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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (

Also, thanks to FirstMan for the role play last night. It was nice to role play Casia with a 'familiar face' rather than just watch from afar like a TV nature channel host. Thank you!


theshobit Avatar
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (
I felt super bad about that, too, especially because I totally intended on going AFK for only a second, and ended up passing out for a few hours. Whoops. <_< Sleep well before you RP, folks!


TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
theshobit Avatar
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (
I felt super bad about that, too, especially because I totally intended on going AFK for only a second, and ended up passing out for a few hours. Whoops. <_< Sleep well before you RP, folks!
No forgiveness thats the right answer right *shadowy whisper* oh right I've been informed it actually happens to us all


TheGuyThatPlaysAsJames Avatar
theshobit Avatar
Yes yes!  Thanks to Rooks (Puller), Erliza (Darvins) and Vesh for the drinkfest at the Vineyard!  Because Jim bailed on us. : (
I felt super bad about that, too, especially because I totally intended on going AFK for only a second, and ended up passing out for a few hours. Whoops. <_< Sleep well before you RP, folks!


No worries. I am confident you will make it up to us!! >: )


Thanks to Hydaro, Lena, Galas, Vicarious, Hasib, and Bastion for a fun time the other night.  Some of the most fun I've had in a while!

Wittle Dreamer

So... this has to be said after all this time. Thank you:

You are a wonderful, ever loveable person who has given me the time of my life here on CD and have made this server ever so extroadinairy for me. You've took my hand from the start, guided me to every wonderful bit this server has to offer and introduced me to a variety of amazing people here. Thank you so much and thank you for everything you did.

Angelina (Vally!!!):
You... you magnificent little ounce of! The RP with you has been extroadinairy. I love your character so much. Every moment spent with Angel is simply a reward and brightens the day for me already. Your character helped me develope mine just from her personality alone, let alone the things they went through together. I thank you for the time you invested RPing with me. I can say for certain that I cherished every minute of it.

It's a first for me that anyone has ever went the lengths you did to get someone to join a personal story. I was touched and am still moved by that. The way you always tried to make it possible for me to join, even with our timezone difference... I really have no words but thank you. Thank you so much for making me feel this welcome.

You are someone I really want to get into RP more with. Your characters are fruitful (even if you have an army of them as you claim!) and always keep me hooked. I am sorry for that one time I had to cut the RP short for the event. It's usually something I would not do but my time management has been poor lately. Also thank you so much for the one time you jumped on as a DM adhock to setup Angelina's Birthday Party. Won't forget that and also ment alot to me!

First off, sorry if I mispelled your name. Get a simpler one please! Get inspired by Ogretime! XD Anyways, thank you for taking Kaya as an apprentice and filling her apprenticeship ever so fruitfully with amazing lessons. Each one of them has rubbed off on my character in the things she witnesses and goes through and also have shaped the character a lot as to what she is and becoming to be. I do hope we get to go through the other ones soon! Damn timezones!

Sinister Omnibus:
It's very rare that I have seen someone manage to pull off horror that creeps out people beyond the veils of a computer screen. You've really made it. Got me on edge the last event we went through to the point you had me partially raging at the screen of how tough everything was. Still it was an awesome experience and I am eager to see where the campaign is going. Believe it or not, my character has grown a lot from every event you've done, for better and worse. Afterall, things like this can't ever be forgotten.

To you too, thank you so much for making it possible to include me in Kiris' personal story. I had a blast both times and I would love to see those npcs put to more use in future plots! Especially Nightshade. After the last event I got even more excited to know things about her.

The event I partook that one time was amazing! I loved it and still desire the continuation of it. I wished I were in the same timezone as the lot of you so I could go through the event with a more clear, less tired mind, but still I enjoyed every bit of it. Sorry for leaving in a dash after, once again!

We've sadly only met once and such was in an event you hosted, but it was enough for me to get to know of how awesome you can make events. That one, single event had made such dramatic view changes onto my character that it still has effects on her to this day. It was plain and simply awesome and I hope your RL troubles will soon settle. You are highly missed on CD.

All in all, thank you to the entirety of the community. You are a loveable bunch and this is by far the best server I have ever been on. The DMs are amazing in their event ideas and execution. The staff is doing a great job keeping the place about and I am surprised that there has not been an ounce of drama at all! This is deffinately a first for me to witness.

Love you guys,
Yer Zillykins


Jim, Alex, Andi, Illix, Silence and Galas and Kerynar - thanks for the fun in the square tonight. It's been awhile since I had time for rp and this had me laughing more than once. I appreciate all of you!

Best line: *andi.exe has encountered a fatal error and needs to reboot*

"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


That line is honestly going down in history.

Valimar Dragonbane

Yes, yes it is.  And I second the fun last night!
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Huge thanks to the player of Fargul Bernadotte, who has been an amazing source of interaction and food for thought in Sylwyn's regard, lately - she's actually very keen on the challenge he's posed her, even if she's not sure where to begin with it!

Also, a shout out to the player of Thralia Silverhair, who provided a sounding board for Sylwyn, however unknowingly, for the transmission of some of the wisdom she'd gained from her conversations with Fargul.

Good to see new blood on the server, as well as returning players! Looking forward to more!


To the folks on the last few quests I did that Nevermore ran the High Hunt and the Eyes and ears series as well as Euro-Fridays they have all been awesome from DM to players and been heck of a lot of fun. thanks guys!

Fire Wraith

I just wanted to thank everyone for some of the roleplay that's gone on of late. I feel really good about the different players and DMs we have around of late, new and old, and it's been really fun for me in playing in the past month or so. Of course, any list is going to inevitably leave some people out, so let me just say that everyone in character has been great, and I hope we can all have a lot more fun going forward. :)
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


I wanted to say thank you all new people to the server that aren't really new but, new to me and made me feel welcome again! The RP has been great and entertaining.

Atomic Twinkie

Alright, so I suppose I'm overdue.

I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone on this server that's made my RP feel worthwhile, and has made my time here fun. The list is pretty long, so it's difficult for me to cover everyone, but I would hope that the persons that have engaged with me know that I truly appreciate it. I know I can sometimes be tough to get along with, or my characters can be difficult to RP with, but some people make a special effort - and that to me is something I truly do value quite immensely.

Amongst the group of people are a few shining jewels:

ClockworkMayhem, and Sinister Omnibus - You two have been good friends to me, out of character, and always provided me with roleplay in character. Lord knows that some of my characters just weren't the sort of people most would approach, but you two made a special effort and I hope that you've found your time roleplaying with me as great as I've found my time with you.

SurrieSoul - You've been a lot of fun to RP with and talk to in general, and I've come to consider you as one of the few people that make me consistently want to return to the server for more RP. I sincerely thank you.

EdwardFalcona - Our love goes deeper than words. Put butter on a pop tart, it's so friggin' good.

WickedFae - I know you're no longer around, but you were the one constantly badgered me to join - without you I'd have had basically no source of RP at all.

SilverFeather - We've known each other for a long long time, and you've always been friendly to me, and you've always given me RP. You've been handling my madness across servers, and for that I am sorry. :P

To those unmentioned:

Thank you for our time together, it's been a great journey so far.

>initialize bukkake


Atomic Twinkie Avatar
Alright, so I suppose I'm overdue.

I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone on this server that's made my RP feel worthwhile, and has made my time here fun. The list is pretty long, so it's difficult for me to cover everyone, but I would hope that the persons that have engaged with me know that I truly appreciate it. I know I can sometimes be tough to get along with, or my characters can be difficult to RP with, but some people make a special effort - and that to me is something I truly do value quite immensely.

Amongst the group of people are a few shining jewels:

ClockworkMayhem, and Sinister Omnibus - You two have been good friends to me, out of character, and always provided me with roleplay in character. Lord knows that some of my characters just weren't the sort of people most would approach, but you two made a special effort and I hope that you've found your time roleplaying with me as great as I've found my time with you.

SurrieSoul - You've been a lot of fun to RP with and talk to in general, and I've come to consider you as one of the few people that make me consistently want to return to the server for more RP. I sincerely thank you.

EdwardFalcona - Our love goes deeper than words. Put butter on a pop tart, it's so friggin' good.

WickedFae - I know you're no longer around, but you were the one constantly badgered me to join - without you I'd have had basically no source of RP at all.

SilverFeather - We've known each other for a long long time, and you've always been friendly to me, and you've always given me RP. You've been handling my madness across servers, and for that I am sorry. :P

To those unmentioned:

Thank you for our time together, it's been a great journey so far.

>initialize bukkake

You're a punk and we love you.

P.S. I read the fine print, you know.