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James St. Bell and Hydaro's Adventures in Dark Souls II

Started by Ogre Time Yay, May 12, 2014, 09:45 AM

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Ogre Time Yay

In my time away from CD... In my drawn out and overly prolonged time away from CD, I've been playing Dark Souls II with a few friends of mine, one of which you all know as the player of James St. Bell on this server. By tradition, we like to make James and Hydaro in different types of Fantasy games and see how things play out, here are some screenshots of the adventure.

Hydaro and Carnifex going at it

James St. Bell stepping in

"Ey bro! Stuff it!"

James and Hydaro's failed attempt at a fist bump

"Heard there were penguins here, so I dressed for the occasion..."

Fancy Hydaro is not pleased with your shenanigans, Heide Knight.

Shield user vs Shield user

The fight ended with a cool samurai like slash at each other with Hydaro ending up behind him while he was falling, great photo op.

James St. Bell and Hydaro charging to glory.


Close up of Hydaro, I was pleased with how accurate I was able to get it.