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A friendly reminder on quest ettiquette

Started by , Mar 07, 2016, 11:20 PM

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There are three distinctly different categories of quests that are run on C/D.

Open Announced Quests - These quests are created by the DMs for a general group of players, usually limited by either level, class, or alignment.  When these quests are posted, the DMs will note "Any character that is... " along with any limitations.  For example, "Any character between level 10 and 15" would indicate an open announced quest.

Closed Announced Quests - Sometimes, for various plot/storyline reasons, a quest has a locked roster.  In my experience, these are quests that are part of a larger storyline, where characters are limited to those involved in prior events.

Personal Quests - These quests are limited to those invited, in-character, by the player/character who initiates the quest.  These are personal development quests, and as such are not open for "sign up."

Lately, we've had several players attempting to "sign up" for the two latter types of quests.  Before signing up for these events, you should find out about the information in game.  Inviting yourself along on a personal quest, or even "fishing" for an invite from characters in-game whom you normally don't interact with, can be callous and rude (especially involving personal quests).  While most of these are done with good intentions, the impression left is that these invitees are only interested in the character for the XP and DM rewards.

When a quest is posted in the quest request forum, please do not volunteer yourselves along.  The player/character that initiates the request will be contacted by the DM staff and such arrangements made at the appropriate time.  Likewise, if a quest is posted in the announced quest forum, but does not indicate an open enrollment, do not sign up before contacting the character in-game (or DM).


While everything you said is accurate, I think it's also important to remember that when you're a new player, it's extremely frustrating and discouraging to see a (small) group of players embark on an adventure, you naturally rp wanting to tag along, and get shut down with an OOC rejection about not signing up.

It gives the impression that the server is unfairly weighed towards certain, more popular players. It isn't, but it's a bad first impression to give.

I'm not suggesting an unmanageable free-for-all, and DMs impose player limits for sanity's sake more than anything...but there are ways we can all be more flexible and accomidating.  Perhaps tell a new player they can come along, but need to try and remain an obvserver since the quest is at capacity.  If it's a personal quest, and not involving some dark terrible secrect...why NOT let a new player come along?  Why not share in your story?  We're all here to share stories, are we not?

Nobody is under any obligation to be this flexible, but we should all consider it before shutting people down for "not following protocol".  Especially new players; there's not many NWN players left, and sour first impressions can be damning.



I'm not suggesting an unmanageable free-for-all, and DMs impose player limits for sanity's sake more than anything...but there are ways we can all be more flexible and accomidating. Perhaps tell a new player they can come along, but need to try and remain an obvserver since the quest is at capacity. If it's a personal quest, and not involving some dark terrible secrect...why NOT let a new player come along? Why not share in your story? We're all here to share stories, are we not?

Asking DMs to manage extra players is unfair to the DMs.  Many of us already are at our maximum for DMing, and even ask for additional DM help to include one or two more.  My preferred number of characters is 5, but I regularly run 8-person quests.  Characters on a quest aren't there to "observe."  They are expected to roleplay and act, which requires the DM to react.

Ogre Time Yay

Nymera Avatar
While everything you said is accurate, I think it's also important to remember that when you're a new player, it's extremely frustrating and discouraging to see a (small) group of players embark on an adventure, you naturally rp wanting to tag along, and get shut down with an OOC rejection about not signing up.

It gives the impression that the server is unfairly weighed towards certain, more popular players. It isn't, but it's a bad first impression to give.

I'm not suggesting an unmanageable free-for-all, and DMs impose player limits for sanity's sake more than anything...but there are ways we can all be more flexible and accomidating.  Perhaps tell a new player they can come along, but need to try and remain an obvserver since the quest is at capacity.  If it's a personal quest, and not involving some dark terrible secrect...why NOT let a new player come along?  Why not share in your story?  We're all here to share stories, are we not?

Nobody is under any obligation to be this flexible, but we should all consider it before shutting people down for "not following protocol".  Especially new players; there's not many NWN players left, and sour first impressions can be damning.
While I get what you're saying completely, and that it would be very good to include other players in on stories, it's also like Bella says. Bringing extra players along isn't just about including more people, it's giving the DM more to have to focus on and plan ahead for, so the requirements are set in place for the sake of pretty much everyone involved, as the people who signed up for those quests are going to want the best experience they can get. Works both ways, if a new player gets in on a quest and it feels like a cluttered mess because of too many players being accounted for, it's gonna leave a bad taste in their mouths. But yeah, I can see what you mean by players getting discouraged when they see quest after quest after quest end up being a sign up quest only. The plus side of this is that there is a large number of players with amazing back stories on this server that other players can find out about and experience simply by playing with them, Quest not included. :)

I'm always willing to include a player, as long as their willing to sacrifice the lamborghini for the hoopty... Figuratively... Not literally...


I think what Bella is trying to encourage is people to ask the DM or players involved before making any posts on the latter two quests at the very least, whether it is something they do in-character or out of character (if they do not learn in-character). Otherwise, the public posts put individuals in a spot, especially when they do try to be inclusive but might have circumstances making the quest more restrictive. That part I feel is pretty fair. I do get your points, kirin, and I think we need to always work on ways to include others - especially new players. However, there might be some reasons why some quests might not be as open compared to others. And yes, sometimes DMs have a limit.

I generally try to be reasonably inclusive, and have only made a very small handful of exceptions over the years because of attitude(s) or because I had to draw myself a boundary when I was burning myself out; I used to be VERY bad with boundaries, so no exaggeration there. :-D  Being someone who managed a plot that ended up incuding 50+ players, I can see both sides of the issue.  I had to eventually have help. I was very stubborn with asking for help, too. On playerside, in the past I also had a (now not welcomed) player who almost successfully character assassinated me as a player, so I know how it is to feel excluded (thankfully not an issue now, thanks to the community still welcome here :-)). 

Either way, I did not have the impression anyone was in trouble. It is a reminder for everyone. Even the old crowd needs the reminder once in a while. Being part of a community means these posts are expected once in a blue moon. :-D


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


It's not about "following protocol." It's about showing some common courtesy. These guidelines keep having to be brought up because people are not.

You remember school. You remember that one kid in class who always had to have everyone's attention? Yelling across the room, throwing things, constantly wandering from group to group so no one could get any work done and then cried foul when told to sit down or serve a detention? That's what the behavior alluded to in the original post is. Nobody likes that guy. Don't be that guy.
SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


Dismus Avatar
It isn't new players doing this.
Or more accurately, it isn't just new players doing this.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


I left out the just. Meant to say that.