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Class Conversion - Tattooed Monk (Cancelled)

Started by Fox², Jul 28, 2023, 11:08 AM

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Tattooed Monk
(From Complete Warrior p. 82 and Oriental Adventures p. 49. Work In Progress)

Certain monastic orders bestow supernatural or spell-like powers on their members by inscribing magic tattoos on their skin. These tattooed monks often shave their heads, speak in cryptic riddles and maxims, and - in many cases - travel the countryside furthering their quest for enlightenment by facing and conquering temptation.

The great majority of tattooed monks begin their careers as monks. A small number of fighters, druids, and even a few clerics adopt the tattooed monk prestige class. In general, tattooed monks are drawn almost exclusively from rural or wild regions, though more "civilized" individuals who gain the favor of the order are sometimes allowed to join.

The ranks of the tattooed monks are divided between worldly monks - those who believe that temptation can only be overcome if it is squarely faced - and ascetic monks, who rarely leave their mountaintop retreats. Player character tattooed monks are assumed to fall into the former category, but NPCs can be found in both roles.

Hit die: d8
Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are granted.
Skill points: 6 + int modifier
Primary saving throw(s): Fortitude, Reflex, Will
Base attack bonus: +3/4 level

Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Religion, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Parry, Persuade, Tumble


To qualify as a tattooed monk, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:

Alignment: Any Lawful
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 8
Feats: Toughness, Improved Knockdown, Improved Unarmed Strike

Level Progression

Unarmed Damage*
AC Bonus*
Speed Bonus*


Monk Abilities





* The unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed bonus progression tables assume the character does not have any monk levels. A tattooed monk with monk levels will add their tattooed monk level to their monk level and continue to progress their monk's unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed bonus according to the monk class progression table.

Class Features

Monk Abilities
A tattooed monk has the unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed of a monk with as many levels as their tattooed monk levels plus their monk levels (if any).

Tattooed monk does not grant the character Unarmed Base Attack Bonus, Flurry of Blows, or Monk Wisdom AC.

Tattooed monks gain their powers from the magic tattoos that eventually cover their bodies. A 2nd level tattooed monk has one tattoo and gains another tattoo at every even-numbered level. A tattooed monk can choose their tattoos from among those described below, with more tattoos becoming available after tattooed monk levels 6 and 10.

All tattoos are magical, and the abilities they bestow are either supernatural or spell-like. A tattooed monk in an antimagic field or dead magic zone loses all benefits of their tattoos. Spell-like tattoo effects are subject to wild magic.

Increased Magic Tattoo DM Item Reward Limit
A tattooed monk has an increased limit for magical tattoo item rewards from DM events. A tattooed monk may have up to 2 magical tattoo items. These magical tattoo items do not count for any of tattooed monk's class features that scale off the number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses.


Arrowroot (Su):
A character with this tattoo can the heal wounds of another character by touch. Once per day, the tattooed monk can cure a total number of hit points equal to 10% of the target creature's max hitpoints * the tattooed monk's wisdom modifier. A tattooed monk cannot heal themself, but they may equally divide the healing among all nearby party members within 5 meters by targeting themself with Arrowroot. Healing all nearby party members in this way will heal each creature for 10% of the creature's max hitpoints * the tattooed monk's wisdom modifier, to a maximum of 100% divided by the number of creatures being healed.

Bamboo (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add 10 * the number of tattoos they possess as temporary hit points.

Bat (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add a bonus to all dexterity based skill rolls equal to the number of tattoos they possess * 2. This benefit lasts 1 turn per class level.

Bellflower (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add a bonus to all charisma based skill rolls equal to the number of tattoos they possess * 2. This benefit lasts 1 turn per class level. Use Magic Device does not gain a bonus from this tattoo's effects.

Butterfly (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add a bonus to all wisdom based skill rolls equal to the number of tattoos they possess * 2. This benefit lasts 1 turn per class level.

Centipede (Sp):
Twice per day, a character with this tattoo can teleport as per the spell. At level 10 this ability is replaced by mass teleport.

Falcon (Su):
A character with this tattoo is immune to fear (magical or otherwise).

Nightingale (Su):
A character with this tattoo gains a +10 skill bonus to Heal.

Ocean (Su):
A character with this tattoo can breath under water as if breathing air, and is immune to drowning.

Pine (Su):
A character with this tattoo automatically succeeds their stabilization roll when knocked unconscious between 0 and -9 hitpoints.

Spider (Sp):
Prerequisite: Stunning Fist

A character with this tattoo may at the cost of 1 stunning fist charge temporarily give their unarmed attacks an entangling effect on hit. This buff grants the tattooed monk's unarmed attacks a 50% chance of triggering a On Hit: Enweb effect with a reflex saving throw DC 10 + the tattooed monk's class level + wisdom modifier that entangles the struck creature in a spider web for 1 round per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses. This buff lasts for 1 turn plus 5 rounds per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses.

Tortoise (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can give themselves a +1 per tattooed monk class level + charisma modifier bonus to their next roleplay skill roll, including for skills the character is not trained in. This bonus can exceed the character's +50 skill bonus cap. This cannot be used with Use Magic Device or any Knowledge skill rolls.

Wasp (Sp):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can haste themselves as if using the haste spell at a caster level of 10 + 1 per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses.

Chameleon (Sp):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can use alter self as per the spell. This effect lasts 1 hour per level.

White Mask (Su):
A character with this tattoo is immune to detect thoughts, detect lies, and any attempt to magically discern the character's alignment. The character also gains a +10 bonus on all bluff skill checks.

Dragon (Sp):
A character with this tattoo can breathe an elemental breath attack as powerful as a half-dragon's own breath attack. The tattooed monk can only use their breath attack once every 3 rounds.

When choosing this tattoo, the tattooed monk may design the tattoo in the image of a particular dragon type to determine the element of their breath attack.

Available styles:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Acid
  • Cold

This tattoo can only be taken once.

Phoenix (Su):
Prerequisite: Monk 1, Tattooed Monk 6.

A character with this tattoo gains spell resistance equal to their combined monk and tattooed monk class levels + 10. This effect does not stack with Diamond Soul or any other source of spell resistance. The character will use the highest source of spell resistance available.

Unicorn (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can temporarily protect their mind against all mind-affecting effects, able to use lesser mind blank as per the spell on themself at a caster level of 10 plus 1 per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses.

Lion (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can target a creature and gain a +2 attack bonus against all creatures of the same racial type as the target for one turn per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses.

This tattoo's effect can only be active against a single racial type at a time.

Crescent Moon (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Three times per day, a character with this tattoo may displace themselves as if using the displacement spell at a caster level of 16.

Dragonfly (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add the number of tattoos they possess as a bonus to their dodge armor class. This benefit lasts 3 turns.

Mountain (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo may give themselves greater stoneskin as the spell with a caster level equal to 10 + their tattooed monk class level.

Scorpion (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can reduce a target creature's attack and damage rolls by -2 for 2 turns.

Sun and Moon (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, the tattooed monk may create a magic shield around themselves that deals 1d6 plus 2 points of damage per tattooed monk level to attackers who strike the tattooed monk with a melee attack. The damage dealt by the shield is fire during the day; cold during the night. This effect lasts for 2 rounds per tattooed monk level.

Crane (Sp, Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

Twice per day a character with this tattoo can ward themselves and their party against death magic as if using the mass death ward spell at a caster level of 20. This warding also protects all affected against disease and poison. This warding effect is considered spell-like.

A tattooed monk with this tattoo longer takes no ability score penalties for aging, and cannot be magically aged. (Any aging penalties a tattooed monk may already have incurred remain in place.) Bonuses still accrue, and the tattooed monk still dies of old age when their time is up. These immunities are considered supernatural.

Chrysanthemum (Su, Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo regenerates 1 hitpoint per round. This effect increases to 2 hitpoints per round when the character is outdoors in sunlight. A character with this tattoo may also boon themselves with additional regeneration as per the regenerate spell at a caster level of 20 once every fifteen minutes.

The passive regeneration from this tattoo is considered a supernatural effect, whilst the regeneration spell effect is considered a spell-like ability.

Tiger (Sp):
Prerequisites: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo can temporarily increase their unarmed attack critical threat range by 1 for 2 turns. This tattoo's effect can be used once every ten minutes.

Crab (Su):
Prerequisites: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo gains 4/- damage reduction. This damage reduction stacks with epic damage reduction and all other class sources of damage reduction.

First version:

Tattooed Monk
(From Complete Warrior p. 82 and Oriental Adventures p. 49. Work In Progress)

Certain monastic orders bestow supernatural or spell-like powers on their members by inscribing magic tattoos on their skin. These tattooed monks often shave their heads, speak in cryptic riddles and maxims, and - in many cases - travel the countryside furthering their quest for enlightenment by facing and conquering temptation.

The great majority of tattooed monks begin their careers as monks. A small number of fighters, druids, and even a few clerics adopt the tattooed monk prestige class. In general, tattooed monks are drawn almost exclusively from rural or wild regions, though more "civilized" individuals who gain the favor of the order are sometimes allowed to join.

The ranks of the tattooed monks are divided between worldly monks - those who believe that temptation can only be overcome if it is squarely faced - and ascetic monks, who rarely leave their mountaintop retreats. Player character tattooed monks are assumed to fall into the former category, but NPCs can be found in both roles.

Hit die: d8
Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are granted.
Skill points: 6 + int modifier
Primary saving throw(s): Fortitude, Reflex, Will
Base attack bonus: +3/4 level

Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Religion, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Parry, Persuade, Tumble


To qualify as a tattooed monk, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:

Alignment: Any Lawful
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 8
Feats: Toughness, Improved Knockdown, Improved Unarmed Strike

Level Progression

Unarmed Damage*
AC Bonus*
Speed Bonus*


Monk Abilities





* The unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed bonus progression tables assume the character does not have any monk levels. A tattooed monk with monk levels will add their tattooed monk level to their monk level and continue to progress their monk's unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed bonus according to the monk class progression table.

Class Features

Monk Abilities
A tattooed monk has the unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed of a monk with as many levels as their tattooed monk levels plus their monk levels (if any).

Tattooed monk does not grant the character Unarmed Base Attack Bonus, Flurry of Blows, or Monk Wisdom AC.

Tattooed monks gain their powers from the magic tattoos that eventually cover their bodies. A 2nd level tattooed monk has one tattoo and gains another tattoo at every even-numbered level. A tattooed monk can choose their tattoos from among those described below, with more tattoos becoming available after tattooed monk levels 6 and 10.

All tattoos are magical, and the abilities they bestow are either supernatural or spell-like. A tattooed monk in an antimagic field or dead magic zone loses all benefits of their tattoos. Spell-like tattoo effects are subject to wild magic.


Arrowroot (Su):
A character with this tattoo can the heal wounds of another character by touch. Once per day, the tattooed monk can cure a total number of hit points equal to 10% of the target creature's max hitpoints * the tattooed monk's wisdom modifier. A tattooed monk cannot heal themself, but they may equally divide the healing among all nearby party members within 5 meters by targeting themself with Arrowroot. Healing all nearby party members in this way will heal each creature for 10% of the creature's max hitpoints * the tattooed monk's wisdom modifier, to a maximum of 100% divided by the number of creatures being healed.

Bamboo (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add 10 * the number of tattoos they possess as temporary hit points.

Bat (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add a bonus to all dexterity based skill rolls equal to the number of tattoos they possess * 2. This benefit lasts 1 turn per class level.

Bellflower (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add a bonus to all charisma based skill rolls equal to the number of tattoos they possess * 2. This benefit lasts 1 turn per class level. Use Magic Device does not gain a bonus from this tattoo's effects.

Butterfly (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add a bonus to all wisdom based skill rolls equal to the number of tattoos they possess * 2. This benefit lasts 1 turn per class level.

Centipede (Sp):
Twice per day, a character with this tattoo can teleport as per the spell. At level 10 this ability is replaced by mass teleport.

Falcon (Su):
A character with this tattoo is immune to fear (magical or otherwise).

Nightingale (Su):
A character with this tattoo gains a +10 skill bonus to Heal.

Ocean (Su):
A character with this tattoo can breath under water as if breathing air, and is immune to drowning.

Phoenix (Su):
Prerequisite: Diamond Soul

A character with this tattoo adds their tattooed monk class level to their monk class level when calculating their Diamond Soul spell resistance bonus.

Pine (Su):
A character with this tattoo automatically succeeds their stabilization roll when knocked unconscious between 0 and -9 hitpoints.

Spider (Su):
Prerequisite: Stunning Fist

A character with this tattoo may inflict poison when attacking a creature with their stunning fist attack. Stunning fist does not need to succeed for the poison to be delivered, however the attack must still hit the creature for the poison to be delivered. The hit creature can make a fortitude saving throw versus a poison DC of 10 + the tattooed monk's class level + con modifier. The poison's initial and secondary damage is 2d2 points of constitution damage.

Sun (Su):
A character with this tattoo gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws when outdoors during day.

Moon, Full (Su):
A character with this tattoo gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws when outdoors at night.

Tortoise (Su):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can give themselves a +1 per tattooed monk class level + charisma modifier bonus to their next roleplay skill roll, including for skills the character is not trained in. This bonus can exceed the character's +50 skill bonus cap. This cannot be used with Use Magic Device or any Knowledge skill rolls.

Wasp (Sp):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can haste themselves as if using the haste spell at a caster level of 10 + 1 per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses.

Chameleon (Sp):
Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can use alter self as per the spell. This effect lasts 1 hour per level.

White Mask (Su):
A character with this tattoo is immune to detect thoughts, detect lies, and any attempt to magically discern the character's alignment. The character also gains a +10 bonus on all bluff skill checks.

Crab, Lesser (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

A character with this tattoo gains damage reduction 2/-. This damage reduction stacks with epic damage reduction and all other class sources of damage reduction.

Dragon (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

A character with this tattoo can breathe an elemental breath attack as powerful as a half-dragon's own breath attack. The tattooed monk can only use their breath attack once per ten minute period.

When choosing this tattoo, the tattooed monk may design the tattoo in the image of a particular dragon type to determine the element of their breath attack.

Available styles:
  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Acid
  • Cold

This tattoo can only be taken once.

Lion (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can target a creature and gain a +2 attack bonus against all creatures of the same racial type as the target for one turn per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses.

This tattoo's effect can only be active against a single racial type at a time.

Moon, Crescent (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Three times per day, a character with this tattoo may displace themselves as if using the displacement spell at a caster level of 16.

Dragonfly (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add the number of tattoos they possess as a bonus to their dodge armor class. This benefit lasts 2 turns.

Mountain (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo may give themselves greater stoneskin as the spell with a caster level equal to 10 + their tattooed monk class level.

Scorpion (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can reduce a target creature's attack and damage rolls by -2 for 2 turns.

Crane (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

Twice per day, a character with this tattoo can ward themselves and their party against death magic as if using the mass death ward spell at a caster level of 20.

Chrysanthemum (Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo regenerates 1 hitpoint per round. This effect increases to 2 hitpoints per round when the character is outdoors in sunlight.

Unicorn (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo can temporarily strengthen their will against mind-affecting spells for 5 turns, temporarily gaining the benefits of Slippery Mind. The character may reroll any failed will save versus mind-affecting spells while this effect is active.  This tattoo's effect can be used once every fifteen minutes.

Crab, Greater (Su):
Prerequisites: Tattooed Monk 10. Crab, Lesser.

A character with this tattoo gains an additional 2/- damage reduction for a total of 4/- damage reduction. This damage reduction stacks with epic damage reduction and all other class sources of damage reduction.

Tiger (Sp):
Prerequisites: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo can temporarily increase their unarmed attack critical threat range by 1 for 2 turns. This tattoo's effect can be used once every ten minutes.



The following tattoos have been revised.

Phoenix has had its Diamond Soul requirement replaced with 1 monk and 6 tattooed monk class level requirements, allowing Monk/Tattooed Monk multiclassed characters to gain Spell Resistance without first requiring 12 monk levels which would have delayed a tattooed monk being able to progress their spell resistance until epic levels, or delayed their ability to begin taking tattooed monk levels until late in their build.

Phoenix (Su):
Prerequisite: Monk 1, Tattooed Monk 6.

A character with this tattoo gains spell resistance equal to their combined monk and tattooed monk class levels + 10. This effect does not stack with Diamond Soul or any other source of spell resistance. The character will use the highest source of spell resistance available.

Spider has been changed from an alternate Stunning Fist attack into an unarmed attack buff that uses stunning fist uses to activate, and has had its effect changed from constitution poison damage to an entangle effect.

Spider (Sp):
Prerequisite: Stunning Fist

A character with this tattoo may at the cost of 1 stunning fist charge temporarily give their unarmed attacks an entangling effect on hit. This effect grants the tattooed monk's unarmed attacks a 50% chance of triggering a On Hit: Enweb effect with a reflex saving throw DC 10 + the tattooed monk's class level + wisdom modifier that entangles the struck creature in a spider web for 1 round per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses. This buff lasts for 1 turn plus 5 rounds per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses.

Dragon's level requirement has been removed and its cooldown reduced to 3 rounds, these were left over balance implementations from an earlier proposed version of Dragon that we didn't go with and should have been adjusted for its current effects.

Dragon (Sp):
A character with this tattoo can breathe an elemental breath attack as powerful as a half-dragon's own breath attack. The tattooed monk can only use their breath attack once every 3 rounds.

When choosing this tattoo, the tattooed monk may design the tattoo in the image of a particular dragon type to determine the element of their breath attack.

Available styles:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Acid
  • Cold

This tattoo can only be taken once.

Unicorn has been lowered to only require Tattooed Monk 6 instead of 10, and has been changed to give a self-only Lesser Mind Blank buff.

Unicorn (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per tattoo the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can temporarily protect their mind against all mind-affecting effects, able to use lesser mind blank as per the spell on themself at a caster level of 10 plus 1 per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses.

Dragonfly's duration has been increased from 2 turns to 3.

Dragonfly (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, a character with this tattoo can add the number of tattoos they possess as a bonus to their dodge armor class. This benefit lasts 3 turns.

Sun and Moon have been combined into one tattoo available at Tattooed Monk 6, and its effects changed to a damage shield buff equivilent to mestril's acid sheath that alternates between fire or cold damage depending on the time of day.

Sun and Moon (Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 6.

Once per day per number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses, the tattooed monk may create a magic shield around themselves that deals 1d6 plus 2 points of damage per tattooed monk level to attackers who strike the tattooed monk with a melee attack. The damage dealt by the shield is fire during the day; cold during the night. This effect lasts for 2 rounds per tattooed monk level.

Lesser and Greater Crab have been combined into one tattoo available at Tattooed Monk 10 that grants DR 4/-.

Crab (Su):
Prerequisites: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo gains 4/- damage reduction. This damage reduction stacks with epic damage reduction and all other class sources of damage reduction.

Chrysanthemum has been changed to also include uses of the Regenerate spell at a CL of 20 on a 15 minute cooldown.

Chrysanthemum (Su, Sp):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

A character with this tattoo regenerates 1 hitpoint per round. This effect increases to 2 hitpoints per round when the character is outdoors in sunlight. A character with this tattoo may also boon themselves with additional regeneration as per the regenerate spell at a caster level of 20 once every fifteen minutes.

The passive regeneration from this tattoo is considered a supernatural effect, whilst the regeneration spell effect is considered a spell-like ability.

Crane has been updated to also grant mass immunity to poison and disease in addition to its mass death ward, and has been given immunity to aging penalties and immunity to magical aging effects for the tattooed monk to give back some of the PNP tattoo's effects back.

Crane (Sp, Su):
Prerequisite: Tattooed Monk 10.

Twice per day a character with this tattoo can ward themselves and their party against death magic as if using the mass death ward spell at a caster level of 20. This warding also protects all affected against disease and poison. This warding effect is considered spell-like.

A tattooed monk with this tattoo longer takes no ability score penalties for aging, and cannot be magically aged. (Any aging penalties a tattooed monk may already have incurred remain in place.) Bonuses still accrue, and the tattooed monk still dies of old age when their time is up. These immunities are considered supernatural.

Additionally, in relation to the Magical Tattoo item reward we'll be introducing with our next hak update, we will be allowing Tattooed Monk character's to have an increased limit of 2 magical tattoo reward items. These magical tattoo items do not count for any of tattooed monk's class features that scale off the number of tattoos the tattooed monk possesses.