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Halp! 2.0 Text Color Tags and the Text Color System

Started by sinisteromnibus, Nov 10, 2014, 04:56 PM

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So here FireWraith added the character description editor to the ooc room (thank you so much for this!) and on the help menu of the editor it mentions color tags and marking blocks of text to apply said tags. Unfortunately it doesn't really specify what commands need to be input or what option must be selected in order to apply a color to a specific block of text within a description...nor what the color tags are for different colors.

I -think- this text coloring system is the same one referenced here in FireWraith's post about telepathy, but I'm not sure. Anyone have any experience working with this system or using the character description tool in the ooc that can shed light on this for me?

The Red Mage

You use or something, and keep adding /c to change the colors.


The Red Mage Avatar
You use </c> or something, and keep adding /c to change the colors.
So...for example you would just type
Also, if there anyway to offset what you're putting in color? The description tool mentions a 'closing' tag for the color so that my assumption was there's a way you can have "WHITE TEXT"

The Red Mage

No idea, to be honest. I tried to play with it for descriptive posts for a while, but it was extremely frustrating. As far as using the description editor with colored text or copy pasta, it's simply wizardry.


The proper format is:

In this case, XXX are the RGB values for the colour.  These can be just about any character capable of being produced on a computer, but there are limits as to what characters can be used in certain text fields.

Here is a file explaining the system:
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel