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Tell us what encourages you to play more!

Started by Shantis, Oct 23, 2019, 05:23 PM

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Let's try to organize and find out what times everyone plays, to organize events, whether by dms or other players.

What we need is for you to tell us what your free times and days are.

1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:
(or what feels freer to play)

2 - what are your schedules:
(Your local time zone AND CST time zone, for a better reference!)

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:
(list what is most priority or interesting to your character, either by affinity or character development)

Rei Jin

1. I play most evenings, from 7pm until 9pm, and can play longer if there's something worthwhile happening
2. I live in Sydney, Australia, which is GMT +11 currently due to Daylight Savings
3. My main character is Leon Kyrie, and he's interested in war and strategy, as well as more generally helping others and furthering the Red Knight's interests. Other characters are at various points, but still too new to have much to say about them


Friday - Tuesday

Starting times of the event in CET: 08:00pm - Midnight. In CST that would be 01:00pm - 05:00pm. It depends on how long the event would be of course.

Friede: Heroic actions like saving a town, some children or things like that. Also, her being a mercenary just money or a good great sword would be incentive enough for her in some cases. She can also lead troops into battle but usually prefers to fight upfront herself.
Beldrus: Anything related to dwarves. He also likes exploration and uncovering mysteries.


1. Mostly every day of the week, though mondays may be a little tough for me. Can make them though!

2. Anything past 3pm CST is usually fine.

3. Deciding on each quest on its own. Kind of hard for me to tell since it depends on the topic at hand for my chars. Mainly playing Nolyth though, a Darksong Knight so crusading against demons / devils and helping people is top priority.


1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:
Basically any day while unemployed.

2 - what are your schedules: CST (Central time USA):
Generally weekday evenings, and on and off during weekends.

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:
Rhiannon Faelynn. Anything about helping others will get her attention.
Traveling somewhere new is on her list of favorite things to do.
Anything nature-related (Threat to the balance etc) is a guaranteed drive, a she is duty bound to preserve the balance.



1 - Typically the days I am free are often more around the Weekdays, my Saturday afternoons to evenings are free as well (This would be more along the lines of early morning Saturday for most.

2 - I get up around 3:30pm CST (7:00am for Adelaide) and am awake until typically around 8:30am CST (12:00am for Adelaide). However I am more than capable with preperation and warning to be able to make most any time.

3 - I only play Anahka at present but he would be in it for most Goodly things, though he is less concerned with anything regards to fame or fortune, prefering to help those less fortunate than him, whether it is protecting someone or something, charging forth to rescue someone or something, moving to investigate a cause or simply assist others in doing so.


Remembering that the intention of this topic is to know the habits of our players, to help other players and dms to plan events and get new ideas.

Any information you share will help us a lot in the future! :)


1 - What days of the week and weekend do you play:
Any week day - currently not working Weekend Evenings by prior arrangement with family

2 - what are your schedules:
Usually Euro Daytime, and Late Evening on Weekdays.

3 - Your characters, and themes that attract your character's attention:
Joy likes helping people, and protecting them - or meeting extraplanar creatures
Nula likes winning
Magpie likes getting money and having fun.


1. Hardly ever free from work, sometimes having windows from 1 PM CST till 6 PM CST. As for the DM events, schedule can be switched rather flexibly if known at least two days prior, to fit in any time.

2. GMT +2 time here. Mostly late evenings.

3. Rayel Needle. Primary drive and focues are the character's own quests, secondary - anything that can help with those, so all other activities are being evaluated from that standpoint. Next would be the friends ordeals if asked to tag along, and the Black Archers will those be nearby and in need of assistance. Thertiary, is interested in complicated jobs Eyes of Arabel provides sometimes, for several reasons - possible leads, reputation and income.


1 & 2. My schedule's weird as fuck. I'm disabled, so I don't work, but I've kind of signed up for a random mish-mash of social activities that sees me occupied at differing times. As a result, I'll just list my availability by day:

- Monday: Any time after 1pm/3pm
- Tuesday: Any time before 4pm/6pm
- Wednesday: Not available
- Thursday: Any time after 1pm/3pm
- Friday: Any time before 5pm/7pm
- Saturday: Any time before 6pm/8pm
- Sunday: Wide open

-All times in PT/CT. (Pedantic Note: XST/XDT are not actually the same thing! XDT is used while Daylight Savings is active, and XST is used while it is not. So, until November 3rd, the correct notation would be PDT/CDT. Not saying this for everyone to change how they've been writing it, just saying in cast you've ever seen XDT used and wondered what that was about.)
-Availability varies wildly due to mental health.
3. Nola: Themes of social justice or moral quandary, or just straight up going ham on clearly evil things.
Galena: Thievery, irreverence, and redemption.
Willow: Other people's personal stories.
Sid'Aniel: Mercenary work, or anything to keep her from thinking too much.
(Will update as more characters come into play)


1: Most weekday evenings are options for me. Friday and Saturday are a bit iffy due to a long distance relationship. Sunday evening is usually an option.

2: I live in EST time. I'm usually home from work by around 4:30PM EST/3:30PM EST but prefer to wait till after dinner before diving into anything too heavy NWN wise (around 5:30PM - 6:00PM EST/ 4:30PM - 5:00PM CST. I aim to log off by around 9:30PM EST/ 8:30PM CST. This is a bit more strict Monday and Wednesday night as I have 6AM workout appointments Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday I work from home so Tuesday and Thursday nights I can push as late as 10:30 - 11pm EST (9:30 - 10PM CST). Essentially Monday and Wednesday are out for me as far as events unless they start around 6 CST for a 3 hour quest. Friday is pretty open ended if I'm free. Saturday varies based on what all I have going on but if I'm availabe at all, after 7 EST/6 CST is usually a safe bet. Sometime earlier. Depends on if my parents want to kidnap for a bit. Sunday is a similar story though with the Weekday 'bed time'.

3: Miriam Webb - current 'main'. Swordmage. As an Oghamite she's got a keen interest in anything unusual or scholarly. Though considering herself more a neutral observer of events, she's increasingly feeling a pressure toward taking a more active role in helping people (IE - currently TN but potentially looking to drift her toward NG).
Anna Soras - Previous main. Still highest level. Sunite Bard and Divine Champion. Less active all around but still always looking for a good adventure. Especially if her sisters are also involved.
Fastrid Rock Breaker - Dwarf Berserker. Currently waiting on Edge to start the Thunderholme Stuff.
Ashlin Woodsong - Chauntean Druid - Kind of a dormant character but anything related to Starlight Grove, defense of nature, or farm folk will be of keen interest to her.
Embrae Steles - Up and coming Wizard/EK. Still in low levels and not quite seeking 'quests' yet. Apart from a general pursuit of power, she's nursing a personal vendetta that I might seek to have turned into a personal quest in the future. She's still a work in progress however.

(Side Note: As one of the more vocal 'complainers' about not seeming to have a compatible schedule with DM quests and feeling demotivated as a result, I appreciate this effort to poll folks and maybe try to work in some of us who have a harder time.)


1) Friday to tuesday anytime after 4:30 EST. Wednesday and thursday really anytime

2) I'm in new york so EST , CST is one hour behind me

3) My main and pretty much only character I play currently is Kamon. His interests are pretty wide. Anything that can be made into a challenge in his head is something worthy of doing. He'd also be pretty gung ho for killing slavers or going on quests to kill demons/dragons/giants things that will get his name remembered. at the same time he is also a big ol softie and loves children so light hearted events are cool too. He's fiercely protective of his friends and loved ones .


1) I can play any day of the week, but US Fridays or Saturdays are the best event days for me as they line up to my Saturday/Sunday, and are the only days I'm guaranteed to be available.

2) My timezone is AEDT/AEST depending on time of year: Currently AEDT. CST is 16 hours behind, which makes 2am CST to 8am CSTs my best available timeslot on week days.

3) My main is Vierryna, the primary quests she signs up for are quests that would get her name out into the community as a do-gooder, or quests her immediate friends are participating in.


singerfromthemist Avatar
Oct 23, 2019 20:46:49 GMT -5  @singerfromthemist said:
(Side Note: As one of the more vocal 'complainers' about not seeming to have a compatible schedule with DM quests and feeling demotivated as a result, I appreciate this effort to poll folks and maybe try to work in some of us who have a harder time.)
This is the intention. Give everyone a chance to explain which times, days and interests are summarized and more accessible to everyone. So players with common interests or dms looking for more information to know the characters already have a reference point to start.

And give a some love to the alternative times too. I may not promise world-destroying quests and events that will change the reality of the fifth edition of Forgotten Realms at all. But those who destroy the street of your neighborhood I can try sometimes. ;)


I live under the UTC -3 timezone. Or for a better reference, CST +2 (two hours in advanced). My schedules are varied.

Characters: Nallah - Defending Cormyr, doing her clerical and military work, kicking ass of demons or foes and helping adventurers. If your character is not an huge arrogant idiot (icly) or someone clearly disturbed with psychological problems (icly) or clearly evil, you will probably have no problem with her. She is civilized with everyone.

Agata - Arcane Trickster, alchemists, treasure / relic hunter. She leaves the tower when she is asked to help with some exploration or research, otherwise she avoids the sun, having an intense sensitive skin.