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How do you all generally meet people in-character?

Started by Myv, Jan 31, 2016, 11:02 PM

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She might be interested in talking her for sure!
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


I'll also have Iy keep an eye out for your char one of the advantages of Iyanna is... she's the type of person who really will just walk up to anyone and talk to them. I did you spot you yesterday when I was on as Valar but she's far more reserved. Of course it might be a bit disturbing to have a crazy Wild run up to your char but.... heh.


Myv Avatar
onivel Avatar
usually for me, if its either a new Pc or one who is in an area with those he/she does not know, i will generally have them give a wave or nod as he enters the area. That alone will sometimes spark a greeting from others which can then lead to conversation. If it doesn't I usually will have them take a seat nearby listening to the conversation and then ad a comment to the conversation where I see an opportunity.
I sort of did this last night. I walked in to the trade shop everyone seems to go to and just said "Good evening." and that got things rolling, though the conversation did end up feeling a bit awkward. 

realityjumper Avatar
Emote doing something! Either reading a book, or biting a thumbnail, twirling hair, looking for something or for a place... people usually jump on that.

We met briefly the other night - Lena is Hyde's wife. She's loud and obnoxious most of the time, but her heart's in the right place. Feel free to reach out to me, even ooc, when you see me log on. I'm either topside as a dm, or there's Priya, Tindra, Amolyn and ... a lot of others... that I have around regularly. The only really shy one is Priya - but you'd like her! She's part time Violet Flame, full time Diviner for the Travelling Shield, and part time her own magic school.

Like Hyde, I'm happy to help out.

"Have avatar, will travel."
I probably would like Priya, and I'm betting she and Myv would get along great. Myv's a slightly eccentric researcher type that wants to be Violet Flame and is looking for a magic school, and likes to Divine things for private investigative services that I haven't gotten around to doing anything with yet.
remember, starting conversations with strangers in RP world is just as awkward as  it is IRL :D But usually I soften my characters up if a new player starts talking to me. That being said:
Thira is a bit of a grump but she's not a-social, if you talk to her she'll talk to you.
If you ever see me playing Dayre, he will probably talk to you regardless of what you want him to do :D what timezone do you play in mostly?


foo Avatar
Myv Avatar
I sort of did this last night. I walked in to the trade shop everyone seems to go to and just said "Good evening." and that got things rolling, though the conversation did end up feeling a bit awkward. 

I probably would like Priya, and I'm betting she and Myv would get along great. Myv's a slightly eccentric researcher type that wants to be Violet Flame and is looking for a magic school, and likes to Divine things for private investigative services that I haven't gotten around to doing anything with yet.
remember, starting conversations with strangers in RP world is just as awkward as  it is IRL :D  But usually I soften my characters up if a new player starts talking to me. That being said:
Thira is a bit of a grump but she's not a-social, if you talk to her she'll talk to you.
If you ever see me playing Dayre, he will probably talk to you regardless of what you want him to do :D  what timezone do you play in mostly?
Central time, usually in the evenings except on weekends where I can go all day, except in the evenings when I play D&D.


thorien Avatar
As many people are not aware of it, there is a command /listpcs that allows you to show PCs locations, providing they are not set as hidden. It may really help with locating people in dungeons, cities and other places. :)


Is there a list of features here (like the / commands, crafting steps, etc.) in the forums?


Slash commands are in the journal in-game.
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


Yup, check your log to reveal all the secrets. ;)


Don't worry, friend! As a lot of people have said, you aren't alone in the RP shyness, and I'm going to throw my hat in with that pile. I have a lot of trouble even posting on the forums because I always wonder if it's even necessary, or if it's bothersome.

That said, I've found that the dread beforehand always feels a lot worse than the actual interactions that follow - if you can just push past that first initial anxiety, then you'll be great! Everyone on the server I've met has been a great sport. We've got a bunch of good eggs, here.


jamaisvu Avatar
Don't worry, friend! As a lot of people have said, you aren't alone in the RP shyness, and I'm going to throw my hat in with that pile. I have a lot of trouble even posting on the forums because I always wonder if it's even necessary, or if it's bothersome.

That said, I've found that the dread beforehand always feels a lot worse than the actual interactions that follow - if you can just push past that first initial anxiety, then you'll be great! Everyone on the server I've met has been a great sport. We've got a bunch of good eggs, here.
Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be once I actually plunged in and got interaction going. One problem that I'm seeing arise again, though, is that persistent feeling of anxiety and fixating on worst-case scenarios. For example: I'm constantly convinced that everyone hates me, regardless of truth, and if that feeling gets too strong I mostly just sit in silence around people. That's the current hurdle!


I honestly suffer this constantly on an OOC basis, I am known well for contacting people to ensure that nothing I do upsets them I understand!
Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen emey, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength- Drizzt Do'Urden


Myv Avatar
jamaisvu Avatar
Don't worry, friend! As a lot of people have said, you aren't alone in the RP shyness, and I'm going to throw my hat in with that pile. I have a lot of trouble even posting on the forums because I always wonder if it's even necessary, or if it's bothersome.

That said, I've found that the dread beforehand always feels a lot worse than the actual interactions that follow - if you can just push past that first initial anxiety, then you'll be great! Everyone on the server I've met has been a great sport. We've got a bunch of good eggs, here.
Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be once I actually plunged in and got interaction going. One problem that I'm seeing arise again, though, is that persistent feeling of anxiety and fixating on worst-case scenarios. For example: I'm constantly convinced that everyone hates me, regardless of truth, and if that feeling gets too strong I mostly just sit in silence around people. That's the current hurdle!
Just remember, no one hates you (the player), although characters might have feelings for or against your character personally, those never reflect on you the player. also remember that some times OOC issues effect responses, like if I'm semi-afk I might be slow to respond, or my responses might be minimal. But we don't have any problems with you as a player, regardless.

Mystic Warden

I am quite shy IRL, especially around strangers. NWN is a good therapy to overcome such issues.
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords
