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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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CD Module 4.07i6


-Fixed a bug in the EMA restoration script.

-Fixed a bug in Invisible Blade's class AC gain logic.

-Updated the Module month/year.


-Added requested DMNPC area.

-Added requested player housing fix.


-Normalized STR, DEX, and Armor AC between the Gate summons: Tulani Eladrin and Throne Archon.

-Removed Power Attack from Tulani Eladrin.


-Updated Tome of Summoning to account for the respective Neutral alignments along the Law/Chaos axis. If you already found one and would like an updated version, ask an Admin or SDM to swap it out.

"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.07i12


- Quest chat/channel overhaul. Please see the journal entry (Chat Commands 6 - Misc) for details. In short, this should work fully now.

- Fixed some backend DM script stuff that was causing erroneous messages to fire for DMs.


-Added requested DMNPC areas.

-Made requested player housing fixes.

CD Module 4.07i13


- Fixes for chat command parsing (courtesy SDM Fox)

CD Module 4.07i14


- More fixes for chat command parsing (courtesy SDM Fox)
- Script error messages should no longer show for players.
- Fixes for some DM-side scripts that weren't reporting correct information.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.08a1


-Migrated every remaining SQL database check over to the Runestone system.  Due to the removal of the database and corrected compile errors related to the above in the following scripts:

-Fixed a bug in Reverse Gravity.


-It is no longer possible to get locked inside the 2 loot rooms at the end of the King's Forest Orc Caverns.

-The Teleport key for Berrybriar Hollow has been changed to reflect the name of the town.

-Corrected a faulty door to a player home in Arabel.

-Fixed the Waypoint drop off in Swordhaven from the Stonelands.

-Added NPCs into Waymoot (Mostly). (Courtesy of Liriel)

-Fixed the transition back to Suzail from the boat above Sakkors.

-Fixed the transition out of Well of Dragons.

-Removed the Teleport point in Darkhold.

-Fixed an item in the Starting Area store that was not flagged as infinite.

-Corrected the skybox and day/night cycle in the Selunite Temple.


-Non-Boss creatures of the following types have received changes to their template properties. There will likely be some further adjustments to various undead mobs.  Weeping Crypt mobs un-changed as the entire place is being rebuilt. Updates as follows:

Rusting Iron Golems:  Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Added 5/- Slashing.  Piercing reduction down to 25% from 50%. Added Acid vulnerability 25%.

Zombies: Added 5/- Bludgeoning and Piercing. Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits.  Up to 50%  Base HP increase.

Ghouls & Ghasts: Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Added +4 Regen. Increased Base HP by 25%.

Wights: Immune to Cold. Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Up to 50%  Base HP increase.

Mummies: Added 5/- Physical damage types. Removed immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical hits. Increased Base HP by 20%.

Skeletal Undead: Removed immunity to Critical hits. Increased Base HP by 25%.

Curst: Removed Immunity to Sneak Attack and Critical Hits. Increased SR. Slight increase to HP on the Risen form.

-Sakkors Sahaguin Elite: Removed Blindsight. Slightly reduced  Strength.

-Ancient Netherese Helmed Horror: Removed Critical Hit immunity. Reduced Strength and AC. Reduced Class levels.

-Fixed 2 NPCs in Northern Arabel to not use generic NPC appearances.


-The following items have been updated. Please see an Admin or SDM to have them swapped out:
Buckler of Everlasting Dawn (T5 Shield)
Barricade of Endless Force (T5 Shield)
Dragonslayer (T4 Weapon)
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08a2

-Added a new low-level Dungeon in Arabel, which can be found in the Southern District near the entrance to the Slums, for those tired of starting their careers killing rats. You can now start by killing other vermin, too! Difficulty level should be on par with the sewers, but no worse than the Infested warehouse.

-Updated the starting area to reflect current IC information. Overhauled the conversation for Azoun's Ghost in particular. Also added a mention that the OOC/AFK room is available for customization after finishing character creation.
-Starting characters will now appear in the Eyes and Ears, rather than in the Warbling Seraph, after exiting the character creation/customization area.
-Added several player housing areas.
-Added several DM areas and updated versions for upcoming Quests.

-Sorcerer and Bard Prestige class known spell variables are now stored entirely on the Spellstone. This should assist in making relevels of these characters easier.

-Added a new introductory quest aimed at new players, sending them on a short tour of Arabel and helping familiarize them with a few things about how particular systems on CD work. Veteran players can skip this introduction by selecting the marked conversation option.

-Added a second clerk in the Eyes and Ears, who will strictly deal with new characters.
-Serrano can now provide some initial advice on dungeon areas to seek out for low level characters, in addition to his usual quest offerings.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08a3

-Thunderholme now connects via road to the rest of the server, just west of Thundarlun.
-Fixed a number of issues in Thunderholme:
-The Chair Uprising has been put down at the orders of the Dwarf King.
-Various Dwarven Merchants are now sober enough to find their shops' inventory. (But not completely sober, because, well, they're Dwarves after all)
-Thunderholme's Inn is now a valid bind spot.
-The Temple of Moradin is now a valid respawn location.

-Locked doors in the upstairs of the Warbling Seraph Inn should now unlock if the area was empty of Players.

-Fixed some issues with Amesara in the Eyes and Ears that were preventing her from giving/completing the introductory quest. Cut her some slack, it was her first day on the job.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08a4

-Various minor bugfixes
-Fixed a player home whose outer door wasn't re-lockable. Proper home security is important with all these adventurers running around, you know.
-Annelise in the Violet Flame has now secured a steadier supply of Staves of Passage, and no longer feels she needs to limit sales of them to 1 per reset to non-epic characters.
-Gickimaldo in Immersea now sells Enchanted Dragon's Maw picks that are actually Enchanted, rather than Ensorcelled-but-Labeled-as-Enchanted.

-Fixed issues with the Caravan Masters on the Eastern Routes not properly offering to take people to various places they should.
-Also fixed some issues with the Caravan Masters telling you they'd take you someplace, then sending you to Arabel instead.
-The Witch of the Woods should no longer offer to send you on the Gem of Life quest if you've already completed it.

-Your displayed Daily XP total should now update immediately on login, if you're past the daily reset time, in order to save some confusion.
-The Gem of Life quest should now properly give credit to every member of the party at each step of the quest.
-The Bind Scripts should now actually send you to Thunderholme's Inn after a reset when you are bound there, instead of deciding not to bother to send you there instead of Arabel.
-Made some adjustments so that charged items should properly deplete their resale value when you burn charges off of them, like they're supposed to.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08a5

-Waymoot now has a teleport point again. Until it doesn't.
-After some consideration the stairs in the Sanctus have agreed to allow people upstairs again, pending a more permanent fix to the doorway.
-Sewer inspectors have confirmed that at least one pile of rubble in the underground tunnels beneath Arabel is indeed just worthless rubble, and have chastised the pile for luring adventurers to sift through it hopes of nonexistent shinies. The pile feels remorse, and promises not to do so in the future.
-The Thunderholme dwarves have decided to throw out their imported rugs in favor of showing off Dwarven Stonework. In the meantime the price of rugs in Harrowdale has suddenly plummeted.
-A sudden invasion of Cave Fishers near Thunderholme has been dealt with, and in other news, cave fisher strips are now available in unlimited quantities at the Squashed Goblin in Thunderholme. This is strictly coincidental.
-The Squashed Goblin in Thunderholme has also hired a new barmaid in anticipation of a rush of new customers hungry for cave fisher strips.
-Locks have been installed on various doors in Thunderholme to keep the Spiders out. This isn't Sschindylryn after all.
-The teleport location for Thunderholme has been moved so you won't wind up in the middle of the street like a gormless tourist.

-Negotiations with the Caravan Masters' Guild regarding transport on the Eastern Routes continue. They have tentatively agreed to resume proper transportation of paying customers, although suspicions as to their veracity remain.

-The locked doors in the Warbling Seraph upstairs room should now actually unlock if the area is empty when you enter it. Really this time.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08a9

Note that the server has been reverted to 8193.20.1 with this patch, and as such, apparently all characters' height (ie scaling) has been reset. Please see a DM if you had custom scaling and need assistance.

-Made several changes to Thundarlun and a few other areas in preparation for the quest events. These are intended to be largely temporary, for the most part.
-Fixed the sign on the Dancing Duchess to actually be correct. Everyone make sure and ask Etanu if they've seen it.

-Darkness should no longer automatically strip all concealment and invisibility effects from anyone leaving its area or when the spell ends; only those provided by the Darkness effect itself should be removed now.
-Favored Souls and Clerics with prestige caster levels should be able to use Resurrection scrolls without a delay now, just as they do with Raise Dead scrolls.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08a10

Note that the server has been updated back to 8193.26 with this patch.

-Made several changes to Thundarlun and a few other areas to reflect the aftermath of the battle.

-Some of the Caravan Masters were apparently getting lost, along the dangerous eastern route, but they should be resuming normal service and not dropping people off in the wrong place now.

-Characters that are at level 30 due to ECL should no longer be able to reach ECL+Level = 31 by hunting even if they have the requisite amount of DM XP. They can gain XP normally up until that point though, for crafting/etc purposes.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.08b1


-Corrected a bug in the GetCanCastEpicSpell() function that was causing spell focus feats to unintentionally lower the required spellcraft DC to cast an epic spell.
-Added numerous script system overhauls done by Fox. Changelog and instructions posted separately.
-Added a fix to Shadow Double, done by Fox.
-Corrected an issue with Darkness. It should no longer remove other forms of concealment.
-Break Enchantment how has a +10 bonus on its roll to remove an effect.
-Legend Lore should now properly auto identify anything in your inventory. Fixed by Fox.
-Identify now lasts 10 rounds, 20 extended.
-Starfury's damage reduced: Each hit now does 1d6/3 levels, rather than 1d6/1 level.
-Bless Weapon should now properly be applied to Gloves.
-Doomguide's Bond of Fatal Touch will now properly apply its effect to the wielder's weapon.
-Updated the login message.
-The Fly To and Airwalk widgets have been deprecated and will be removed from player inventories upon your next login. The Flight feat, received by typing /flytool will take their place.
-Disabled the SignalEvent for Army Unfallen. Hopefully this will stop it flagging as a hostile action.
-Added a missing SignalEvent to Darkbolt.
-Added missing scripts for Silverstar's Moonhand. This functions like Electrify Weapon, and does not stack with similar buffs.  Instead of 3d2 base damage, it does 3d4.
-Added missing scripts for Silverstar's Selunite Lycanthropy ability.
-Heartwarder's Lips of Rapture now has a script. Effect applied is: +2 attack, +2 Divine damage, +4 universal saves. No save vs daze at this time.
-Added the Scaling CL damage boost to the following Arcane spells that were missing it: Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Combust, Negative Energy Burst, Wall of Fire, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Chain Lightning (Secondary hits), Acid Fog, Incendiary Cloud, Sunburst, Prismatic Spray, Gedlee's Electric Loop, and Evards Tentacles.
-Added the Scaling CL damage boost to the following Divine spells: Flamestrike, Firestorm, Blade Barrier, Sunbeam, Sunscorch, Flamelash, Inferno, Quillfire, Creeping Doom, Bombardment, Storm of Vengeance, Circle of Doom, Bolt of Glory, Holy Smite, Hammer of the Gods, Destruction, Inflict Spells (Damage portion only), Cure Spells (Damage portion only), and Ravaging Storm.
-The following Divine Spells are now effected by Shape Mastery: Flamestrike, Earthquake, Sunbeam, Blade Barrier, Circle of Doom, Stonehold, Storm of Vengeance, Bombardment, Whirlwind, and Creeping Doom.


-Fixed an error with the Pawn Shop in Swordhaven that was causing the higher tier stores not to be recognized.
-Corrected the area transitions between Thundarlun and Thunderholme.
-Added missing Caravan waypoint for the Thunderholme caravan.
-Fixed the pawn shop in Thunderholme.
-Corrected purchase restrictions on all shops in Thunderholme.
-Fixed missing Heroes Placard description in Thunderholme.
-Update to the Warbling Seraph and Arena courtesy of Fox.
-Corrected some floating signs in Highmoon – East.
-Kelemvorite Temple rebuilt by Lady.
-Fixed the door from the World Serpent to Waymoot.
-Fixed the conversation in the Lathanderite Temple in Eveningstar.
-Added rest area triggers to the Silver Wink in Waymoot.
-Restored the missing waypoint exit from the Shadow Plane to Immersea.
-Removed a rest trigger in Thunder Peaks.
-Fixed 2 crates in Green Valley that were sunk into the floor.
-Corrected potion prices on Cure Moderate and Cure Serious potions in the Berrybriar Temple.
-Plot flagged various loot containers in the Moonsea Ride Bandit areas.
-The Boat above Sakkors will now return you to Suzail if you go through the door.
-Path from Suzail to Marsember has been linked up.
-Added skyboxes to Marsember areas that were missing them, and extended Fog Clip plane.
-Marsember Eastern Docks disconnected pending balance review and loot.
-Corrected tags on some of the doors in the Mist Runner in Immersea so they will lock properly. Also plot flagged them.
-Sunmantle Guildhall added to Arabel Central.


-Skittering Beetles have been juicing and are now twice as big.
-Guardian of the Divine no longer has Turn Undead, so it won't try to turn its own summons.
-Fixed Chieftain Fabruga's armor so he won't drop skin anymore.
-Removed a dialogue option from Psammas Durviir in Arabel that was pointing to a non-existant shop.


-Normalized AC values across Tier 5 Armor. If it's Tier 5, it now has +5 AC.
-Added +AC properties to a few Tier 5 Armor that was missing it.
-Manually color tagged all of Tier 2 loot. This should stop it from occasionally dropping without a tag. It was not fun.
-Mantle of the Theurge now properly has +5 AC.
-Numerous Tier 2 and 3 amulets now have tier appropriate AC values.
-Added 2 new cloth armors.
-Added a new themed Tier 5 warhammer, rapier, bastard sword, long sword, and great sword.
-Corrected gold value of Giant Slayer sword.
-Corrected gold value on Barricade of Endless Force
-Corrected gold value of Eldritch Shiruken, and removed extra damage properties.
-Improved Leech Skin Gloves.
-Fixed broken appearances for Axes in Tier 1.
-Increased stack sizes on dropped thrown weapons and ammunition.
-Blessed Robes of Illmater in the Rose Leaf stores are no longer flagged as stolen.
-Mithril Helberd now properly spelled Mithril Halberd.
-Fixed gold sell value on Magnus.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


CD Module 4.08b2

Languages System Update

The Languages system has been rewritten from the ground up, vastly improving over the old system and fixing many old bugs.

  • Languages work correctly in Whisper channel now
  • Languages work correctly for DMs now
  • Languages can be used in Quest Chat
  • Languages replace your chat message, and are no longer sent to your combat log, making them useable during combat.
  • Brackets [] can be used to escape spoken words. The brackets themselves will be hidden from chat. Use this to speak nouns for people without the language to see the word.

See the Server Resources post on the Language system for more details:

Origin Regions

Origin Regions are used to register where your character was born and lived before arriving in Cormyr. Origin Regions also handle your automatic regional language grants.

An Origin Region must be selected during character creation from the Recorder of Origins after talking to the PC Subrace Setter, and before talking to the Keeper of Languages. Current PCs should visit the OOC Room with /afk to set their origin region and gain any automatic bonus languages you should know.

See the Server Resources post on Origin Regions for more details:

Manual Positioning System

The Manual Positioning System allows you to move and position your character with precision and control. This system lets you sit on top of walls, move onto usually unwalkable tileset beds, sit on the edges of tables, etc.

Manual Positioning can be accessed with the /move chat command, or any of its subcommands.

See the Server Resources post on the Manual Positioning system for more details:

New Player Commands

Attempts to fix the infamous Ultravision/Darkness as well as the  Web/Entangle Dex AC bugs.
It will also reset your reputation with the standard Hostile faction.

/damageme <amount> [type] [power]
/damageme has been overhauled for RGB customizability!

<amount> can be:
A flat amount: 20, 50, 117, etc.
A dice roll: 1d6, 2d8, 2d20, etc.
A percentage of your total health: 20%, 40%, etc
A percentage of your current remaining health: 30%%, 50%%, etc.

Valid [type] values: magical (default), fire, acid, cold, sonic, lightning, piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, divine, positive, negative.

[power] sets the enchantment power for bypassing damage reduction. This only works for physical damage types. By default this is +20 and will bypass all damage reduction.

/damageme 6d10 fire
/damageme 20 piercing
/damageme 25% divine
/damageme 40%% negative
/damageme 1d20 bludgeoning +5

/questchat color <red> <green> <blue>
/questchat color has been updated to now also allow for setting a custom RGB text color.

/questchat color 155 79 255

This command will order all of your associates (Henchmen, Familiars, Summons, Animal Companions, Dominated Creatures, etc) to do contextual actions:

If you target a location, your associates will move to the targeted location. n.b. If you want your associates to stay at that location you need to order them to Stand Your Ground before ordering them to move.
If you target a hostile creature, door, or placeable, your associates will attack the target.
If you target a party member or yourself, your associates will follow the party member or yourself.

In addition to those new commands, /hench, /sum, /fam, /ani, and /dom have been updated to allow issuing more subcommands to your associate target:

  • All /emote commands. n.b. Not all creatures support all emote animations.
  • All dice roll commands.
  • /touchon, /touchoff
  • /lockaction, /unlockaction
  • /damageme

/sum /d100
/ani /listen
/fam /diceprivate
/sum /touchon
/sum /flop
/ani /spasm

Other Changes

  • Expanded the inn bard conversations to have a "See all songs" option that lists every song in ambientmusic.2da

  • Inn bards will play their songs as long as there are people in the area. If everyone leaves, the area will reset back to the original music set by the area builder.

  • Inn Rooms can have a custom GP cost set by builders again.

  • Some PCs were escaping The Beginning and bypassing character setup by dying and respawning in Arabel, this is fixed...

  • Over 60 word doc pages worth of new DM tools, DM bug fixes, DM quality of life improvements, and more. These are posted in a private changelog thread for staff, but to note for players:

    - Quest areas and quest setup are autosaved every 10 minutes, server crashes aren't too devastating to quests now.

    - /whisper messages can be seen by DMs in Quest Chat now

    - DM XP reward wand is fixed. You DO NOT need to leave party if you are ECL 20 or 30. You DO NOT need to tell a DM if you're close to leveling, DM XP will roll over to your next level during level up.

    - DMs can see what spells you cast and their metamagic, as well as what items you use and what they do in their combat log now.

  • Players can see their own /dm channel messages. No longer are we shouting into the endless void and forgetting what we said.

  • You can set a custom RGB quest chat color now with /questchat color <red> <green> <blue>, eg: /questchat color 155 79 255

  • Cleaned up some of the notification spam from Quest Chat join / leave messages.

  • Inn room doors will automatically unlock when no one is in the area, for realsies this time!

  • Fixed /afk being useable from The Beginning, also for realsies this time!

  • Fixed Faery XP ticks being given whilst in The Void during rebuilds.



CD Module 4.08b3


-Reverted Storm of Vengeance targeting to SelectiveHostile, as it was prior to the last update. SoV is party friendly by default.

-Corrected the Scaling CL damage bonus on the following spells, as they were using the wrong target calls to check for the caster: Storm of Vengeance, Wall of Fire, Incendiary Cloud, Evard's Tentacles, Blade Barrier, Ravaging Storm, Creeping Doom.

-Corrected Caster targeting resolution for Shape Mastery in the following spells: Blade Barrier, Creeping Doom, Stonehold and Whirlwind.

-Added Scaling CL damage bonus to the following spells that were missed last time: Call Lightning

-Corrected Scaling CL damage bonus on Quillfire that failed due to a misnamed integer.

-Added a few system fixes by Fox.

-Added missing fix to the XP scripts for ECL characters that could let them get past level 30.

-Attempted to fix a rounding error in CalcBaseAttacks(), which is used to adjust BAB in Divine Power / Tensers, to fix oddities with Extra Attack grants in those spells.

-The /listpcs command will now show PC location in any dungeon area with a minimum level lock, regardless of hidden status.


-Added various fixes to the Seraph by Fox.

-Corrected the script tags on the Locking Mechanisms in the Sunmantle Guildhall.

-Added missing shop to Earl at the Sunmantle Guildhall.

-Fixed Torm's Sword in the temple in Suzail so it can't be picked up anymore.

-Fixed NPC soundsets in Marsember.

-Locked and plot flagged non transition doors in Marsember.

-Added Teleport points to Marsember.

-Added skyboxes, extended the fog clip plane, and corrected waypoint transition orientation in the Way of the Dragon areas.

-Normalized lighting profiles and weather across Marsember.

-Split the Marsember Stores and Temple/Shrines into two areas.

-Fixed shop tags for the Thunderholme tavern and pawn shop.

-Replaced Thunderstone areas with dead version, since Vezzil killed everyone.

-Updated 2 DMNPC areas.

-Corrected the Caravan from Highmoon to Thunderholme.

-Added Caravan paths from Arabel Southern Outskirts to Marsember and back.

-Renamed Thunderholme areas into their proper region in Thunder Peaks.

-Sschindylryn's teleport key is now properly the city's name.


-Corrected the tag of Celeste Du Pont in the Sunmantle Guildhall, so she'll properly open the store to hand out the key.

-Corrected alignment of Bandit Nightguards.

New Player Commands:

-Added /quickbar commands by Fox, which allow saving and loading all of your F1-F12 quickbars. Pro-tip: Fox recommends making an RP quickbar with with all the different /move commands (/move foward, /move left, /move up, etc) so you don't need to use the conversation, so your chat doesn't get flooded by move adjustments done via conversation.

/quickbar list
Lists all of your saved quick bars.

/quickbar save <name>
Saves your current F1-F12, Ctrl F1-F12, and Shift F1-F12 quickbars to <name>.

/quickbar save RP
/quickbar save Combat 1
/quickbar save Combat 2

/quickbar load <name>
Loads the saved <name> F1-F12, Ctrl F1-F12, and Shift F1-F12 quick bars.

/quickbar load RP
/quickbar load Combat 2

/quickbar delete <name>
Deletes the saved <name> F1-F12, Ctrl F1-F12, and Shift F1-F12 quick bars.

/quickbar delete Combat 2
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b4


Epic Spells should now display your skill and roll separately as well as the total check vs DC amount.

Persistent AOEs: Fixed AOEs not counting PRC levels in their Caster Level and Spell Resistance calculations.

Spell Resistance: Standardized SR feedback messages to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Spell Resistance: Suppressed the ignored default SR roll made by the game. (We use a custom SR roll instead.)

Fixed all Symbols spells.

Fixed Murderous Mists.

Fixed Delayed Blast Fireball.

UMD: UMD scroll skillchecks now include Spellcraft Synergy bonus in the displayed roll message.
UMD: Standardized the display of UMD skillcheck feedback for scrolls with other game skillchecks.

Devastating Critical: Standardized fortitude save vs dev crit feedback message to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Devastating Critical: Fixed Devastating Critical not working with unarmed attacks.

Dispels: Standardized dispel feedback for targets to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Dispels: Fixed dispel rolls being made vs every engine effect that constructed a spell (and most spells were multiple effects). Dispel rolls are now only made once per instance of a spell.
Dispels: The CL DC of the spell being dispelled now uses the CL at the time of the spell's casting, solving some errant behavior and fixing some exploits around items where the game would assume your highest casting class was always the caster for CL.
Dispels: Fixed spell CL defaulting to a base CL DC if the caster had logged out or the NPC object was destroyed.
Dispels: When possible spell names are now reported in the dispel feedback.

Break Enchantment: Standardized the feedback for targets to be in line with other game feedback messages.
Break Enchantment: Fixed being able to dispel Extraordinary and Supernatural flagged effects.

Shadow Double: Fixed doubles leaving a corpse behind for 30 seconds.
Shadow Double: (potentially) Fixed doubles resting after combat and regaining all spells/slas/etc.
Shadow Double: Doubles can no longer summon their own summons (including recursively summon more shadow doubles)
Shadow Double: Doubles can no longer cast epic spells.
Shadow Double: Fixed being able to cast more than 1 Shadow Double at a time. Your old double will be replaced by your new double, as per normal summoning spells.
Shadow Double: Tweaked a few things on doubles so they should hopefully spend less time self buffing with low level spells and spend more time being useful.

Elemental Weapon's acid, electric, and sonic subspells can now be cast directly on weapons, matching the behavior of fire and cold and standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.
Brambles can now be cast directly on weapons, standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.
Spikes can now be cast directly on weapons, standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.
Moonblade can now be cast directly on weapons, standardizing it with other weapon buff spells.

Slightly optimized some database backend code. /quickbar and /spellbook will likely still be unreliable as there are underlying issues with the server's setup that we're investigating.

Adjusted the default height adjustment amount of /move up and /move down from 0.02 to 0.1

Keeper of Languages: Fixed eligible PCs not being able to pick Sylvan.

Fixed the /fix player chat command not fixing the ultravision bug.

DMFI *emote* commands are disabled again after having been re-enabled with 4.08b1. System is currently incompatible with Quest Chat and was breaking DM possessed NPC messages and would require more dev time than available to fix.

DM Systems: Fixed  /setareatime.

DM Systems: Disabled DM spawned NPCs from automatically resting after combat / loss of perception events, which was resetting spellbooks/SLAs/feat uses the DM had intentionally spent.

DM Systems: Disabled AI in DMFI Custom Encounters, The Void, and DMNPCs areas.

DM Systems: Disabled quest area autosaving as it was (ironically) crashing the server. A new autosave implementation will be looked into after the next game update.

Quest Chat: /questchat color for DMs will fall back to player setting behavior if the persistent database is unavailable.

Quest Chat: Rewrote how NPCs are added and removed to the list of channel listeners to try and fix DMs being silently dropped from Quest Chat when unpossessing NPCs. Full fix requires a larger rewrite of Quest Chat.

Tweaked some exploit prevention code with /move.

Fixed drowning script doing more damage than it should be doing due to a maths miscalculation introduced by accident with 4.08b1.

Reverted the previous change to /listpcs that overrode your Hidden status when in a dungeon. See the /listdungeons command for checking if a dungeon is occupied.

Improved the feedback given when toggling /hidestatus


Warbling Seraph: Adjusted the Sit positions and scaled down the benches in the arena so they stop eating PCs.
Warbling Seraph: Rearranged the cushions and arm chairs around the fireplace on the main floor.
Warbling Seraph: Changed one of the arm chairs by the fireplace on the main floor to a wings-friendly chair.
Warbling Seraph: Added some cushions by the fireplaces in the Suite rooms.
Warbling Seraph: Removed the autoclose scripts from all the interior room doors.

Update to Arabel Graveyard - Hall of the Judge from Ladybug.

Update to Swordhaven - Sword Flame Tower by Nok.

Updates to DM NPC areas.

Updates to DM Quest areas.

Scribing/Brewing/Wand Crafting:

Scroll, Potion, and Wand crafting has been rescripted and detached from the 2das/haks. All spells should now be supported. Please report any scrolls/potions/wands that are broken.
PRCs and CL modifiers are now included in the CL maths when crafting wands. Crafted wands otherwise remain at d20 + CL charges/day.
Potions are now named "Potion of ".
Wands are now named "Wand of ".
Wands, potions, and scrolls OOCly include the crafter's name in the description.


Unified scroll resrefs and tags between loot, scribed scrolls, and all magic scroll and temple shops:
Arabel - Violet Flame
Arabel Graveyard - Hall of Justice
Monastery of the Rose Leaf - House
Arabel - Temple of Selune
Arabel - The Lady's House
Brightwater Halls
Arabel - The Portal
Arabel - Elhazir's Exotica
Highmoon - Leaves of Learning
Briarberry Hollow - Halfling Temple
Semberholme - Cradle of Mielikki
Semberholme - Velethuil - Shops
Semberholme - Velethuil - Temple
Eveningstar - Temple of Lathander - Courtyard
Immersea (wizard's tower)
Immersea - West of Immersea
Marsember - Temples and Shrines
Town of Halfhap - Gloryhall
Suzail - Temple of the Defenders
Thundarlun - Home of the Triad
Thunderholme - Temple of the Dumathoin
Sschindylryn - Thayvian Tower
Stonehaven - Sword Flame Tower

Added Favored Soul to all cleric scrolls. This will only affect newly obtained scrolls.

Fixed Hob's Bound Guardian not having the correct OnDamage script that should remove its immortality.

New Player Commands:

/spellbook list
Lists all of your saved spellbooks.

/spellbook save <name>
Saves your current spellbook.
Saved empty slots won't overwrite those slots when loaded.

/spellbook save RP
/spellbook save Lava Goblins
/spellbook save Quest

/spellbook load <name>
Loads the saved spellbook.
All loaded spells will be loaded unprepared and require resting.

/spellbook load Frost Giants
/spellbook load Trylobytes Top 100

/spellbook delete <name>
Deletes the saved spellbook.

/spellbook delete RP
/spellbook delete Witch Lords Test

Lists all dungeons that are currently occupied by other player(s).

This is a tool to check if a dungeon is available for your own party to go to. It is not to be used to follow other parties into dungeons they are already at.

Other Notes:
We're currently investigating issues with the external database used for /quickbar, /spellbook, and DM settings persistence. These commands/features may be intermittently available.

Anything that uses the inventory runestone (everything other than the 3 things listed above) is unaffected by these issues.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b5


-Crafted scrolls should no longer cost 10x as much.
-Corrected the caster level for Haste on crafted scrolls/potions from 5 to 10.
-Sorcerers and Bards should now gain known spell progression up to level 29 with prestige classes (Previously it was cutting off at 20, despite a change granting Sorcerers known spells at 23/26/29.) Existing characters will need to relevel to take advantage of this.


-Fixed a number of scrolls in various shops that had 0gp cost.
-Fixed the conversation in the Sunmantle (hopefullY).
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b6

Fixed Blizzard's duration.
Fixed an edge case that could cause spells without metadata needed for the new fixed CL calculations to not fall back onto the old dispel CL calculation, resulting in DC 11 dispels.
Fixed the following spells lacking metadata: Lesser Mind Blank, Mind Blank, Camoflague, Mass Camoflague, Mind Fog, Invisibility Sphere.
Fixed scaling caster damage bonus not applying correctly to Acid Fog.
Fixed scaling caster damage bonus not applying correctly to Blizzard.
Fixed Spell Resistance on various AOE spells not correctly including PRC levels.
Fixed issues with damage for Otiluke's Freezing Sphere.
Fixed an unintended script regression that caused incorrect Scribe Scroll XP and Gold costs.
Fixed a few custom spells not executing the spellhook used for UMD and item creation crafting, among other things the spellhook does.
Standardized the formatting of Epic Spell spellcraft skill rolls.
Blacklisted a few more summon spells that were missed from Shadow Double.
Fixed an issue where some custom spells could be crafted for free.
Corrected some potion and wand crafting recipes that were creating items with the wrong CL.
Corrected a few scribe scroll crafts that resulted in the wrong scroll.
Updated some lingering scripts that were still using depreciated nwnx_time to inc_sqlite_time.
Fixed the last remaining scrolls that were selling/buying for 0gp.
Corrected Keen Edge scrolls at the Violet Flame to be CL 10 versions again.

New Player Commands:

/togglescribing, /togglebrewing, /togglewandcrafting
When toggled on, any spell you cast will instead be scribed / brewed / crafted into a wand if you have the available blank scroll / magical potion bottle / bone wand in your inventory.

This is a temporary fix for spells that cannot natively target items, which require a spells.2da hak update to properly support.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."