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Forgotten Realms - High School

Started by kelitayu, May 07, 2015, 08:22 AM

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belladonna Avatar
May 7, 2015 17:55:44 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
Whether or not you're being flippant here (  :D ), I'm seriously glad for this.  And I really have to love everyone's banding together to say "lets just have fun, kay?"!
I am definitely not being flippant.  Every so often I find myself expressing a positive thought.  And then I am forced to run off and find some fellow to torture and make it all go away.


Alright... lets see

Alton - straight up Jock.. but not Captain of the football team / Quarterback type, more the big quiet defensive lineman type. Drove a Jeep.

Dominique - Cheerleader .. also one of the ones who is -always- starting shit, by either hitting on guys she knows are taken or that she knows somebody else likes just to get them pissed. Drove a Miata

Badhbh -  Smart / Bitchy girl who quit debate team and gifted program after sophomore year. Still hangs out with the geeks, but is more often found with the slackers nowadays. Was once a straight A student, still aces tests but doesn't turn in homework assignments so her GPA dropped to "B"s. Drove a Golf convertible.

Geno - Industrial Arts kid, also one of the first in school to get facial hair. had an older junker sports car that he was always tuning. Drove a pickup.

Tene - Gothy Band kid. Drove a Prius.

Jaylithel - skinny ass kid who ran cross country. A bit goofy, but always seemed to be hanging out chatting up the girls. Was always at the school dances and was usually one of the first guys ont he dance floor to break the ice. Drove a tuned Celica Supra

Roan - Cute poor farm boy kid. Was usually in dirty jeans and t-shirt. Bashful and awkwardly overly polite around girls. Drove a pickup.

Jay of the Dark Hand - Played kick returner / running back in school due to quickness and elusiveness. Despite his athletic ability, he was always on the periphery of the Jock group. Was usually quiet, but when he did speak it was usually something sarcastic. Would of gotten himself in more fights if it wasn't for him following up the smart ass comments with a goofy grin. Drove a Toyota MR2 or Fiero
" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


belladonna Avatar
May 7, 2015 17:55:44 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
Yaldabaoth Avatar
You know, as recently as a year ago, a thread like this would have caused us to descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.  Here, no one seems to have broken out the conch shells or pig's heads.  It would be enough to bring a tear to my eye, if I hadn't already wept my last tears 6 billion years ago.
Whether or not you're being flippant here (  :D ), I'm seriously glad for this.  And I really have to love everyone's banding together to say "lets just have fun, kay?"!
In my experience, people who start threads like this are usually DMs from another server/project, hoping to create an impression of angst/disunity in order to scare people away from C/D because they're angry about their lower playercounts. It never actually seems to work, though. Most players are smart enough to stay FAR away from any server/project where the staff is more excited about spending their time trash talking another project, than spending their time building up their own project.


Vivian - She would be the straight A, straight laced, preachers daughter who was president of the student body, Valedictorian, president of the school pride committee, who works part time, and find times to volunteer on the weekends with the impoverished and elderly of her community because it would so nicely round out her high school career. She would have a minivan or Prius to get around in. 

Bethra- She would be one of the shy and quiet kinds who spends a lot of time in the Home Economics room and the library, but would scurry around the halls from class to class only speaking to a few of her group of close knit friends. Wouldn't drive herself, but would go hop in Alton's Jeep during lunch break to steal a smoke.

Micah- He would be one those guys who walked around with a guitar on his back, wearing a Nirvana or Ramones T shirt. He would probably get detension for vandalism for spray painting "Free Tibet" on the statue of the school founder. Then would go lurk down by library or Lit club rooms to try to hit on one of the shy mousy bookish type of girls and impress them with his sensitive, but bad boy demeanor and music. 


Voss: Class Clown / Schoolyard Bully. His parents are rich and distant to him so he's entitled and angsty due to his discordant family life
Tavaris: Me in high school. lol Smart guy, everyone's friend, but his mouth gets him in a lot a trouble. Can often be found with his nose in a book about dragons.
Lily: Popular girl's little sister. She's the younger child of a single-parent household whose father dotes on the eldest because she's an overachiever. Loves her sister and rides on her popularity but has self-confidence issues because she always comes in second at home.
Lanius: The stoner kid. His parents were hippies, and they're cool with him smoking at home. Of course, love is free, man, so he takes that shit to school and sells it for a buck an ounce.

Atomic Twinkie

Amaiss: Takes hardcore drugs, parties, never seems to study, always seems to be with a different girl - and yet he still does well on tests.
Goirin: Who even knows
Clay: The big kid that stands up for littler kids, but still treats them pretty rough (Tavaris!)
Vladislak: Foreign kid that's far too good at sports and spends a lot of time at the gym.

Sorn: Highschool drop out that was really charismatic and trouble maker.  People are happy he's gone.  He drove a firebird.
Sophia: Cheerleader captain.  Would assist anyone to create drama and trouble, because that's really what education is for.  Drives an Indian motorcycle.
Neisha:  Math geek who is a goth chick who would hold siances in the vacant classrooms at night.  She would also hold the local occult group for regular meetings in the gym.  Drives the family hearse.
Soril: A misfit that spends all his time in the gym, or cutting class, and routinely getting in trouble with any disciplinary comittee.  His hangout is the local strip joint where he chats with gangsters.  He drives a black sedan.


Belarthrae- The kid who talks a lot during class/group discussions, loves doing projects. Always ends up walking or eating alone, sort of just fades away after school.

Caoilainn - The average student. Though the one that gives off the creepy vibe with those out-of-the-blue comments that might make someone think they'll come by with a .45 one day to fuck up the place.

Chara - The school-transferred farm kid who doesn't really know what's going on, but finds it too amusing to care.

Kimbell - The teacher who's been there so long she just doesn't care since she has tenure. Likely never went to high school while young, so being said teacher is first exposure.



Rashan - The kid always on field trips with whatever club or group has a trip to offer, the further, the better. A foodie and culture junkie, foreign languages are among his loves. Backpacks through Europe over the summer, and plans to study abroad extensively during college.


Zevarion - Quiet and polite kid who always sticks to his twin brother. Usually seen wearing cammies and dog tags. Has friends amongst various groups, often hating eachother. Usually has very good grades, providing he finds particular subject interesting (loves history). Decided to join the Marine Corps long before he started school. Drives Hummer H1 with more than few military and motivational stickers.

Naaliah - Widely known as antisocial, vain girl who's more into wrestling than school subjects. Always ready to defend her few true friends, usually has problems to get along with most of boys. Her aggresive, relentless demanour got her into trouble many times, so she tries to act nicely. Oddly, she's into art and music, talented guitarist who always refuses to join any band. Also, she loves animals. A little envious of kids from rich families. Drives bright green Alfa Romeo 156 she washes three times a week.

Takeshi - Exchange student from Japan. Interested and surprisingly good in almost everything he touches, yet he's really easy to offend. He and his family moved to the US few weeks ago, after their company went bankrupt. Raised in traditional family, Takeshi values honor above all alse and he often fails to understand motivations of people here. Always has a knife, yet he never used it to threaten other students. He already made more than few friends, most if them asian. Travels by bus and subway.

Hazard - Bookworm who hates school subjects. Wants to join the Army.

Kayla - Amish girl. Enough said.


threeguesses Avatar
Rashan - The kid always on field trips with whatever club or group has a trip to offer, the further, the better. A foodie and culture junkie, foreign languages are among his loves. Backpacks through Europe over the summer, and plans to study abroad extensively during college.
He sounds like a Boulderite...

As for my PCs...I would have to think on it. Brain too fried from the trip.


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


I can't say this is entirely inaccurate, Arya.

Ilcil - the kid with a single father, family military tradition, who is doing his senior year, having already gone to boot camp at the age of 17 after parental approval was granted, just waiting to knock out the last year and get to service. A little broody, a little intense and serious, with no time for the nonsense high school crap. He won't sign your yearbook and he won't pose for your selfie - if you get a picture of him, he isn't smiling.


Anisa is the weird kid that is way too interested in birds or something and then gets a degree in ornithology in college. Or something equally quirky.

Iyashu is that rock in front of some schools that constantly get painted with different things.


allatum Avatar
Anisa is the weird kid that is way too interested in birds or something and then gets a degree in ornithology in college. Or something equally quirky.

Iyashu is that rock in front of some schools that constantly get painted with different things.

Hey, you don't get to post in silly spam threads here and not come back to play with the rest of us.  Its a rule that I certainly did not just invent.


No this is my thing now. I died, turned into a ghost, and haunt forums on the internet.