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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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CD Module 4.07g


-The following weapons can now be finessed:
Light Pick
Assassin Dagger
Light Mace 2
Kukri 2
Wind Fire Wheel

-The following weapons now also considered Monk weapons:
Assassin Dagger
Kukri 2
Wind Fire Wheel

-Corrected DCs on Song of Compulsion and Song of Fear.

-The Epic effects of Dragonsong Lyricist's Songs now require you first have 5 levels of the class.

-Corrected the DC on Knight Errant's War Cry.

-Added a log-in override for KE's Heroic Shield lockout. This will fix being unable to use the ability if you crash or log out before the timer expires.

-Corrected the Equip Failure message for the ILR to report the proper level.


-Minor updates to Highmoon from Arya.

-Corrected some issues with Kale's Bar.

-Corrected loot chest variables in the Semberholme Ancient Halls, and Goblin Infested Log dungeons.

-Adjusted creatures in the Ancient Halls to be a bit more appropriate.

-Tower of Ruin: Key now properly required to access the final Boss room, which is now split off from the hallway so that the boss cannot be dragged out of his chamber.

-Bloodhorn Fire Giant Stronghold – Altered design of the final area to prevent pathing exploits during the Boss encounter

-Bloodhorn Center of the Mountain – The errant Ogre Magelord has moved back upstairs where he belongs.


-Removed the old Dev Crit Immortality flag and script from epic non-boss creatures: Frost Giant Warrior, and Blood Crazed Rager.

-Removed some immunity properties from the Red Dragonkin Guardian that it should not have had.


-A Shady Merchant has appeared in the World Serpent. He has a variety of useful and expensive items. He will not sell to anyone under level 10.  Items purchased from him are flagged as Stolen, so they may not be sold back at low charges.


The following items have been altered in accordance with the new Item Guidelines:

Eldritch Dragonhide (All 6 of them)
Stone Guardian Armor
Armor of the Naught
Black Flame Armor
Dwarven Mithril Platemail
Superb Aurumvorax Armor
Gold Dragon Armor

Shield of Dis
Breastplate of Corrosion
Breastplate of Flames
Breastplate of Storms
Breastplate of Winter's Chill
Scale Mail of the Arcane Warrior
Shield of the Dragonslayer
Spidersilk Robes

Superior Breastplate of Alcalinity
Superior Breastplate of Grounding
Superior Breastplate of Warmth
Celestial Chain
Bard's Adventuring Garb
Armor of the Sacred Hunter (Gender lock removed)

Sun Fire
Last Word
The Stars' Fury
Trickster's Price
Elven Baneblade Backsword
Ruby Greatsword of Hellfire
Ogre Slaying Knife
Cross of Mortis
Guardinal Stave
White Wind
Silver Savior
Black Heart
Earthen Circle
Eternal Edge
Dark Drift
Professor's Savior
Two Storms
Black Crystal Dagger
Eldritch Heavy Scimitar
Elder Vampiric Long Sword
Scimitar of the Void
Blade of the Endless Void
Andromalius' Favor

Baton Blade
Eater of Magic
Gaia Guard
Intensity of the Earth
The Invisible Voice
Viridian Rose
Spell Thief
Harvest Hunter
Magma Shard

Ring of Mended Bone
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07g1


-Half Elves now receive a +1 to Charisma as well as a +1 to one additional stat (Dex, Int or Str) based on their subtype. Existing half elves can request to have these added to them from a DM.


-ILR Scripts should be working correctly now.
-Added the various horn VFX models to the Accessories conversation, so you can adjust them. You still need a widget to access them in the Accessories conversation.
-Added a Persistence option to VFX Accessories. Any that you set as Persistent should be restored whenever you log in, even after a module reset.
-Fixed an issue where certain specialty armors like Mithril Plate and Adamantite Breastplate were not being correctly detected as such by various scripts.
-Added a pair of scripts to allow Elevation effects, so that Characters can appear to stand on top of appropriate placeables that they would normally walk through. These will be added to the builder module in the future, but in the meantime ask in the toolset channel for them. For those that want to see these scripts in action, they've been placed on the beds in rooms at the Inn in Suzail.
-Item Enchanting is temporarily disabled pending revisions and improvements based on the new item guidelines and Tiers.


-Fixed a broken transition between Highmoon East and the Scattered Stars Conservatory.
-Updated a few bits of info in the Starting Area, including forum and discord information, and updated information provided by Azoun to reflect more recent events.
-Normalized the undead spawns in the top levels of Witch Lord's Keep (no more level 17 sorcerer wraiths spawning in a low teens area).
-Normalized the Slaad spawns in the Immersea Wizard's tower (Some Grey Slaad may still spawn based on party size and composition, but should be limited in number and location now).
-SDMs now have access to the treasure generation areas, meaning they can do item swaps (see previous update) as well as Admins.


-Updated the Gem of Life quest to include new base classes (Swordmage, Green Knight, Favored Soul).

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07g2


-The class based AC bonuses for various armors should be fully functional now with special armor types.
-Added a bit of color to the login messages (the date, story status, etc) to help them stand out.
-Made some tweaks to the Greater Malison script to insure it's properly targeting only hostiles.
-Tailoring Models should now switch to the appropriate part when you use the "Enter an Exact Value" option.
-VFX Accessories set as persistent should now be restored after being raised, ressurected, or respawning.

Additionally, one update left off the change log from 4.07g1 - Horns are now accessed and changed via the regular Accessories menu. You will still need a horns control widget to access them. Using the widget now will open up the Accessories menu.


-The teleport key for the Forest Edge Inn and exterior area should be working properly now.


-Added a new low-level quest given by the Eyes and Ears to clear out the Ant infested warehouse in Arabel.
-The Gem of Life quest should now properly work for parties. You must be in the same area as the person speaking to the NPC to turn in the quest.
-Fixed some potential issues with multiple quests that might cause problems if taken or turned in while in a party.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07g3


-Typing /afk in the OOC/AFK area will now port you back to whereever you entered from, without having to walk to the entrance.


-Made some changes to the tailor/color models in the OOC room. There are now five rooms with 2 tailoring models and one color model each.
-The OOC/AFK room is no longer accessible from the starting area (finish character creation first).
-Removed some of the placeables by the tailor models in the starting area (due to odd shadows/lighting). Also added a Color model to the starting area.
-Added some DM areas/NPCs for upcoming quests.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.07h

-This update requires the new haks posted on 11/18


-Corrected some of the color tagging in the Login scripts to replace invalid characters.

-Added a Build Version warning that will display to any player who is not updated to the same Build version the Server is using.

-Corrected a logic issue in the class AC gains that would allow Invisible Blades with levels in other classes with AC bonuses to gain the Invisible Blade AC with a shield equipped.

-Drowning script change: Drown damage is now 10% of your Maximum HP per round. If your CON mod is 5 or greater, the damage is reduced to 5% of Maximum HP per round. In either instance, there is a locked minimum of 5 damage per round.  

-Updated the DC calculation for Imbue Arrow. It's 10 + AA lvl + Dex Mod

-Dev Crit bonus dmg changed back to Positive, as it was not ignoring DR as Bludgeoning.

-KE's Oath of Wrath, GK's Challenge, SD's Shadow Evade, and the Terrifying Rage Aura are now all set as Extraordinary effects and can no longer be dispelled.

-Corrected a logic issue in Blinkplate's AC scaling.

-Corrected an issue in Magic Circle vs Alignment that was causing the fear immunity effect not to apply properly.

-Greater Malison no longer has a Saving Throw.

-All weapons now flagged as Monk Weapons should function with Flurry of Blows.


-Updated Arabel to Winter version.

-Corrected NPCs in Northern Arabel that were still using generic appearances.

-Corrected some issues with the Highmoon update.

-Updated the armor on the Highmoon Watch and Captain in the Lord's Barracks.

-The portal in Witchlords should actually reset now.

-Fixed a floating fern in Immersea – West of Immersea

-Corrected some of the Drowned Corpse spawns in lower Witchlords. The lower CR 6 zombies have been removed.

-Fixed the door in Crailoth's room so it's not possible to leap through anymore.

-Replaced the DM Meeting Area.  Now with 100% less lava.


-Set Crailoth to have a treasure model, which should prevent issues where he fails to drop the treasure room key.

-The Golem in Witchlords should reset properly now.

-Added new areas to the southern edge of the Semberholme, including a new dungeon, the Curse-bound Fortress.

-New Dungeon: Curse-bound Fortress. This is a medium sized dungeon tuned for mid-high teen levels. Loot will be a mix of Tier 3 and 4.  


-All potions in loot now have proper sell values.  A few of the custom potions have been given usable properties.

-Added AC values to a number of loot armors that did not have them.

-Slightly tweaked Spidersilk Robes to swap the fire back to piercing resist.

-Removed the Cast Spell from Robes of the Shadow Witch

-Buffed a handful of weapons that were very poorly itemized.

-Earthen Circle now has a gold value.

-Stone Salve now has a gold value.

-Updated Mighty property on all T2 and higher loot Bows/Crossbows to be 2x the Attack bonus.

-Added a vfx to some of the magic damage weapons.

-Added T3 and T4 versions of the Warrior Mage Shields.

-Updated the following weapons to fall in line with loot rules:
Spectral Brand
Hooked Cleaver
Blood and Bone
Bane's Bane
Wind Shear

Succubus Blade
Ichthia's Neck-Knife
Greater Lifebinder
Blackheart (Yep, again)
Cry Havok
The Impaler
Sand Stone
Guarded Hand
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07h1


-Tweaked some of the code for Quest Channel 2 to take advantage of new NWNX updates.
-Updated the server IC date/season.


-Added an updated version of Winter Arabel Central with revamped snow placeables to minimize glitching/overlap, courtesy Terallis.
-Removed some light VFXs in the Warbling Seraph pending review of the area.
-Fixed several transitions in Arabel that were broken with the Winter update.
-Put in several player home updates.
-Put in a fix for a broken treasure placeable in the Curse-bound Fortress.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.07h2
Update requires new haks: 2das1j1 and heads2b


-Corrected  Hellfire Grasp to properly apply the OnHit: Hellfire to weapons.


-Updated the Warbling Seraph to have festive lights again. Less obtrusive this time.


-The various Scrags in Sakkors will stop drowning now.  


-Fixed Katana's damage die back down to d8.

-Added a fix to a female human head to correct odd sizing. (Courtesy of Nuclear Nibbles.)
-Added a new female elf head. (Courtesy of Nuclear Nibbles.)
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07h3


-The /afk command should now correctly port you out from the OOC area.
-Updated to a new version of NWNX which should hopefully fix issues with Quest chat sending multiple copies of the same message.


-Added a few player housing areas and put in updates for a few others.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07h4


-Added a new voice command, /elevationreset, which will reset your visual elevation to 0, in case it gets bugged.
-The Return ability will no longer work if you haven't finished initial character setup and left the starting area.
-The Return ability now has a 10 second delay before it teleports you, and will abort if you enter combat before the delay finishes.
-The Return ability also has a 15 minute reuse timer now, and will inform you of the remaining wait time if you try to use it again before then.
-New Draconic horn VFXs added to the Accessories menu including Dragon Horn VFXs based on the various metallic and chromatic dragon models. These require a horns widget to access (but also see below).
-Dragon Disciples of level 9+ and all Half Dragons (of any level) no longer need a horns widget to access the various horn models in the accessories menu.


-Arabel now has a few more commoners walking around.
-Added an exterior update for a player house.
-Added an updated version of the Sanctus area to fix some minor bugs.
-Lawless Ruffians near Halfhap should no longer have Called Shot.
-Maria in the Warbling Seraph can now be asked to take a break so that someone else may take the stage. Talk to her again if she's off to the side of the stage and she can step back up to resume singing.
-Updated versions of in-progress Yulash are in for DM testing (though players can OOCly review with DM assistance, if any DMs feel so inclined).
-Added areas to the Ruins of Tilverton outskirts.
-Tilverton itself is now encased in a strange shadowy bubble that seemingly prevents passage into the ruins. (Disconnected pending revamps to the areas)

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.07i


-Adjusted the XP system slightly. The Average Party Level Reduction and No XP limits have been reduced to more reasonable levels given our current playerbase size.

-Shadow Evade should stop getting dispelled. For real this time.

-Corrected the SR check on Polar Ray to properly use the custom function.

-Updated the proper Return ability script. Return will no longer let you out of the Creation area, and has an 8 second delay before the Return is activated. If you start combat within that time, Return will cancel.  Return also has a 10 minute cooldown.

-DM Possessed NPCs will now auto succeed Epic Spell cast checks, same as a normal NPC.

-Heal will now fully heal when used by a DM Possessed NPC, same as a normal NPC.

-Commands /settattoo1 and /settattoo2 can now be freely used to alter those colors.

-Added new abilities into the creature ability scripts.


-Updated Arabel Northeast to the correct version.

-Removed the holiday lights and décor from Arabel.

-Sakkors has been revamped. The main area has been rebuilt with entirely new spawns that should be an actual challenge for an epic party.  The Golem Workshop was altered to no longer allow the golems to get out. The treasure is also locked against ninja looting until the boss is defeated. Spawns in the Spellwatcher's Tower have also changed, though Sariath has not. Additional loot spread throughout the city.  Further additions to the city will be coming later.

-Renamed Icegloom areas so it's move obvious where it's located.

-Updated a player area.


-Rebuilt Bandit Nightmage as a Wizard. Adjusted spell list appropriately.

-Added new Darkwatch creatures, and updated existing ones closer to their final implementation. Areas have not been updated, excepting that they will now spawn the newer, more difficult versions.


-Adjusted the following items that were out of range of the item regs:
-Robes of the Shining Hand (Eldritch)
-Crimson Bands of Savnok
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


CD Module 4.07i1


-Disabled a function that was generating vanilla treasure on a few mobs.

-Fixed a bug in the new Darkwatch abilities that was causing them to damage allies.

-Altered the tick delay on Bebilith Acid Spit. It now ticks every 2 seconds, rather than every second. This will also slow down the damage ramp up time.


-Fixed locked chests in Sakkors.

-Updated Raven's Plume, courtesy of Wicked.

-Updated new Swordhaven areas, courtesy of Bella.

-Added new Swordflame Tower, courtesy of Nok.

-Updated World Serpent Halls, courtesy of Bella.

-Updated Thundarlun, courtesy of Bella.

-Updated Caravan out of Northern Arabel to lead to Swordhaven.

-Added Caravan route from Swordhaven back to Arabel.

-Added updated DMNPC areas.


-Memory of Nethril: Adjusted spell list.

-Ancient Netherese Helmed Horror: Adjusted abilities, and slightly reduced damage.

-Netherese Workshop Overseer: Properly closed color tag so it isn't coloring the rest of the creature palette. Slightly buffed AC.

-Fixed Drowning immunity variable on Sakkors Scrags and Sahaguin.

-Updated Darkwatch Vrock Noble, who was left out of the last update.

-Replaced the script set on the Rust Monster, so he can't destroy items anymore.  I may write a custom system for this at a later date.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07i2


-The Return function should properly limit its reuse, and inform you of how much cooldown time is remaining if it isn't available for use.
-The Accessories conversation can now be accessed either via typing /accessories or /vfx as preferred.
-Fixed a bug causing the Draconic variant by color horns to not match the conversation option. (This should not affect any saved VFX data or settings)
-The /normal and various /sit style commands will no longer be usable by Large Phenotype characters.
-Body Model adjusters in the OOC room and Starting area will now allow you to switch between Normal and Large Phenotype.
-Body Model adjusters should no longer try to turn male characters' left biceps into Armor.
-Quest Chat Channel 2 should now be fully functional. There are still some potential DM overlap issues, but these will need testing.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07i3


-Fixed a bug that was causing the Return function not to work for some characters.
-Being interrupted/put in combat while using the Return function should no longer trigger its reuse timer (although you'll still need to use it again).
-Made several improvements to Quest Channels using updated NWNX functionality. It should now allow PCs and DMs to talk/hear each other even if not in the same area, without echoing multiple copies of the chat message.


-Added some DM NPC and Quest areas for upcoming events.
-Updated a number of Swordhaven related areas.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.07i4


-Corrected an issue that was causing script spam over the DM channel.


-Fixed the chests in Sakkors Golem Workshop. They should be unlockable with the keys now.

-Fixed a pile of rocks in Swordhaven.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


CD Module 4.07i5


-Corrected a targeting logic issue in Web that was causing Shape Mastery not to work.

-Greater Command now properly has a will save.

-Disabled the ZEPGenderRestrict() function in the item OnEquip.

-Added a catch in the OnEqup code to handle Epic Mage Armor. If EMA is removed due to Armor being un-equiped, it will be recalculated and reapplied when armor is re-equipped.

-Class based Dodge AC gains set through the module's OnEqip and OnUnEquip events have been re-written to only fire the actual AC addition and removal once. This will fix and prevent any issues that were caused by having some combinations of classes with different requirements, as all of the associated classes are now combined within 1 function. This specifically impacts Barbarian, Druid, Ranger, Green Knight, Duelist, and Invisible Blade bonuses.

-AC gained via Lycanthrope Shifts is now classified as Dodge AC.

-Corrected an issue in the Subrace Setter for Drow, which was causing him not to auto-equip their skin.

-Added fix for VFX persistence. -Fix courtesy of Fox.

-Corrected a bug in our ILR code.

-Gate, and the Planar Binding spell line have changed in the following manner: Due to the chaotic influences of Far corruption on the local areas, these spells will now summon Slaadi by default, regardless of the summoner's alignment.  In order to change this, you will need to find a Tome of Summoning. Currently these may be found in loot, and some, but not all of them, can be sold to Hawk's. You -MUST- keep the Tome for the respective summon type you wish to use, as the variables its setting will not persist through death etc. (This is mostly to reduce inventory item checks related to database calls.)  There is a command to reset your summon type to default, listed in the description of each summon Tome.  Half-Planar SLAs are unaffected by this change.  This system may be altered/refined in future updates, and have new summon types added.


-Arabel has been set back to the "normal" version.

-Removed the Cyric flag and spawns outside the tower in Lake Eredruie. Disconnected the transitions into the Tower interior.

-Lake Eredruie Tower interior has been reconnected to the tower in Tun Plains – Fork on the River Tun. Cyricist spawns removed and replaced with Banite Zhents. Plot flagged and adjusted loot containers to be more appropriate to the area. Progress impeding locked doors have been either unlocked or removed.

-Updated and fixed transitions into PC area CelebLin

-Fixed the pawn shop reset lever in Swordhaven.

-Corrected the script on the door in Sakkors Golem Workshop so it will close.

-Floating tree in Highmoon – East has been brought back down to earth.

-Moved the sign for Leaves of Learning in Highmoon – East so it isn't directly in front of the door.


-Fixed uniforms on Highmoon Guards outside of Highmoon.

-Slightly reduced AB and damage of Ancient Netherese Helmed Horrors.


-Added Tomes of Summoning into the loot tables.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel