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Thank you for the positive RP experience.

Started by dom101, Dec 16, 2013, 02:23 AM

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I'd also like to take this time to thank everyone that I've had meaningful interactions with on Kamon since my return but in particular Melody, Rhia, Tess and Rayel for being responsible for most of Kamon's growth and my entertainment. Looking forward to interacting more with Thayne, Vierryna and Nolyth, Celebrithrade, Nallah, Blane and Kiriku among others


Thank you to for Mista's linking of the entirely new bit of Team Morally-Misguided's naughtiness into the wider and older troubles of the Churches of Sune/Shar , and their historic disagreements.

Really fun set of thoughts to weave into our character's activities.

(Also to all the other people taking time out of their adventuring lives to call Joy an idiot, or worse for some poor life choices)


For my stay here I'd like to thank my consecutive months of NWN time playing to all of the Starglows, Whiskey Dingo, Nekohime, Melody, VVish, Shyshy, Kiwi, AzureMage and Vindflickan.

I quickly found myself to be frustrated at some things, left out of many things- but some of the things I could appreciate the most from this server is it's amazing community and mixed amount of PCs to enjoy RPing with on the fly, to involve with, and to learn about. I was really early-on concerned by the time taken for DMs to reply to Exotic Race Requests- from accounts on both me, other individuals, and my friends regards to simply wanting to play something out of the ordinary. On which the wait times have rationally and logically upset them. Large amounts of time, (namely almost a month) for a simple minute-long construed 29 word reply.

I never involved myself into any DM quests, never really knew how actually- and when Melody became a DM I showed to her the desire I had to deeply involve myself. I pondered how some of those DM events could have gone if I were actually in some of them. I quickly found myself pacing around Arabel a tonnes, eventually placing myself to sit in the center due to many not being much of anywhere else, interacting at most times with little to no return- excluded and awfully dissatisfied, with popular namesake individuals in the scenario to handle and take over dialogue. When DM events would begin, from some of them I would be excluded- because I was not initially a part of them.

I had fun little encounters on the server that I will always think fondly of, a few times being brought off to sit elsewhere and RP, clear a dungeon- sing and dance.. but those were incredibly short lived.

I strongly and HEAVILY disliked the soft cap on the server, finding myself hardly able to experience the full extent of my builds, to capably role play to the fullest extent of my abilities. Finding myself quick to create new characters, "being an altaholic" .. so that I could "fit" within said cap, to where I could role play comfortably within the mechanics, and amicably with others.

Not sure if it was noticeable at all, but I have taken respite away from Cormyr and the Dalelands as of late- and I will likely return in the future as my attention has been brought elsewhere. I invited many friends to this server, some remain, and some have came and gone. I thank all of you for the (mostly) positive experience, but I really do wish there was some way I could have made it better, for myself- so I could reflect it better onto others and their experience. I felt like in some of my closest friends Private Messages on C&D, I have possibly upset the constituency with my dissatisfaction at every turn.. to only make it worse, and to them I am deeply sorry if I have upset them. Cheers.

The Red Mage

2cwldys Avatar
For my stay here I'd like to thank my consecutive months of NWN time playing to all of the Starglows, Whiskey Dingo, Nekohime, Melody, VVish, Shyshy, Kiwi, AzureMage and Vindflickan.

I quickly found myself to be frustrated at some things, left out of many things- but some of the things I could appreciate the most from this server is it's amazing community and mixed amount of PCs to enjoy RPing with on the fly, to involve with, and to learn about. I was really early-on concerned by the time taken for DMs to reply to Exotic Race Requests- from accounts on both me, other individuals, and my friends regards to simply wanting to play something out of the ordinary. On which the wait times have rationally and logically upset them. Large amounts of time, (namely almost a month) for a simple minute-long construed 29 word reply.

I never involved myself into any DM quests, never really knew how actually- and when Melody became a DM I showed to her the desire I had to deeply involve myself. I pondered how some of those DM events could have gone if I were actually in some of them. I quickly found myself pacing around Arabel a tonnes, eventually placing myself to sit in the center due to many not being much of anywhere else, interacting at most times with little to no return- excluded and awfully dissatisfied, with popular namesake individuals in the scenario to handle and take over dialogue. When DM events would begin, from some of them I would be excluded- because I was not initially a part of them.

I had fun little encounters on the server that I will always think fondly of, a few times being brought off to sit elsewhere and RP, clear a dungeon- sing and dance.. but those were incredibly short lived.

I strongly and HEAVILY disliked the soft cap on the server, finding myself hardly able to experience the full extent of my builds, to capably role play to the fullest extent of my abilities. Finding myself quick to create new characters, "being an altaholic" .. so that I could "fit" within said cap, to where I could role play comfortably within the mechanics, and amicably with others.

Not sure if it was noticeable at all, but I have taken respite away from Cormyr and the Dalelands as of late- and I will likely return in the future as my attention has been brought elsewhere. I invited many friends to this server, some remain, and some have came and gone. I thank all of you for the (mostly) positive experience, but I really do wish there was some way I could have made it better, for myself- so I could reflect it better onto others and their experience. I felt like in some of my closest friends Private Messages on C&D, I have possibly upset the constituency with my dissatisfaction at every turn.. to only make it worse, and to them I am deeply sorry if I have upset them. Cheers.

Thank you for your insight and time invested into building the community with your characters and writing. I'm sorry you have had negative experiences, but I'm glad you shared them in a responsible manner. I'm not sure who your characters are, but if you decide to come back, you're welcome to message me on discord to meet and RP or go on a dungeon. As far as DM quests or server mechanics such as the soft locks, those are there for many reasons and staff can give you a better explanation over the long history of the server as to why they feel its the best system set up for this particular sandbox. 

We all feel burn out or feelings after a while, and it's good to get some fresh air. You're always welcome and thanks again. 


2cwldys, if I in any way made you feel excluded, I want to apologize for that. It was never my intent to do so. I hope that things get better for you and you come back someday. If you do, I'll do my best to make sure that you're included in both plots and RP. Many blessings, and if you need to talk, I'm here.
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


Alright, I haven't done this in a very very (very) long time and it's past due that I did.

You're one of my oldest friends and it's been my absolute pleasure to be able to play with you. You've inspired me to make different characters, and push the boundaries and I never cease to have fun when you're around. Your friendship and RP has been one of the most valuable experiences in my life and I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything - and am glad for the many years of RP we've been able to have together. Amaiss would quite literally not be the character he is today without Kelendel, and he wouldn't have deviated from the path of self destruction he was on without that help. If not for you the character may well have been perma'd a very long time ago, and I'm grateful that the RP and effort was put in to help him. Also, I've stolen Susan. She's being held hostage, but she sends her love.

Your characters and DMing has been a hell of a lot of fun over the years. You always put a lot of thought into the characters and they develop very well, and very naturally. Bernie is always a delight to see in action on (and off) the battlefield. Your events have literally shaped the server and have (for better or worse) affected my characters as well. Thank you for your hard word.

Git good.

It's been a joy watching you start on this server and grow to become (quite quickly) one of the most positive and influencial people on the server. Your RP has always been wonderful, and while I wish we got to RP more, I'm sure that everyone on the server feels the same way. There's just not enough of you to go around. We've had an RP history prior, but you've shone more here than I had seen of you before. Thanks for all the great times.

You're a delight. Don't stop being one. Hope we get to RP more in future!

You're neat, keep being neat. I've seen you RP a fair few characters and I hope to keep seeing you.

As one of my longest RP friends on the server, and the person who my oldest main character repeatedly goes back to (not that he ever leaves) you have been a pleasure to RP with. You've given me tons of great memories, and I hope to continue to see you for a long time yet. Life has often gotten in the way of things but we always find a way to find some time together every now and then. You're a great friend, and a great roleplayer too.

Keep being a grumpy red dragon. Keep fighting. You've been a ton of fun!

You and I have been RPing together for a heck of a long time now. I've been grateful to see you play in different ways, and it's always been a hoot. You're one of the few people that actually take interest in new characters, and I've always felt pretty welcomed by you. Thank you very much for some great times and some great memories.

You already know I love you. You're a great friend, let's never stop hanging out. SILVERY!
P.S. I also fully expect you to end up anywhere where I end up playing games, because that seems to be the way things are fated to go.

Azuremage & Vindiflicken:
You've welcomed me, and been a wonderful pair of friends. I was going to do you separately but honestly you've both been such a welcoming pair together that it feels right to put you together. The starglows might be the new Ravenshadows, but it's nice to see a big lump of friendly happy characters that want to welcome people into their family and take care of them.

I'll likely do others and sorry if I missed anyone out, but I'm not particularly good at this.
Thank you to everyone! Please keep the community awesome, and thank you for all the great RP.


Thank you for everyone who came out to enjoy Yeartide/Winterfest at Celeb's mansion! I had a really great time RPing with you all and spreading some holiday cheer!

Some interesting facts from the event:

- From start to finish, there were 41 attendees! It really was a full house.
- Chauncey Edgar Leonardo Emmanual Bosowski Ignatius, the Fourth (Also referred to as "CELEBI") and Celebme'a (Silverlight) were tied as the name for the Elf on the Shelf!
- And of course, in a close third, was the name "Camthalion"
- There were 36 gifts (or gift groups) given from player to player, not counting the RP item that was given to every attendee! It was very heartwarming to see such creative gifts given to one another.
- 12,690,000 gold was raised at the auction (half of the coin was contributed by Melody, who matched the amount raised from her own pocket!)

I am looking forward to similar events in the future, everyone. Have a great holiday season! - Blackheart


Thank you to for the tour of the shield and a fun experience for my new PC. ^_^ It was pleasant and informative all at once, and helped me make some more concrete ideas and feelings for him, too!


Thank you for all the wonderful people on CD who make it utterly wonderful to play here. You're the lifeblood of the server, and without you, it simply wouldn't be.

- To Bushy/Grim, for always being a dear friend and having one of the most interesting characters I've run across in a long time. You're a joy to spend time with and I need to do it much, much more often. Grim is introspective and fun to be around, with a depth that I crave to see in RP.

- To Rhiannon/Jerrick, for being supremely positive even in the face of difficult RP and IRL times. You're an amazingly positive influence on CD and you always make me smile. Rhiannon is like a sister to Melody and she's so fond of her that she can't help but brightening in Rhia's presence.

- To Red Mage/Ramald, for being such a calm and reassuring presence on CD. I can't tell you how much it means that you remain steady and seem to exude a stillness that sets my spirit to do the same. I'll be praying for you and yours, always. I love the RP that we have regardless of the character you choose, and you have an extraordinarily diverse set of RP skills that I've come to admire.

- To Blackheart/Celeb, for being my ride or die. You are, above all others, my light here. You work hard, you're forever positive, you're a very dear and true friend. You go above and beyond to do everything you can for others, and for that, I can't help but genuinely admire you ICly and OOCly.

- To LegionDraconis/Thayne, for always putting up with me. You know what I mean and I adore you for it. Thank you for being good-hearted and kind, even when I have moments of weakness, doubt, fear, or anger. Thayne is a strong protector to Melody and she wouldn't know what to do without him.

- To Thrymskvitha/Areúsa, for always having so many puns and being a very positive influence who demands that others around be the same. While I may fall flat on that, you're an inspiration and I'm grateful for you, and for Areúsa's RP.

- To RJ/Tindra, for always being so sweet and kind to me, even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for giving Melody a chance with the Rosewood. She (and I) are forever grateful.

- To JadeDragon/Serina, for having such a consistently fun personality and for playing a character I've always been fond of. Serina is a joy, wherever you play her, and you always make he someone I enjoy being around.

- To Myv, for being so sweet and kind to me. I'm sorry that I haven't been a better friend at times. I aim to fix that, and just know I cherish and adore you.

- To Trylo/Mista, for being so patient with me. You've been around so long that I've come to rely on you for a great deal of knowledge about CD, and it shows that you know it. Thank you for being such a fun RPer. I've always felt honored to be included in your plots, it means a great deal to me.

- To Bleuception, I've been overjoyed to know that you're doing better, and the RP we had recently was extremely fun. I look forward to more!

- To Darkfangs/Cairora, for being such an amazingly sweet person IRL, and a fantastic RPer ICly. I'm grateful to have you around and all you do.

- To Pawposterous/Vierryna, for being such a joy of a person and having a very fun character that can be very silly and very sweet.

- To Jazzmyra, for being a consistent friend almost since I arrived on CD. Thank you for putting up with me and my many, many flaws.

- To KoA/Kamon, for making one of the most fun barbarians I've ever met on NWN. Thank you for being a friend and for always offering to help me should I need it. I do remember that, and I'm grateful for all the times we've had to RP together.

- To Liriel, for making the house. OMG you are so sweet and so amazingly talented! I adore you!

- To Nok, for being one of the most amazing RPers on CD, period. Your ability to weave words into emotes is truly impressive, and on the rare occasions we've been able to RP, I've been amazed.

- To Xeneize/Camthalion, for playing a very unique Tel'Quessir who makes Melody simultaneously fond and angry. I think very highly of you, despite what you might expect, and I'm grateful for the RP we've had together.

- To Edwardfalcona/Kelendel, for being one of the genuinely nicest, kindest people on all of CD, both ICly and OOCly. Whenever Kelendel is around, Melody/I feel better, and I know that everything is going to be okay.

- And to everyone else that I've missed. I love you all. You're a blessing to be around, and I'm grateful to RP with you on CD. Thank you for making this place my home, for loving me despite my flaws, and for all the amazing, wonderful, spectacular roleplay we've had over this last (getting on a) year.
"Hello, dashings and darlings!" - Melody


Well damn thank you Melody! I think I'm overdue for one of these so let's give this a go... If I fail to mention anyone specifically don't feel slighted !

Jerrick/Rhia- For being my go to adventure buddy  and having a no bullshit RP relationship with Kamon and Rhia. It's feel good positive vibes always. We seem to be very similar in alot of things with our OOC chats and I've enjoyed becoming friends over the last few months.

Bushy and Sheh- Miss you both alot , very much fondly remember our time on the server together towards the beginning of this year when we were pretty much together all the time.

Trylobyte- I honestly have always gotten the feeling you don't like me but recently I feel like that's changing idk! But even as much as we might disagree with one another I do enjoy our interactions however brief they may be at times. I am a big fan of your barbarian drow if thats surprising at all : P

Blackheart- For CONSTANTLY putting out plots and keeping the server fresh and always something to talk about even if I'm not in them!

Melody-  Oh man Melody , I adore our interactions especially as one of the people who might have actually spent enough time around Kamon to at least start to see Kamon as more than just a generic barbarian. My only regret is the sudden disappearance I had earlier this year because I feel like Kamon and Melody would have had such a more developed relationship between one another if not for that. I adore ya and I am 100% sincere in all of my offers of council and being an ear to vent to as you have listened to me vent about some of my frustrations plenty of times!

VVish- I haven't seen you around much lately but I definitely enjoyed our interactions and hearing about the background of your character

Tess- I haven't seen you much around lately either but I miss ya and hope to see my other adventure buddy come back soon

Andelas/Blane- I look forward to more time together as we've only recently started to BS with one another in tells and what not . I have a feeling we are quite similar in tastes and I look forward to hanging out more

DA(Demonic_angel)- Good to see you back buddy, we haven't really RPed at all yet honestly since you came back but its good to see some of the old hats

Redmage- For bein a chill dude to talk mechanics with and run dungeons with. Always a relaxed , no drama , fun time

Dizzy- Another one I haven't had the chance to RP with much but just glad to see you around. Miss the good ol' days!

Xeneize- Wtf why you keep followin me to servers bro? : P but naawww, good to see you around even if I think your elves being tall is weird

Garage Trashcan

I don't think I've ever posted in this thread, and if I have, it was certainly longer ago than I can remember.

I want to give a huge shout-out to those who have been helping with Nikolai's development lately. What I thought had become a stale character with nowhere to go, he's been given new life through the self-reflection he's being forced to face.

JadeDragon - Serina has really subverted expectations for me and is providing to be a valuable source of making Nikolai question himself, while never asking him to change who he is.

The Red Mage - Ramald is a great Lawful foil to Nikolai's Chaos. His direct honesty has more impact than he might think.

Reality Jumper - Tindra's kindness and generosity is a strong contrast to his own inner demeanor, and I see her being a strong influence on him in the future.

I also want to show some appreciation for all the newer and returning members of our community. It's amazing seeing how some of you have been here less than a year, but not you're so memorable as a pillar of our community. I've only been back a few weeks, but it would literally not be the same without all of you and being a strong force of positivity and acceptance for us. I really hope I get a chance to see more of your characters and interact with them. It motivates me to better in my own roleplay and tell a compelling story with my characters.
Torsten Solberg - Jovial Jotunkind
Halonya Gabranth - Paladin of Hoar
Retired PCs: Felix Greentrack, Nikolai Mikhailovich

The Red Mage

I don't do this often enough for all the great RP I experience, whether it's just pleasant company or more serious, character rewarding roleplay. And I know I'm going to miss someone, so please don't be upset if I leave off your name. 

Bloodsword: Tarie is one of the most exceptionally played and consistent paladins I've seen in my long tenure on NWN, and I am constantly enamored with your dialogue and description. I appreciate how helpful she is, how she can be, and it's always a pleasure to get more personal time with the character. 

Areusa: I haven't had much overall time played with Areusa, but she is a well put-together and well written character. She's wise, smart, and fallable, and I like characters who can take hardship in strife and prosper. 

Melody: You have given much to our community ICly and OOCly by being a persistent fountain of warmth and posistivity, and even when it may be tiring for you, it is deeply appreciated by myself and many others. Thank you.

Terallis and Hyrulee: I was very impressed by both of your quick-witted and well-written descriptions and dialogues, and you both continue to impress me daily with how well manufactured and well cared for your characters are. 

Demonic Angel: I've been extremely proud of you taking the initiative and risk on reimagining some of your older characters. It's a brave thing to do, and I'll support you and your characters how I can. As my oldest friend here, let's cause a riot. 

Nok and Misty: Thank you both for constantly indulging my testing and questions. While our playtime hours often conflict, you've both been more than welcoming to my less-than-optimal builds on your way to victory(even if it's stated often it's not needed :P). I'm glad you're both here striving for sensible changes and all the work you've put into making information more transparent. I understand how beneficial that is to a community where everyone wants to play and build for their best. 

KOA- Thank you for always being willing to just do /something/ when I'm stagnant. It helps keep the juices moving if we're actually moving, sometimes. When you're around, we're rarely in a rut, and I appreciate that.

Bleuception: Syrianne has impressed me a lot as a character. I've enjoyed your other characters as well, and I'm glad you're sticking around to share your storytelling ability with us. 

Graveman: While I've only gotten the chance to RP with you briefly, Kevran's initiative as a character to get a plot rolling on his backstory is something I will always applaude, and let me know if there's anything I can do to assist you.

Bella/ Edge/ Ladybug: I enjoyed the Far realm plots very much even if I was a little afraid to participate. I was very impressed by your prose and ability to design monsters. Thanks for accepting my apology and letting me rejoin this community I grew up in. 

To everyone I may have missed, I hope we can RP more soon in game. Feel free to message me on discord if you'd like to meet up to RP or just dungeon or just talk. 


Thank you so so so much to Soley's player for today you are awesome, and my new favourite person nuff said


Thank you to everyone who participated in the first session of the Lecture Series tonight. ESPECIALLY our speakers: Mista, Syrianne, and Erliza.

And Nok for adding a dragon to the mix unexpectedly.

Stya tuned for the next one. :D


I didn't realise this existed until a few pointed it out to me! So I wanna thank a few people for the RP in a dungeon recently, when we all got accidentally locked in. :')

Inkish, Red Mage, Terallis, and Xaerin! That was really fun, and super funny to be a part of. I'm glad everyone made the best of a really silly situation, instead of just using crystals to escape.

I also want to thank a lot more people for being so kind to me OOC and really making me feel so at home here, but the list would be way too long. <3