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Random Stories

Started by Atomic Twinkie, Jun 23, 2014, 04:26 PM

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Atomic Twinkie

These are a bunch of random stories that I make up on the fly to tell in game, any Bards are allowed to steal from here if you want.


Long ago, before the time of elves and men and dwarves and mortal things there lived a large man. He's been called many things throughout the many centuries but it's a little known fact that this man was known as 'Braum' the enemy of Ysgard. So tall was he that they say he would clear entire forests when he fell over, and so strong was he that he could carry entire mountains on his back and moved them around just for fun.

As time carried on and the descendents of Ysgard moved into the mountains they became very angry with Braum and pleaded 'stop moving our homes around!' they would scream to him and 'don't destroy the forests, we hunt there' they would demand. But Braum knew nothing of hunting or homes, he merely lived. And carried on living as Ice Giants did not age.

In order to get him to stop they came to an Agreement with Braum, every new moon they would give Braum a virgin of age - she had to be fresh as undriven snow, which is also where the saying comes from, and as pure as refined gold. And for a hundred years the mountains did not move and for a hundred years Braum collected these women, and placed them on an island he made for them out at sea where the women carried on living and hunting in solitude. But Braum began to grow bored, he started to feel as if he was turning into the very mountains he moved and grew restless so the chieftan of the highest clan that lived on the highest peak offered up his daughter, Esmerelda, a woman of untold beauty. With a heart so pure it is said that when she died it burned in the funeral pire but melted away into a puddle of gold on the ground. And she did die, after very many years.

Filled with lust and greed Braum demanded another such as her but they said 'it took a hundred years to breed a woman such as her, you will have to wait a hundred more - and you will have to be smaller if you wish to keep her better.' and so the ice giant sat and thought, what solution could he concuct and what could he do to make the Ysgardians suffer for their beligerant behaviour? And so he began to brush off his shoulder of the white dust that had grown from him, pouring it over the mountains to try and make life harder for the Ysgardian descendents - which is how he happened to become the enemy of Ysgard - but the people were strong and resilient, they used furs to keep themselves strong and in the summers when Braum would recover from months of the ice giant shaving himself smaller and smaller they would collect large piles of wood for great fires that burned the whole winter long.

But since Braum did not know about Ice Giants as he was the very first, he did not know that Ice Giants cannot become smaller for just like trolls their bodies grow back and so now, every year for thousands of years Braum has shaved his body smaller to try and be acceptable for another Emerelda but never yet has he manage to become smaller and every year he seeks revenge on all things that live in mountains by throwing snow down on them to make their lives hard.