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Fairy EXP - Daily -> Weekly

Started by aeztorm, Sep 19, 2020, 11:58 PM

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Posting more formally than on discord.

Is it any harder to make the DM fairy EXP 2100 exp per week instead of 300 per day? As someone who doesn't always get a chance to every day for x y  or z reason at least as a new player trying to 'catch up to be part of the fun events/dungeons/loot' its really a feels bad moment when I know I'm going to miss 100-200 exp a few days a week seriously setting back the character levels   for not being able to dedicate 2+ hours per day but 5 hours one day and 1 another.

This would give people the freedom of playtime in the week and not make the hit so impactful if they have to missĀ  X many days for any given reason. Or people who can dedicate more time to the weekend than weekday due to work or what have you.


I have no idea but I'd be for that change as well!


I think this has been proposed before, but I'm in favor of it as well - if it's possible.


As mentioned in Discord, I'll post my thoughts on this here too. First of all, I can really relate to the problem at hand, while it is less a time based thing for me I sometimes simply can't bring myself to be really "up for it" and as such have plenty of days I miss the RPXP ticks too.

However, for one it'd slow down lvling process a little bit. At the very least for new players or characters, unless somehow you could make it from 1-11 within the amount of ticks needed for 1.1k RPXP. And then... You hit 12, and maybe even 13 with the quests. And then have to wait inevitably a whole week to get to 14. Not to mention the higher levels. And this is all if you're lucky and quick enough to get to 12 within a day of playing. Otherwise, getting to 13 alone which is usually a manner of maybe 4-5 days if you are lazy like me with it, takes at -least- a week. Again, not to mention higher levels.

Second, as someone else pointed out in Discord but it's a really good point, it can really be poison for the player base. Daily ticks give an incentive to login every day and maybe get some amazing rp out of it to stay on longer than the 2-3 hours one would purely for them. However, this might (very likely IMO) change with weekly ticks. People might login one day they have the time, get all their ticks, then stay off the server for the rest of the week. Overall, it would hurt the community since some of the best rp is coincidence.

My two cents on it, officially added to the thread.

The Red Mage

I think regarding the time at which people spend the largest majority of their play time(14+), this idea would benefit more players than it would possibly restrict(in our age range). The first week or two may be a little off for some, but then it smooths out into a more flexible option for everyone.


I feel like I missed a good conversation in discord. I'm curious, though, how it slows down the leveling process if the fairy was scaled to be equivalent to 300 per day for the week. For instance, right now we get ticks of 15 (if non-ecl) up to a maximum of 300 in a day. If we could have a per-week cap instead of a per-day one, it would be sensible to have that cap be 2100, which would be the 300 per day scaled to a week instead, and rather than getting 15 per tick, maybe double that to give 30/tick and increased the rate that you get ticks to every 2 or 3 minutes instead of the (I think) 5-7 it is now. If this was done, and a player could only log on 1 day per week, they could get their full 2100 xp in just over 2 or 3 hours, but the players able to log in daily would also benefit from faster leveling as they would be getting bigger ticks and more often. That said, with a weekly cap of 2100, it would really only mean faster leveling at lower levels and not higher levels since you'd still be capped to exactly the same rp xp limit weekly as you are right now.

Again, I will note here that I have no idea of how the scripting for this is set up or if anything I've posited above is even possible. If it is, though, I don't see where it disadvantages one type of player over any other. I could be wrong, though.

I do see the argument about "poisoning the community", though . . . and I don't really have a solution for that other than an agreement as players that we not engage in that kind of behavior. In the past, I wouldn't expect the community to be able to handle something like that, but I feel like the community on CD has matured a lot - and with facilitation from discord - it's much easier now to be honest and open in our OOC dealings with one another. I think it's alright to ask someone to log in for some rp, but that's not something that should be abused - on either side.

I guess my jaded viewpoint is that I enjoy playing on CD and try to log in as often as I can - work and responsibilities irl permitting. I kind of assume this sentiment is shared by everyone who plays on the server, and if that's the case I wouldn't expect anyone to log in purely to get fairy ticks rather than seeking genuinely enjoyable rp. I admit, though, that may be a bit idealistic.


It slows down the leveling process for new PCs because if you can't get to 11 before you run out of ticks on your first week with the character, you've lost that entire first week of xp ticks and will have to wait until the following week until you can start gaining more. Most aren't likely to hit 11 before running out of their weekly allowance, or getting more than 1100. Which means they'd be forced to use quests if they want to hit 12 within their first week of play, and since they're not getting daily ticks, they're likely wasting a good bit of xp from one of the quest turn-ins as they wouldn't be able to just stop at 300 or less of a level and then just level-up the following day from ticks. It also makes level progression a lot rougher due to most levels requiring a week or more's worth of ticks plus a few days and will slow down level gain as a result. Since players will often end up within less than a week's worth of ticks but will have to wait until the following week to level. Basically what we get right now where someone ends up a few ticks short of a level and has to wait until the next day, but instead it'll be waiting until the next week. Which can be very discouraging


I'd be all for this too, something like this would just be fantastic.