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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11c3

  • A new bookstore has opened in Eveningstar, courtesy of Ladybug.
  • The Fox Tail manor player house outside Marsember has been readded.
  • The Lady's Taste in Arabel now sells fancy umbrellas in Pink and Dark Cherry colors too.
  • Updates to some DMNPC areas.

  • Drinking Habsmefaaj without sufficient immunity to poisons should be a lot more dangerous now. Drinking it while poison immune will now only get you drunk.
  • Fixed an issue with the head selection script skipping some of the new elven female heads.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11c4

  • Made some minor adjustments to hopefully improve stability.
  • Fixed an issue with the head selection script skipping one of the gnomish female heads.
  • Made some fixes to the trap crafting scripts.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module v4.11c5

Recompiled the script base using the updated .36 compiler.
Fixed an issue with the Book Writing/Editing script.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module v4.11c7
Areas/Module content
Added the new Forum and Wiki links to the OOC lounge (Thanks FireWraith!)
Fixed floating door in Evereska (Thanks FireWraith!)
Item fix to the Soul Eater Greataxe and a Kama. (Thanks Edge!)

Diabolic Disciple
- Hellfire:
    - Damage now scales correctly at 8d6+1d6/level
    - Now uses HD for SR
- Iron Power:
    - Buff is now correctly set at 2ab/2dmg, 2ab/4dmg at level 10.
    - Buff now correctly affects allies.
    - Now instant cast.
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Hellfire shield:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Iron Skin:
    - Ability is now usable.
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Hellfire Storm:
    - Damage now scales correctly at 10d6+1d6/level
    - Now uses HD for SR
- Dread Might:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
    - Now instant cast.

Dragonsong Lyricist
- Song of Strength:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Song of Speed:
    - Duration is now 1.5 turn + 1 round/CL. Multiplied by 2 at epic. The 1.5 turn base duration is not multiplied.
    - Fixed the self-targeting.
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Song of Healing:
    - Now shows in the buff list NUI.
- Curse Song added to the feat list.

- Soft Fall is now mechanically implemented

Shadow Conjuration line of spells (Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration, and Shades):
    - Now all correctly use illusion versions of the spells they're conjuring.
    - They now all use Illusion spell DC and Caster Level.
    - Shadow Conjuration - Darkness: now has the correct range.
Flame Arrow:  now correctly does 25 damage when maximised.
Vine Mine - Entangle: now correctly has a 1 turn / level duration.
Nature's Beauty:
    - Spell is reworked: Blind for 3 round on a failed Will Save, then make a Fortitude save vs Death.
    - Doesn't proc saves & VFX on corpses anymore.
Nature's Favor:
    - Scaling is fixed. It used to only give the CL 1 effect until CL 16.
    - Fixed the CD custom spell damage scaling for uniformity with how other spells use it (this is a buff)
Added CD's custom spell damage scaling to spells that missed it:
    - Delayed Blast Fireball
    - Nature's Wrath
    - AoE element of Vitriolic Sphere
    - Heartbeat ticks of Cloudkill
Holy Sword: can now be cast on gauntlets. Divine fists!
Blade Thirst: now scales like GMW (Thanks Vince!)

Yulash Slaad Tower: The quest is now offered at lvl 6+, so fresh adventurers aren't sent into a slaad den too early. (Thanks FireWraith!)

Changes to the checks for caster PRC requirements. No noticeable changes for players, except that Silverstar of Selune now requires you to be able to actually cast 2nd level spells (enough casting stat/spell slots), like other divine PRCs already did.
Fixed the book editing script. (Thanks FireWraith!)


CD Module v4.11c8
Areas/Module content
Semberdale - Dripping Forest West: Removed the wild tressyms and poppers. Begone, cute winged kittens!
Arabel Sewer B1 - Restored 17 missing encounters (Thanks Vince!)

Fixed invisible/difficult to click transitions in:
Calanthar's way - Bat Cave
Cormanthor - Moonsea Ride - North of Halfaxe Trail
Cormanthor - Boggy Forest
The Sunset Mountains - Crater

Underdark (Thanks Rykka!):
The Platinum Spire is once again open for business. Now as Inn-style rentable luxury apartments.
The Forward Camp has been cleaned up a bit and added to the server permanently. It will take more time to repair though.
The Temple of Lolth is no longer covered in the dead and dying failures of the war.
The Illicit Grotto bathhouse has been added. (Collab with Epi!)
Nobles are no longer guarding the North Gate, having returned to their affairs.
The Pale Oath has been strengthened in their domain.
The inner-city damage from the the war has been cleaned up. The roads re-opened.
The upper echelon of the Southern District has been added.
The Great Theater of Maerimydra has been added.
Some old faces have returned to the Dancing Drider
Various new NPCs out and about. (No new dialogs yet.)
More of Melrida's Skulls hidden.

Player homes/groups:
Updated some player homes (Amethyst Keep & House Desarn).
Updated the Sunmantle's Guildhall rules.

Items (Thanks Edge!)
Tweaks to some new items that were overtuned for their tier:
   - Nightwatcher - Swapped Greater Dispel for Lesser Dispel on-hit
   - Bloodsought - Reduced negative damage to 1d6
   - Lichkiller - Reduced vs undead damage, swapped Greater Dispel for Dispel on-hit

Diabolic Disciple:
   - Iron Power vfx made less intense.
   - Iron Power now on a 1 round cooldown to prevent spam (still infinite use!).

Moonblade: duration fixed to 2 turn / level.

Optimized a script that ran on every character rest.
Removed an obsolete script that caused players to crash on transitions.
Improved server stability through ghost-script-hunting.

Added an example on how to use the /lock language command to the NUI help menu.
Added Wiki address to the /help NUI.
Fixed forum address in the /help NUI.
Updated the server rules in the /rules menu.
Temporary rollback of one of the minimap script that was causing issues.


CD Module v4.11d1
This update includes changes to many elements affecting mechanical balance of the server. Considering the amount of changes, there may be oversights. Be warned that numbers may be tweaked once we've had time to see how it all looks once tested live.

Areas/Module content
Arabel East:
- The refugee crisis is now over. Area has been updated. (Thanks Koffie!)

- Initial revamp of the area, refugees are settling back into the area. More updates to come. (Thanks FireWraith!)

- Blue Draykn has been entirely revamped. (Thanks Nokteronoth!)

- Various fixes to Maerimydra
- Fixed an hostile NPC in Maerimydra South
- Fixed floating placeables in player home - Amethyst Keep

- Tressym's Meow shop is now accessible.

Hullack Forest -  Wanton Wyvern Inn Exterior:
- Teleport point fixed.

Spell changes

- All cantrips are now unlimited use. UNLIMITED POWER!

- Added to ranger spellbook. Level 4.
- Now provides: +1 constitution, strength and dexterity per 2 caster level. +2 shield, armour, deflection, and natural armor class, +1 per 4 caster level. +1d10 wisdom and +2 to attack rolls. +20% non-physical immunity +1% per caster level.
Explanation: This is a bandaid fix to make Animal Companions usable, as they've long been useless on the server. The immunity is to compensate for the AI not knowing how to dodge away from danger, and numbers may definitely be changed in future updates if this feels over or undertuned once people have time to test it.

- Bosses are now immune to Whirlwind's crowd control effect.

- Can now be cast as a Silent, Still, or Quickened spell.

Planar Ally:
- Now correctly gets an increased duration with Spell Focus in conjuration.
- Now uses the Summoning Books system to select the summoned creature.

Shadow double:
- Double now spawns with a Premonition effect DR shield of the caster level if summoned by a CL 15+ arcane caster, so the unbuffed double doesn't get instantly squished.
- Shadow Adepts summoning a shadow Double now benefit from double the duration.

New Spells
Iceberry & Flameberry
- Druid 3/Ranger 2: Enchants the user's animal companion, granting it +1d10 cold (or fire) damage, regeneration of 1 hit point per round, and 10/- cold (or fire) damage resistance. 1 turn per level duration.

Mass Longstrider
- Druid 5/Ranger 4: Mass version of the Longstrider spell.

Recharge timers have been added to some abilities. These work like the Tempest's Flurry cooldown: that is, the recharge timer begins once the ability is used (i.e. -not- when its duration expires), and each charge is gained back according to when it was last used. This means you can still quickly spend all charges of an ability if it has more than one, and you'll gain back all of these once the recharge timer is up, or you can stagger usage to favor a rolling recharge of ability uses.

Arcane Fire:
- Cooldown removed

Blast Infidel:
- Cooldown removed

Barbarian Rage:
- 25 minutes recharge

Divine Wrath:
- +3 ab/saves +1d6 damage
- +5 ab/saves +2d6 damage at HD 20
- Damage resistance now scales with HD, not PRC level. Scales from 10/+3 to 25/+7 at HD 25.
- Duration now 5 + 1 round per Charisma modifier
- 10 minutes recharge
- Now instant use

Elaborate Parry:
- 2x/day
- 50 minutes recharge
- NUI metadata added.

Lay on Hand:
- 10 minutes recharge
Smite Evil:
- 2x/day, 4x with Extra Smiting
- 10 minutes recharge

Smite Good:
- 2x/day, 4x with Extra Smiting
- 10 minutes recharge

Undead Graft:
- DC changed to Palemaster Level + Highest of Charisma or Intelligence modifier
- 10 minutes recharge

Deathless Master Touch:
- DC changed to Palemaster Level + Highest of Charisma or Intelligence modifier
- 15 minutes recharge

Shadow Daze:
- Duration now 2 rounds per SD level
- 5 minutes recharge
Shadow Evade:
- DR now scales from +3 to +6 instead of +2 to +5
- 20 minutes recharge

Song of Celerity:
- 4 minutes recharge

Feint Mastery:
- 15 minutes recharge

Rallying Cry:
- 25 minutes recharge
Inspire Courage:
- 20 minutes recharge
War Cry:
- 10 minutes recharge
Oath of Wrath:
- 10 minutes recharge
Final Stand:
- 25 minutes recharge

Perfect Self:
- 20/+4 DR instead of 20/+1
Stunning Fist:
- Duration now back to the pre-EE 3 rounds
Empty Body:
- 1x/day
- Duration now 1 turn per 2 monk levels
- 20 minutes recharge
Wholeness of Body:
- Now heals an amount equal to 10% of the monk's max HP x the monk's Wisdom mod.
- 10 minutes recharge

Seeker Arrow:
- 15 minutes recharge
Arrow of Death:
- 15 minutes recharge
Hail of Arrows:
- Now adds 1d6 dmg per Arcane Archer level on top of the current damage
- 15 minutes recharge

Minor fix for compatibility with NWN build 36-13
Tweak to the Maerimydra portal script. Duergars can now enter.
Fix to some admin commands. (Thanks FireWraith!)
Fix to some misassigned constants.
Fixed prototype elevation script in Castle Truesilver. (Thanks Raysiel!)

Wildshape rework
This update includes a complete rework of druid and shifter's wildshape, aiming at giving the two classes a stronger identity with two diverging paths to follow. The goal of this rework is also to fix most of the remaining issues, bugs, and general mechanical weirdness associated with wildshape.

Considering the amount of changes made, numbers may be adjusted later on. Everything has been tested, but there could be bugs. Please report them in the #bugs channel of the Discord if you find any.

- Druids who have Dragon Shape. ONLY those who had dragon shape. Non-dragon shape druids are fine.
- Shifters.

Currently existing shifter characters who wish to keep to a more spellcasting-focused playstyle may relevel to druid.

In accordance with how such massive class changes have been handled in the past, currently existing shifters who had spellcasting focused items may post in the Replacing DM Items board to ask for a one-time edit to their affected DM items. Note that this only applies to spellcasting-focused stats like Bonus Spellslots that are now unusable.

Summary of the changes:
- Shifter now has no Caster Level progression.
- Shifter now gains full AB progression.
- Tumble added to the Shifter skill list.
- Armor Class (AC) merging from items now fully takes gear into account. This should lead to an AC progression curve through the levels and gear tier that more closely ressemble what other characters can expect.
- Weapon Focus: Unarmed and associated feats now automatically provide the right focus for weapon using forms. This means a shifter should focus on Unarmed feats to enhance their melee capabilities.
- Stat rebalance of all forms.
- Innate Dodge AC entirely removed from -every- shape.
- Form abilities' DC now scale with the players' Wisdom.
- Many models swapped to higher quality ones.
- Druid AC bonus now adds both Druid and Shifter levels. Still +2 at 5 and +4 at 10.
- Dragon Shape is now a shifter exclusive capstone.
- Epic Wildshape is now a (new) druid exclusive capstone giving access to Elder Treant, Myconid Sovereign, and Mist Dragon form.
- All abilities become infinite use past the level you'd have infinite use of the form. (You already had infinite use, but this prevent having to constantly unshift/shift for QoL)
- Backend change to the way gendered forms are chosen, using work done by Fox for Drider form. Simplified some of polymorph.2da and the wildshape script.

Shape specific changes (other than stat changes):

Panther form
- Replaced with cougar form.

Boar form
- Replaced with raven form.

Earth Elemental:
- Can now Hurl Rocks.

Epic Wildshape
- Requires epic character, 26+ Wisdom and Wild Shape 6x/day.
- Replacement for Dragon Shape.
- Treant has an AoE Entangle ability that does slashing damage and can hurl rocks. Similar skin to the elementals. Vulnerable to fire.
- Myconid has a corrosive spores ability that dazes foes and does acid damage. Similar skin to the elementals. Vulnerable to fire.
- Mist Dragon has Corrosive (acid) breath, Scalding (fire) breath, and Gust of Wind as abilities. Similar skin to the shifter dragon. Immune to fire and acid.

- All breaths now do the same amount of damage.

- Charm -> Daze.
- Daze duration doubled for the epic version.
- Daze radius increases to 8.33m at epic.

- Now a Krenshar. Fear gaze, 5 round duration. 10 at epic.

- Non-epic and epic version now both use a greataxe.

- Spikes ability only targets enemies.
- Cap upped to 8.

- Now a Dire Spider. Giant spider at epic (slightly bigger model, enhanced stats, and a stronger bite).
- AoE Web Ability.

Dire Tiger
- Now an Umber Hulk.
- Confusion Gaze ability. 2d3 rounds duration. DC increases at Shifter level 16+

- Psionic Barrier now has turn/level duration. 20/+7, 10*shifter level shield.
- Mindblast now does Shifter level/2 d6 damage, instead of /3. DC increases at Shifter level 16+.
- Mindblast duration now 2d3 rounds.

Undead Forms:
- Requirement changed: 24+ Wisdom.
- Turn Resistance added to every forms.
- Risen Lord now uses a Greatsword. Goodbye x4 crits.
- Spectre has the same invisibility changes as Kobold.

- Spells changed to fit the loss of CL scaling. Now uses shifter levels only for scaling.
- Rakshasa dispel replaced with a new version, capped at 20 Caster Level.
- Lost its staff.

- Chaos Spittle changed to 1d4+1d4/Shifter level

- Now a Lupinar.
- Has access to Hold Monster, Healing Circle, and Magic Circle vs Evil.
- Spells use Shifter levels for CL.

Construct Shapes
- Removed.

Epic Kobold:
- Invisibility now Improved Invisibility.
- Duration is 10 rounds.
- Metadata added for the NUI.

Dragon Shape:
- Requirement changed: Wisdom 26+ and Shifter level 14+.
- All breaths now do the same amount of damage, except Poison which does less due to the poison on-hit. DC improves with wisdom modifier.
- Stats adjusted: maximum AB/AC should be similar to what it was in a party, with self-buffed dragon shifters losing around 4 AB compared to the current status.


CD Module v4.11e1
Module palete change
- Fixed some tags on the wildshape skins.

- Maerimydra's Fire Giant stopped being so angry.
- Fixed a typo in the items sold by the Tressym Meow.
- Fixed a typo in the Ants Warehouse quest dialogue - Eyes and Ears of Arabel.
- New dungeon added for testing. Not yet connected to the maps.
- Blue Draykn Inn updated again. (Thanks Nok!)
- Updated Underdark - Sschindylryn - Central Markets for player business entrance (Ray)
- Finalized aqueducts dungeon in the Underdark. (Thanks Rykka!)
- Updated trophies in the Violet Flame
- Wyvern Caverns dungeon rework. (Thanks Misty!)
- Two new UD dungeon added for testing. Not yet connected to the maps. (Thanks Rykka & Edge!)

Player Areas
- (Diestormlie) Added Qu'za Zhaunil to Underdark - Sschindylryn - Central Markets (Ray)
- (Lanira) Updated Coin Toss and Vespillio player home (Ray)
- (Pretzel) Added player home and transferred another (Ray)

Creature/item palette
- Summoned Huge and Greater elementals now use a weapon so that they can be buffed with Elemental Weapon.
- Cursebound Bandits Ogre boss is now evil.

Iceberry and Flameberry
- Don't stack together anymore.
Summon Creature VII to IX:
- Players can now choose the type of elemental summoned using the /elementsum command. Example: /elementsum earth
Kali's Kamikaze Kobolds:
- Now works as described.
Energy Buffer:
- Can now be cast on others.
- Cap of 20d6. Prone for 2 rounds on a failed save.
Energy Drain:
- Drain 4d8 levels.
- Cap of 25d8.

- Rallying Cry and Final Stand now truly have a 25 min refresh.
- Barbarian Rage refresh timer fixed.
- Divine Wrath now gives the correct AB/Saves/Damage bonus at HD25+
- Fixed wildshape forms abilities being unusable if your first level wasn't Druid.
- DC of shifter's medusa shape petrification gaze lowered.
- DC of shifter's spectre energy drain lowered. Drain effect enhanced.
- Wildshape's Dragon breath damage slightly lowered.
- Shifter forms abilities CL fixed for Harpy Cry, Mindblast, Imp. Invisibility.

Spell Focus: Conjuration
- Non-undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +4 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
- Non-undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +8 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration
- Non-undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +12 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)

Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +4 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +8 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)
Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Undead creatures summoned by summon spells now have +12 to all physical stats. (This counts towards the +12 cap)

- Fixed Ranger AC checking for the wrong armor type.
- Potential fix to the Ranger debuff bug. Please test it and report!
- Fixed Swordmage keeping its AC bonus when using a 2 handed weapon or ranged weapon.
- Optimised a script that checked for PCs epic spells.
- Potential fix to the server-wide chat bug.
- Fixed a bug that led to skin properties stacking back onto the player skin when using wildshape. Affected players need to get in touch with a DM ingame to get a new skin.
- Fixed an issue where the builder module sent messages about deprecated scripts repeatedly (Ray)

- Added new DM commands to let DMs add and remove Epic Spell Feats to and from player characters.
- Added a new NPC DMs can spawn to let players archive their characters. (Thanks to Fox who had it fully coded already!)
- Added a new NPC DMs can spawn to let players rename their characters. (Thanks to Fox who had it fully coded already!)
- Added a new variable for DMs and dungeon builders to use. Enemies might be learning some player tricks...
- Modified the DM Export tool to allow DMs to backup their quest areas on the Event server to mitigate losses from server crashes (Ray)


CD Module v4.11e2
Module palette change
- Creature palette updated with new dungeon additions
- Solifigids in the Aqueducts dungeon have had their scale fixed. No more lil' baby monsters.

- Wyvern Caverns last chest is now correctly locked (Thanks Misty!).
- New T5 dungeon in testing has been updated according to feedback (Thanks Misty!).
- More tweaks to an upcoming UD dungeon (Thanks Rykka!).
- Removed duplicate Blue Draykn Inn in Yulash.
- Two new Underdark dungeon implemented for testing. Not yet accessible to players. (Thanks Rykka!)

Player Areas
- (Pretzel) Removed stray keys on the lawn and slight area update.
- (Pretzel) Updated description of placeable in player home.
- (Ray) Updated an Orb of Doom's name in a Drow shop

Ravaging Storm
- Now has the CL boost.
- Now works with Shape Mastery.
- VFX frequency lessened.

Ethereal Visage
- Duration is now Turns/level
- DR now becomes 20/+4 at 18 and 20/+5 at 25

Shadow Double
- Fixed a rare bug that could give the Double spells it shouldn't have.

Deafening Clang
- Can now be cast on gauntlets. Deafening fists!

Knight Errant
- Inspire Courage refresh timer increased to 30 min. 100% uptime was an oversight.
- Final Stand duration fixed (it was missing the *2 from KE levels)

Shadow Dancer
Summon Shadow:
- Now Instant Use.
- 20 minutes refresh timer.
- Now summons a clone of the caster, similar to the Shadow Double spell, but the clone cannot cast spells. It can use certain SLAs.
- The clone is Death/Mind immune, as it is a shadow.
- SD level 3: SD level round duration
- SD level 6: SD level * 2 rounds duration
- SD level 9: SD HD * 2 rounds duration
- Epic shadowlord Feat: 1 hour per HD duration. Premonition effect on spawn. +12 all phys stat.

Shadow Evade:
- Now Instant use.
- Fixed a script error that gave more AC than expected.

Shadow Daze:
- Now uses HD for SR piercing calculation.

Epic shadowlord:
- Now granted for free at Shadow Dancer level 12. Characters who are currently at or above shadowdancer level 12 may submit a relevel request.

Monk AC Bonus:
- Now granted at level 1.

Uncanny Dodge I:
- Now granted at level 3 to Monks. No relevels are needed (script magic!).

Tongue of Sun and Moon:
- New feat added to Monks at level 17. As implemented: the monk can understand all spoken non-secret languages. No relevels are needed (script magic!).

- Fixed popup text description script not working on triggers or encounters.
- Potential fix to the disappearing feats bug.
- Added Sap to the weapon finesse list.
- Trolls can now be killed with Hellfire damage.
- Fixed an error in AC calculation when using wildshape and wearing one of the custom base armors (Adamantine/mithral/etc).
- Fixed an error in the book writing script.


CD Module v4.11e3
- Fixed a few typos in the Rose Leaf Monastery dialogues and descriptions.
- (Underdark) Fixed a typo in an NPC's description in Maerimydra North.
- (Underdark) Vhaeraunite and Ghaundhar/Sewers fixes (Rykka)
- (Underdark) Inferno Cleft area added (Rykka)
- (Underdark) Updated Sschindylryn drow and duergar district (Rykka)
- Rumors speak of a powerful orc tribe settling in the Thunder Peaks... A new T5 dungeon has been added. (Misty)
- Added Pretzel Player Home.  No it is not made of pretzels. (Raysiel)
- Updated Coin Toss to remove sentient curtains. The new curtains are much better behaved and cost half as much! (Raysiel)

- Shadows summoned by Shadow Double and the Shadowdancer Shadow summon have stopped spamming voicelines.
- (Shadow Dancer) Shadow summon now has a base 3 round duration.
- (Shifter) Harpy Cry daze duration and DC reduced.
- (Shifter) Umber Hulk confusion gaze duration and DC reduced.
- (Shifter) Krenshar fear gaze duration reduced.
- (Shifter & NPC Mindflayers) Mindblast damage type now Psionic.
- (Barbarian) Terrifying Rage DC now uses base skill ranks, not modified ones.

Greater Bull's Strength
- Spell metadata added for the NUI menu.
- Now provides +8 strength.

Keen Edge
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.

Deafening Clang
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.

Holy Sword
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.

Bless Weapon
- Now correctly tries to target gloves if the target wears a shield without a weapon in the right hand.
- Now provides the correct feedback when the target isn't valid.

Greater Magic Weapon
- Doesn't work on Magic staff anymore.

Chill weapon
- Doesn't work on Magic Staff anymore.

Sonic weapon
- Doesn't work on Magic staff anymore.

- Added the /jumphench command to jump your henchman to you.
- Updated the /help menu with information about the /jumphench command.
- Optimization to the Swordmage AC script. Protective Personality AC now works unarmed, as it did before.
- Added a new command to let DMs take the skillpoint payment from PCs learning a language. LETO requests for language payments are not needed anymore. Please post a Misc Request and ping a DM in the Discord if you need to pay for a language.


CD Module v4.11e4
- (Rykka) The Vhaeraunite dungeon in the underdark is officially accessible and live (Ray)
- The ATAE story arc is starting to affect the world at large, and certain areas have been updated to reflect that (Ray)
- Added respawn point to the Bane temple near Voonlar
- Renamed the scribe shop in Suzail's North Gate area
- Updated description of Hullack's guard lieutenants
- Hellfire vulnerability added to Icegloom dungeon creatures where applicable
- Fixed area transition in Thunder Peaks - Western Foothills - Old Double Back
- Updated T5 orc dungeon (Misty)
- Updated loot tables for Weeping Crypt dungeon boss room (now drops T5 armors)
- Updated loot tables for Sakkors dungeon boss room (now drops T5 weapons)
- Fixed 200+ broken container loot tables covering nearly every dungeons. MOAR LOOT!
- Updated spell list of Sakkors Lich boss

- Removed outdated description that indicated an item couldn't be altered in any way. Forced themes and items with mechanically enforced appearance locks still remain
- Fixed T5 Boots of the Creeper having lower stats than the T4 version
- Fixed typo on Orichalcum Half-Dragon skin
- Added Werecrocodile (Animal and Hybrid) widget
- Added Wereraven (Animal and Hybrid) widget

- (Barbarian) Terrifying Rage updated. Now does the following: While the barbarian is raging, any enemy that comes close to him must make a will save opposed by 10 + the barbarian's base intimidate check or become panicked for 1d3+1 rounds. All opponents also receive a -2 penalty to attack and saving throw rolls and 30% spell failure for 10 rounds. Fear and Mind immunity protect from the effects of Terrifying Rage.

- (Cleric) Domains had a slight rework. Spells have been added to some domains that were lacking in bonus spells, duplicates have been removed, and some spells are now granted earlier:
Animal: Baleful Polymorph [4] instead of polymorph self, Nature's Avatar [9] instead of Shapechange
Destruction: Murderous Mist [4] & Inferno [5]
Earth: Greater Stoneskin [6], and Earthquake [7]
Evil: Shadow Mask [2] and removed the superfluous Unholy Blight
Fire: Flame Lash [1], Fireball [3rd]
Good: Early Tongues [2] & Hold Undead [3]
Plant: Entangle [1], Spike Growth [3], Vine Mine [4]
Strength: Early Mass Bulls [5], early Stoneskin [4]
Sun: Replaced the duplicated spell with Faerie Fire [1] & Replaced Sunbeam [7] with Sunburst [7] added Undeath's Eternal Foe [8]
Trickery: Displacement [4]
Chaos: Early Freedom [8]

- (Arcane Archer) Imbue Arrow now uses total HD for the Spell Resistance check
- (Divine Champion) Divine Wrath cooldown correctly set at 10 minutes

- Resist Poison now provides 10/- resistance against poison damage
- Resist Disease now provides 10/- resistance against disease damage
- Whirlwind Attack now has the same range as Improved Whirlwind Attack
- Improved Whirlwind Attack now hits twice
- Improved Whirlwind Attack requirement reduced to 18 dex

Reverse Gravity
- Any flying ability now provides immunity to Reverse Gravity, instead of the old script which only checked for the spell or the presence of wings

- Updated Giant Boulder Throw spell (2da # 775 ) to accept DC and Damage overrides (Ray)
- Added Werecrocodile lycanthrope
- Added Wereraven lycanthrope
- Added /copyspellbook DM command
-> This lets a DM possessing an NPC copy its spellbook onto a PC. For use when helping wizards rebuild/relevel.
- A typing indicator will now appear under players nameplate once they've had the chat bar focused for a few seconds. There is a delay between it toggling on and off, and it doesn't show when sending a Tell (unless you manually type in /tell "playername" instead of clicking a portrait of using the player list)
- Added /hidetyping to toggle off the visibility of your typing indicator. The command is also available through /settings.
- Status of /hidetyping is now listed on player login, similarly to other player toggles


CD Module v4.11e5
- Moved ~75 creatures that still used Jasperre's AI to our default AI.

- (Barbarian) Bugfix to Terrifying Rage not proccing saves.

- Full removal of all of the old Jasperre's AI scripts. Expect changes to the behavior of certain monsters. Please report to #Bugs on the Discord if a spellcaster enemy isn't casting spells at all. This change should reduce errors, limit lag, and make certain monsters more dangerous (Highmoon Bandits have stopped walking back and forth for no reason, for instance)
- Potential fix for the character targeting bug.


CD Module v4.11e6
- MARSEMBER OVERHAUL: The port city of Marsember has been completely rebuilt from the ground up by Fox.  Thanks to Rykka for the finishing touches on the project. More thanks go to Eidolon for the NPC work in Star Keep.  Marsember will continue to evolve over the next few updates with more NPCs, merchants, etc. (Ray)
- The ATAE story arc continues to affect the world, and more areas have been updated to reflect that.  Be on the look out... (Ray)
- New T6 dungeon added for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Edge/Lady)
- T6 Asylum dungeon rework merged for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Misty)
- New UD dungeon equivalent to King's Forest Orcs added for testing. Not linked to the rest of the module yet. (Edge/Lady)
- New Sewer Dungeon added to Sschindylryn (Rykka/Lady/Edge)
- The Society of Stalwart Adventurers has been loaded but not connected, pending an area revision in Suzail (Rykka). A future announcement will be made when open.(Ray)
- Updated sitting script in 316 areas to use the right one.
- Shop in Mouth of Gargoyles fixed
- Shield Up and Shrug in the /move menu now trigger the right animation
- Immortal tag removed from the new DM helper NPCs
- Several player homes have been added or revised (Jwhite, Pretzel, Ali)
- UD Vhaeraunite dungeon fixes.

- Now an offensive cantrip doing 1d3 fire damage.

- Psionic Concussion Blast ability now does psionic damage (monster ability)
- (Bard) Bard song is now instant use.

- Typing indicator won't show for DMs and possessed creatures.
- Size values for character scaling now respect Forgotten Realm maximum and minimum heights. You should expect taller elves, smaller dwarves, and so on. (FireWraith)
- Backend fixes to abuse prevention systems.
- Enabled T6 item drops
- Cleaned up an obsolete talk command related to spell VFX


CD Module v4.11e7
News and Announcements
- We are incredibly saddened to announce that Avariel (Kaylynn/Renee), the player of Charity Brightsong, and Tigerlily, the player of Skye Synter, passed away some time ago and are no longer with us in this world.  They played on the server between 2021-2022.  Those that had the pleasure of knowing them will miss them dearly.  The In Memoriam section in the OOC Area has been updated to honor and remember them both. (Ray)

- Word of a smuggling ring beneath Marsember filters through the rumor mill. (New T4 dungeon added for testing) (Lady)
- Suzail Eastern Promenade has been expanded and enhanced (Thanks to Aliirielle!)
- The Society of Stalwart Adventurers is now open via Suzail Eastern Promenade! (Thanks again Rykka for the Society build!)
- (UD) Update to the Hook Horrors dungeon (Edge)
- Update to the T6 Asylum dungeon (Misty)
- Update to the T6 Gallery dungeon (Lady)
- Marsember teleport points now work correctly (Ray)
- Various minor tweaks and fixes in Marsember, including the grounding of the flying frog. (Rykka/Ray)
- The Priestess of Tymora in Marsember no longer speaks like a Priestess of the Morninglord and has stopped selling Umberlee wares due to multiple Cease and Desist orders. (Ray)
- Sschindylryn Central Markets has been tweaked (Rykka)
- Vincent Klennard is no longer locked out of his front yard. (Ray)
- (UD) Vhaeraunite Mischief Makers can move again
- Removed Restoration scrolls from Berrybriar's Temple and the Leaves of Learning
- Loot and store bought wands that were useable by Clerics can now also be used by Favored Souls (May have missed a few, if so, please report them in #bugs in the Discord).

- Added /setname to set a temporary alternate name. Character will show a "Disguised" status when under a fake identity. Use /clearname to return to your default name.
- /hidestatus hidden status will now show even if you're in the same area as the character that's hidden.
- DMs/Builders can now assign their NPC's animation sets (arcane, demonblade,etc) using the local variable ANIMATIONSET int <animationsets.2da #>.  The NPC must be a dynamic model (i.e. halfling/human/elf would work, ogre would not). (Ray)
- Languages in descriptions are now properly translated (or not) on placeables/items/etc that are set up to display them. (Ray)
- (Spell) Find Traps can now be extended.
- Wereraven alt form can now fly.


CD Module v4.11e8
- Updated ~13000 placeables in 357 areas to use the correct sitting script.
- Dispelled the flying table in the Blue Draykn Inn
- Restored treasure script on Broken Jaw Orcs' crate of worg treats
- Update to the T6 Gallery dungeon in testing (Lady)
- Update to the T6 Asylum dungeon in testing (Misty)
- Update to the pirate dungeon in testing (Lady)
- Fixed the level check blocking entry to the Curse Bound Fortress dungeon
- Sakkor's Lich now respawns more often and its spawn trigger has been modified to prevent players from being stuck.
- Removed the locks on the doors of the Weeping Crypt.
- Fixed the conversation from Amesara for the Newbie quest in Arabel sending PCs to Tiddli instead of Elhazir.
- [Player business]  The Rook's Castle is now open in Yulash - City - South (Ray)
- [Player home]  Jack's ship is now docked and ready for ship shenanigans shipnanigans. (Ray)

Abilities, skills & feats
- (Barbarian) Rage now dispels active mind affecting effects on the barbarian (fear, daze, confusion, etc) when it's used at barbarian level 10+
- (Dragonsong Lyricist) Dragonsong feat now gives the expected +2 to Perform. (this doesn't count toward the +50 cap)
- (Divine Seeker) Sacred Stealth has been reworked. Now a permanent +5 bonus to Hide and Move Silently. (this doesn't count toward the +50 cap)
- (Ranger & Druid) Trackless Step now works in natural underground areas.
- (Shifter) Manticore Spike ability now uses your weapon enhancement bonus to determine DR piercing. Crit damage has been reduced.
- Epic Reputation feat now gives +4 to Perform. (this doesn't count toward the +50 cap)
- The new Skill Focus and Epic Focus feats for all custom skills except Knowledge Netheril provide the correct bonus to their respective skill.
- Spells stored in a spell sequencer will now be listed on the item description. Description will update on currently owned sequencers after they've been used once. (Ray)

Spring Cleaning!
- Five deprecated sitting scripts have been removed.
- 101 references to a deprecated script library have been removed, along with the script itself.
- Deprecated 45 scripts tied to the Alter Self system and cleaned up some potential bugs.

- Improvements have been made to the Buff on Perception script enemy casters use to make it more robust. Expect less enemy casters not getting their buffs.
- Setting the new SHAPE_MASTERY int variable to 1 on an NPC will now give it shape mastery.

Alter Self
Alter Self has had a slight rework and lots of behind the scene improvements:
- There are now six save/load slots. Appearances already saved to slot 1-3 are still saved to these same slots.
- The Alter Self conversation now allows editing ones height.
- Innate Alter Self conversation doesn't refer to a spell anymore.
- The spell version of Alter Self doesn't allow editing wings/tails anymore.


CD Module v4.11e9
- T6 Gallery dungeon updated (Lady)
- Pirate dungeon updated (Lady)
- Fixed the level check script at the entrance of the Broken Jaw Orc dungeon
- Removed Baleful Polymorph from the Memory of Netheril spellbook
- The dog of the Roseleaf Monastery now welcomes treats

- Shape Mastery code added to Mass Blindness/Deafness
- Thrall to Demon feat fixed to give it its +1 DC to all spells as described
- (Demonic Servitor) Summon boosts the class provides now also include an increase to Spell Resistance:
    Adept Summoner: 30 SR
    Master Summoner: 35 SR
    Master of Puppets: 40 SR
- (Demonic Servitor) Temp HP bonus to summons is now an increase to their max HP.
- A new DM command has been added to hide the combat log server wide, only useable on the Event server: /togglecombatlog (Note that it'll still show feedback message such as RP XP gain or abilities failing from being out of uses)