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Hin'Atara - alter self bugged

Started by lurkerabove, Jan 19, 2017, 05:46 PM

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GSID: hinatara
Name: Hin'Atara

Is dwarfed from Alter Self running out. I don't know how to fix?

Mystic Warden

It is a bug, it won't end by itself.

Try the Mind Flayers in the AFK area. They have an option to fix you (unless you are a half-orc IIRC). Plus read your journal in game, it has a dedicated part for Alter Self and its shenanigans.
Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords



Alternatively, if you cast the spell once more you can take the appearance you had before and type /setalter to set it properly. I recommend saving your actual appearance in one of the three save slots, casting the spell, and setting it from that whenever it breaks. Also, never log off with the spell on or rest, instead type /clearshift to remove it. It reduces the frequency of Dwarfism.


You know guys, I think should be stickied somewhere. I feel that your explanations may help many a distressed soul in the future. :)