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Matilda Bathory's Screenshots And stories of Skyrim

Started by matildabathory, Aug 30, 2015, 07:06 PM

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Hello :) I thought I would share some of my stories and screenshots of characters from Skyrim. It is my favorite game of all time (Regardless of what Korlash says about it. :D) It also helps inspire me for games in Dungeons and Dragons, it also makes for spectacular visuals for events in Dungeons and dragons and Character Portraits because I can create almost anything. I am more than willing to do Custom Portraits for others on this server. Please send me a tell and I will tell you how long it might take, tell me what they look like Pictures as reference are always a plus. What pose you want them doing or if you want them to be fighting a dragon etc. I will do the best I can. Keep in mind all pictures are going to be in the Dark Fantasy style as that's what my ENB is. Most of my screenshots are not staged and are spontaneous and help me inspire stories to go along with it. For example: This is a set of Images I have titled Sympathy. My character named Oulan (Who used to be here on this server but is now lost to the electronic negaverse. I don't know where she is anymore because of my computer upgrade.) 

Now Oulan is a Werewolf and member of the companions her kinship with wolves is powerful, and while travelling she came upon a pack of wolves fighting some Giant Spiders. Oulan went to battle and tried to kill the spiders but unfortunately only one wolf survived and a wolf pup being the last one to fall. Oulan could only share her sadness and regret with the grieving mother wolf.

"I am sorry I was not fast enough."

*A howl for the lost.*

Here's some more: Oulan in her Werewolf Form

And here's one of my current Character Matilda Bathory:

Hope you enjoyed :) There will be more including pictures of The Whistling Man, and other of my crooked stories, if people enjoy these :)