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Little bit of update...

Started by Jazzmyra, May 20, 2021, 03:15 AM

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As mentioned these last days on discord,  currently dealing with a heavy diagnosis... That is, a malevolent lymphoma. It's not yet called cancer, since it didn't spread and while being of the bad kind it's localized and easy still to bring under control. Today or tomorrow I'll be transfered to a university clinic for my first therapy - which will either be chemotherapy or a new kind which is enzyme based. I'll hope for the latter. I don't know when I'll be home, but currently doubt before next week. With kind regards to all, Jazz

(PS: I'm out of danger either way. It's been discovered very early and is still in the earliest stages so no need to worry on that behalf)


Thank goodness you're being well taken care of. I'm praying for you, Jazz. I hope that the therapy goes well and you're home safe and sound!
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


Get well soon! We'll be here when you get back.
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Hey Jazz,

I'm glad they caught it early and you're able to get treatment and it all cleaned up safely. There's a LOT of different chemo drugs out there that all impact your differently, so try to keep an open mind if you can't get whatever is ideal. It'll be rough, it might hurt, but you'll get through it. My mom's been on/off treatment for 13 years and still kicking, so you're gonna kick this thing's ass :)
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You said it yourself. That clinic is the best in the north. Let me know if you want to talk or anything and get well soon <3


Thank you for the succinct update Jazz. I wish you speedy treatment and recovery. :)


Thank you for the update. Please be well soon Jazz. <3 I am glad you caught it early, and I am glad it did not have time yet to progress to cancer stage. I hope you get the enzyme-based treatment, too. Chemotherapy can be a mixed-bag from what I learned.


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


So, a little more on this that I know from my doc since this morning.

My cancer is mainly located in my lymph node but also has a neurological component, spread to my head. This makes things a little more complicated (but not more threatening hopefully) than usual. The current plan of actions is for me to get my first chemo today, then stay under supervision until next week. Then, if all goes well and without complications, next session. The weekend following these I might get home, for two days, before once again to the hospital for one or two weeks and another sessions of chemos.

Depending on how well these coming four chemos go, I might afterwards be taking the following ones ambulant, and stay home in general. But, that is something I'll know in earliest two or three weeks I think.


Kick that lymphoma's ass, Jazzy. <3


Aaaaaand another update on my health situation. Today I got the last injection of my second chemo, and I figured I'd clarify a little bit more on it.

All in all, I'm getting two different chemo therapies. Each over several cycles. First one is specifically targeting my lymphnode tumor and I already took that really well. My back pain at this point is almost none existent, I haven't had to take any pain meds in the last two weeks which is a small blessing considering I wasn't able to sleep at all back home before I was hospitalized.

Second chemo therapy is specifically targeting the tumor that has formed in my head. It causes me to see double and used to cause headaches. With eyepatch and regulating how much I use both eyes carefully, I don't develop headaches anymore and my double vision has gone significantly down. This second chemo (which I had my first cycle finished today) is far more agressive and has a lot more components than the other one. Buuuut once again I'm lucky (and healthy enough generally) to take it very well, no side effects except from a general exhaustion which is attested to the body working with what is given to fight the tumor.

So far, it looks like I'll spend most of my time in chemotherapy actually at home. Only the brain related tumor -might- involve stationary treatment, but with how things are going, it could very well be I'll do it from home too, just visit once every two or three weeks to get the stuff pumped into me.

So far on my end. And with notebook, no matter what happens, I'll at least be able to attend most events and stuff that don't take place in the middle of my nights during hospital shifts :P


I'm glad you're responding we'll to treatment, Jazz. I, like the rest of us, am cheering you on!


Glad it's going well for you, nice to see you back!


Glad you are still progressing on healing and treatment. Cheering you on! Please do not be afraid to reach out to me to talk, or just to simply vent.


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


You're in my thoughts and prayers, Jazzmyra. You've got this!
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We're so sorry to hear, our thoughts and prayers for you and good recovery.  ^.^