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Explanations and Thoughts on Dungeon Flavor/Treasure/Etc.

Started by Fire Wraith, Sep 12, 2014, 12:16 AM

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Fire Wraith

So after last night's dungeon run (wherein my character got her face pounded in, by an area of my own design), some questions arose from other players, but also some future thoughts, and I figured I'd see what people think.

First (and I'm going to put this up elsewhere), both Dead Magic and Wild Magic zones exist in certain areas on CD.  These affect PCs and NPCs equally - if a PC can't cast in one, neither could an NPC with the same stats. The reason some NPCs can cast anyway is because CD adheres to FR lore, and according to 3rd Edition rules, an area where the Weave is dead, isn't necessarily dead for the Shadow Weave. This, then, is the explanation why that Shadow Golem is pwning your face in the dead magic zone. :)

Second, it occured to me that as it stands, all the treasure on CD can be found in pretty much any dungeon of the appropriate level. What if instead, there were certain treasure tables that only were linked to certain themes of areas - like Netherese treasures for Netherese Ruins, Elven ones for Elven Ruins, Dwarven for Dwarven, etc. So assuming people like that idea, it's something we're going to add, along with more areas of those themes.

Also, maybe, Boss specific treasure tables. >.>

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


Sounds good, but I'm not sure if it will not render loot too predictable and possibly impair some areas. On the other hand, that may require adding more items, which means - more work for you. ;)

Garage Trashcan


Also +10 for cows falling from the sky in Sakkors.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich

Valimar Dragonbane

I'd be for that, as long as there's a certain logic behind it.  After all, grave robbers will still steal stuff from the original location and die elsewhere, so it shouldn't be impossible to find (as example) an elven artifact in a human-dominated area.  Now, they should be slightly more rare following that line of thought.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

A diplomat... is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. - Caskie Stinnett

Adventure is just bad planning. - Roald Amundsen


Fire Wraith Avatar
So after last night's dungeon run (wherein my character got her face pounded in, by an area of my own design), some questions arose from other players, but also some future thoughts, and I figured I'd see what people think.

First (and I'm going to put this up elsewhere), both Dead Magic and Wild Magic zones exist in certain areas on CD.  These affect PCs and NPCs equally - if a PC can't cast in one, neither could an NPC with the same stats. The reason some NPCs can cast anyway is because CD adheres to FR lore, and according to 3rd Edition rules, an area where the Weave is dead, isn't necessarily dead for the Shadow Weave. This, then, is the explanation why that Shadow Golem is pwning your face in the dead magic zone. :)

Second, it occured to me that as it stands, all the treasure on CD can be found in pretty much any dungeon of the appropriate level. What if instead, there were certain treasure tables that only were linked to certain themes of areas - like Netherese treasures for Netherese Ruins, Elven ones for Elven Ruins, Dwarven for Dwarven, etc. So assuming people like that idea, it's something we're going to add, along with more areas of those themes.

Also, maybe, Boss specific treasure tables. >.>

Since the server is striving to adhere more to FR lore and that's an important factor on CD, I think a move towards more specific loot tables for dungeons will actually be really beneficial for a few reasons:

1. As mentioned, it just makes more sense for Netherese items to drop in Netherese areas - which means those with an interest in the Netherese or a Netherese background will be drawn to these areas. This should lead to people rping with those they don't normally and help cause more meaningful, fun interactions between players. Always a plus.

2. There are some dungeons that are just easier than others - a good example is Sakkor vs. say...the red dragon in the Storm Horns. By limiting what drops in one dungeon players are encouraged to seek out others that may be more difficult - thus requiring a party. So, as things stand right now I could probably farm the red dragon and get the items that I need with some patience instead of risking a more dangerous dungeon. It would be good if, instead, I had to find a group capable of doing those dungeons in order to get different (not necessarily better) loot.

3. Finding Netherese items or eldritch draconic items in some places just doesn't make sense and is very immersion breaking. Why is this Netherese bastard sword in the hands of duergar? What's with this dragon's blood that just dropped off a Netherese golem? Etc.

So yeah, this seems like a cool idea if it's not too much trouble to implement. Also, boss-specific loot tables would be awesome.


Yes! Yes! Yes! and make all the loot weaker by a +1 across all tiers pretty please! :)


If we make all the loot weaker, then we'll have to do an item wipe and NO.


We aren't necessarily talking about altering tables in all existing areas, simply adding some more flavor to new areas.  Older areas may at some point see a revision, but this is a very large undertaking and not at the top of the list.

As Bella stated, powering down stuff would, for balance reasons, necessitate a wipe.  There will be no wipes. Period.  We operate in a high-magic setting.  Some of the what seem to be 'powerful' items will make more sense with the upcoming content.

As to the mechanics of this proposed system:
This would mean that items of various flavor would need to be created for the specific tables.  
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Mystic Warden

Sindel Sinul, witch, herbswoman and tarot reader extraordinaire with a strong business sense
Diana Castelli, cute bookworm, arcane nerd, with the 'Weapon focus: book' feat
Vicky DeVille, daddy's princess, conjuring up some trouble
Melinda Moon, merc with a mouth and two tonfa-hilted short swords


I like flavor, but I wouldn't want to see the loot tables go the way of how GC's was. Filled with copies and copies of junk swords that had awesome descriptions, and stupid alignment/class/race restrictions.

Atomic Twinkie

This sword is pure evil! Forged from a piece of the Shard of Pure Evil!

Alignment Restriction: True Neutral

>_> But I love setting specific lootzz


The only potential issue I can see with this is the lack of certain 'thematic' areas making some loot a lot harder to get, as it now has fewer places to drop from.  I also put forward that, as collectors of powerful artifacts without discrimination, dragons and liches have the potential to give -anything- in the appropriate loot tiers.  Other than those two bits though, I fully support this idea - It'll give people reasons to go to some of the lesser-explored thematic dungeons, such as the drow treehouse, the old dwarf tomb east of Highmoon, or Orvaskyte Keep.


The idea sounds like it can help a lot. You may want to revisit the treasure for a place called Deepgrave. I'd never been in it. The reason being any time I asked people about it, I was told "It's too hard and there's no loot." Like almost literally that regardless who I asked.