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CTD on transition

Started by SandalwoodDream, Apr 09, 2017, 07:42 AM

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Not the ideal first post here but necessary ;)

First off hello everyone! I found CD about four days ago and the time that I've RP'd thus far was fabulous! However ....

recently when I log in I have been have more and more CTD when transitioning ... there seems to be no particular area and seems to be random ...

... staying within on area and rping is fine and stable.

As far as troubleshooting I even copied the /hak and /tlk folders and put in ONLY CD content ... still the same result ...

Question is has there been this type of instance in the past?

Thanks in advance and hopefully this can get sorted because I'm loving the content and rp thus far :)



Hello and welcome!

First things are make sure you don't have Shiny Water enabled in your graphics settings, and it may also be a good idea to turn Grass off. This applies even if the area you're entering doesn't appear to have any shiny water in it. :)


Thanks for the welcome :)

As far as shiny water .. no problem since I play on a laptop and its an Intel so its nor supported.  I will try to turn off the grass ... but not sure if that the issue since it was doing it in the Gnoll Pass where there wasn't any grass rendered ...


Problem solved ... looks like that pesky grass bungs up the works .. thanks for your ear IG 'E'    :)



Yeah...unfortunately the graphics need to be pretty much set to potato to run on a lot of computers.
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis