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Item and Dungeon Levels, Gating, and Locks

Started by Fire Wraith, Dec 11, 2015, 05:19 PM

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I've been in a very rough place emotionally lately, so if my tone is curt or harsh you'll have to excuse me.

The "exceptions" are no longer exceptions.  Over the past year, especially during the past six months, the unstated attitude among the community is now "if you can do it, it's allowed."  That this is exactly against server policy has changed nothing.  We have a posted guide that outlines what levels we expect at said dungeons and nothing changed.  That we've had to repeated pull people aside has changed nothing.  That we've had to pull the same people aside changed nothing.  That we've had to pull staff members aside has changed nothing.  

Instances of higher level characters running other characters who were far outside the intended levels for the dungeons is no longer the exception.  It became the norm.  As this was never intended to be this way, we implemented an ooc mechanic to deal with an ooc abuse of the way our dungeons are built and implemented.

We are not removing the dungeon locks.  We may change what levels they are locked at, but the system is not going away.  As this thread has stated such repeatedly, and it's being ignored, it is now locked.  If you wish to suggest a change in level range for a dungeon, please start a separate thread.