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Druids -- Heavy Armor Proficiency

Started by Voice of Kerensky, May 26, 2015, 09:37 PM

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Voice of Kerensky

A simple enough request/comment here.

A good deal, if not most/all of the druid armor on the server is heavy armor/base 8 platemail -- sort of an acknowledgment that in most cases, the most ideal druid build is going to be using "plate".

Given that druid isn't exactly the most celebrated of the caster classes, is there any reason why they should be "punished" by making them take a feat (or dip a class) to be able to use most of the custom/good armor intended for druids?

Free heavy armor proficiency for druids!


¡ Libertad para druida!
..Yes to heavy armor for druids.
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything