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Meeting Between Stonehaven Participants

Started by Ogre Time Yay, Apr 17, 2016, 12:06 PM

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Ogre Time Yay

Hey folks, I know it's sudden, but I figured I'd leave this here just in case it hasn't been seen on the Stonehaven forum section. There has been word (open invitation) that anyone who wants to help Cormyr should come seek Hydaro out, who has been taking on the role of some kind of recruiter here, no other details were given on that. To find out more, there's going to be a meeting held between any volunteers for this at 9:00 PM EST, today. The location is still being talked about, but I imagine it won't be too hard to figure out, so we could start out by getting together in Arabel Central first.

Any and everyone is invited to help with this if their character is one that would like to aid Cormyr. If you wish to show up and haven't been approached by Hydaro yet, something you could say when showing up is "I heard that you were looking for [helpers/defenders/reliable people, ect.]" and we can go from there. Some people that Hydaro has already -successfully-(somewhat) got a chance to speak with concerning this is:

In the process of speaking with Badhbh

Everyone else seemed to be a part of the Purple Dragons, who are already gearing up for the same thing, or they had alt characters that will already be participating in another way. This group being put together is pretty much for anyone who didn't get invited yet but actually wants to play a role in this.

Time: 9:00 PM EST
Start Location: Arabel Central
Who: Open Invitation

If you can't make that time, let me know and we'll set up a separate time for Hydaro to meet with people who can't make that meeting. This is also to see how much interest is out there from other players/characters. If no one is interested, hey, was worth a try at least. 


I can be there as soon as my class is out tonight. Might be a little later than your start time though!
"Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died." ~ Raistlin Majere


Kimbell would be there, but I just saw this. Few more days in advance would be nice next time, I thought we were going to do this sort of thing next Sunday.


Ogre Time Yay

I was simply going off of the time we had scheduled in the Stonehaven thread, we can shoot for this upcoming Sunday this time around. :)

In fact, if there is anyone else interested in getting in on this, post here please. That way we'll know a bit more on who to expect to show up, instead of having Hydaro awkwardly say to the folks in the square "Any of you with me, by any chance?", and no one answer back.

Time: Sunday, 4/24/2016, 9:00 PM EST

Location: For now, it's looking like we'll meet in the upstairs meeting room of the tavern at the Arabel Central Square. Might change, depending.

Who: Open invitation, and while Purple Dragon Knights aren't being recruited into the volunteer group for obvious reasons, they are still very welcome to join in on the meeting.

Required: Bring knives for the sacrifice to the dark lor-... Oh... Oh, I'm being told that's for another meeting. Nothing else required then... Carry on...