins) generally don't hate anyone on CD. Anyone that's obnoxious enough to be "hated" by the Admins generally is asked not to come back (usually because of the things they've done to get to that point, because it takes a lot to reach that).
Our more usual reactions of negativity track more along "exasperation" and "irritation," and that's because someone did something dumb or caused trouble. We don't like having to deal with problems, and would rather there just not be problems in the first place.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


I dunno.  We all hate that Kothoses guy though.  :P

Honestly, personal conflicts are the nature of interacting with other folks.  We're not all going to get along, but we can all decide how we react on those conflicts.  :)


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow