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New Charactors with Big Backgrounds.

Started by Reecie, Jun 20, 2014, 12:38 PM

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darthweasel Avatar
One good round of tuberculosis can give anyone a reason to need to retrain. another option is to simply come out of retirement. The easy life takes its toll on someone.
Neither of those explain a loss of divine power, though.

Atomic Twinkie

For loss of divine power, being tricked into doing something that you believed your deity would approve of by an evil force, only to discover your deception can sometimes lead to being stripped of power until you atone, gradually gaining it back. I've seen people do this one before, the old "Some monk in the church is actually evil and says that High Cleric Garry Joe believes that that village is filled with demons and devils cleverly hiding, we must purge them for our lord" and then you do it for a little bit, notice something's wrong, see the evil man doing his thing and then smite it and then cry whilst rain pour down, feeling the God withdraw your power from you as you have broken the golden rule, or something.


Or alternatively, don't make your PC have a crazy high-level background...  

Case in point, my old main from when I used to play here started out as a cavalryman in a crusading force.  Plenty of opportunity for a very cool backstory without being a one-man ogre smiting machine.  


Or, my rich spouse died, the kingdom taxed me now I'm brokt?