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Players With Lvl. 25+ characters

Started by valiea987, Nov 02, 2015, 09:48 PM

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Hey all,

So a bunch of us were talking earlier about how so few campaigns are run with higher level characters in mind, so it often leads to a lack of interest in playing them. I decided I would make a post to see if there is interest.

Since I am still relatively new here (8 months-ish), I didn't get to know a lot of these characters when I was leveling up or to learn much about their journey. What I'd like is the following:

    1- Are you interested involved in a plotline written specifically for advanced level characters?

    2- If you are, tell me about your character. What has their journey been? Who were they and who are they now? I'd like to know this so I can plot things that will appeal to that character's RP.

    3- Your average AC, AB, Saves and the like. My goal here is to be able to make encounters that will actually challenge you at higher level. Since I don't have a character in this range myself, I have no clue what you people are capable of. ^.^

And really, anything else you think is important for me designing a plot that involves your character and other characters in something engaging for epic level characters. ((EDIT: And if you want, link to your character's bio, journal, etc.))

I am looking for around 4 people minimum for me to pull the trigger on designing something like this. Please send me information either by posting here (if your character has no secrets about this stuff), or in a PM to keep backstory details private. Doesn't matter to me either way.

Thanks for reading!


Characters in that range will likely have AC anywhere from 50-70, depending on build.  AB likely 35-45, again depending on build/buffs.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Saves really depend on which class they are, build.  


Vincent07 Avatar
Characters in that range will likely have AC anywhere from 50-70, depending on build.  AB likely 35-45, again depending on build/buffs.
They will huh... only char of mine hitting that is Galdern sheesh I apparently suck

To answer the OP I think it safe to say there's interest, on my end the difficulty is in picking which char *hides*


I've interest in doing something, sure, but Aelie's a bit indisposed at the moment...  <.<  I'd be happy to describe her journey and her current goals and motivations in detail should this get underway and she be in a position to participate.


Certainly interested, though, philosophically, I've come to feel over time, that it is the role of 25+ to facilitate the action and plottage and fun of those below them, more than reap all the benefits thereof themselves.

I've got, in the works, being written up, a little diddy of a plan that I hope might be able to engage a good number of players in a number of different "factions", each with their own reasons and goals and interests, that when combined, looks pretty interesting, and when separate, makes for a bunch of subplots that can keep the server entertained. THAT, to me, is the role of a high level epic, more than the actual going out and doing the thing themselves. The intrigue and plotting and planning is very much where the fun is for me in it.

Not that I don't like going out and kicking things in the face, but it's easier for everyone involved to let those who haven't done as much of that and who's mechanics aren't so complicated and high to have some of the fun.

tl;dr I haz plots PM me if you're interested in shaking thingz up I iz master planner.


So far I have one person who has sent me what I am looking for to be able to plan this, lol.

Also, I am an aDM, so don't expect the server to be broken by the stuff the plot revolves around. There are epic level dragons out there that need to be slain without toppling the Cormyran government. :D

Edit: Up to 2!


Okay, I have enough to start working on this. It may take a bit to get everything situated, figure out what to do, etc., but this is going ahead! Thank you for all who sent messages.


Howdy all.

I realize it has been 2 months since I posted this. I -have not- abandoned this, and I am looking to put my focus on this in the coming days. My father was diagnosed with cancer, on top of having to deal with students who procrastinate until the last two weeks of class to try and get all their work done. It has just been a very stressful past two months, so I wasn't able to do much with this.

Drop me a message here or in a PM if you're still interested in this. I should still have all your PMs and stuff.

Not Batman

I'm always up for something. I will send you my character's info.


Hey all,

So I've done a ton of writing over the past day, and I am in the final stages for this. Can those interested in a 25+ game chime in and let me know what times work for them so I can schedule it appropriately? I'd like to do the game reliably once a week. Just let me know what times work for you!


I am free most evenings after 8 pm cst except Wedensday and Saturday. Right now is not the case but, normally I am .



I'm good most evenings (6:30 - 10:00 PM EST Mon-Fri, can go to about 1:00 AM Fri) plus most of Saturday (2:30 PM - 1:00 AM EST) and Sunday (12:00 - 11:00 PM).  Depending on when we start (IE, if it's in a week or two) Aelie may or may not be able to take part immediately due to family commitments.


Alright everyone: The grand story is entirely written, and the first plot has been submitted to the admins for approval. So this is happening! If you want an even tailored specifically to your high level characters, jump on in! Post your times if you haven't yet so I can pick the time that works best for all of us.


Okay everyone, it was reviewed and approved. If you would like to play in this game specifically designed around high end epic characters, sign up!