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Craft Wand?

Started by dom101, Dec 24, 2013, 06:05 PM

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Can we talk Craft Wand for a second?  It's -horrible- ... I just paid 22,500 gold and 900 xp for a wand that lets me cast Haste 7 times.

I'm almost certain I tried to bring this up once, but I don't recall if I paid attention to the thread.

Is there a way to lower the cost of it?  I mean, I realize it's not Craft Blast Scepters or Craft Staff, but good lord it's useless.  So much so that I've just delegated it to the mechanic proof my character can build and sell dildos.  It's all they're good for.

Test 2.  Mestils Acid breath.  11,250 gold.  450 xp.  6 uses.


Those values are vanilla NWN. Unchanged.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


Vincent07 Avatar
Those values are vanilla NWN. Unchanged.

Not positive, because I do have issues with reading comprehension sometimes (EDIT: This is not sarcasm, this is legit.  I had to read it 4 times before I understood what they were saying).  But on there it says:

A newly created wand has 1d20 + 1 charge per level of the character caster (up to a maximum of 50 charges).

Why would a level 14 caster only be getting 7 uses of a haste wand?  Shouldn't it be 1d20 + 14?  Does it only do 1d20 + 5 because I only have 5 Wizard levels (The rest being other at-level casting classes)?  I know there's other things to look into on the server that trump this, but I wouldn't mind busting out a few 15+ use wands.  :P


Maybe it would be better to make Craft wand into a request and make item like most of the other craftings to avoid issues like Dom has found where, frankly, it isn't worth the time to make wands if your getting naff ones like he did. At least until a fix could be put in.


Problem there I've found, it's hard to get a DM willing to take the time to build those items.  I have a belt in limbo for like 6 months.  Could be, because it's +5 quality, but then again it's literally a copy+paste of another character crafted belt.

I wouldn't be against it, but I would be less likely to craft them.  Or be more tempted to craft them in the likeness of Dildos.  <.<

The Red Mage

It probably doesn't count PRC levels.


Yea that sounds like a bummer, hope there is a better way of doing that


It doesn't count the PrC levels from custom content, because the scripts are still vanilla. That's why you're getting so few charges.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


Alright, just wanted to double check to make sure that was the issue.  It's not that big of a deal since Viktor is an Alt.  Good to know all the same.