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Spellplague Cometh! (April Fools!)

Started by FaeFae, Apr 01, 2016, 03:07 PM

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It is time for the Cormyr and the Dalelands First Expansion Pack: Spellplague Cometh!
Base Expansion will include all previous server content for $40
Season Pass for $80 will include the expansion as well as access to future game updates and DLCs for the next year.

- Enjoy a newfound variety in your equipment as all items are now replaced with crafting components!

- Separate Racial Hub Integration! You'll never have to see another Elf again!

- Characters will now start at level 1 to make the journey all the more meaningful
- ECL characters will begin at level 0, and will require three months of forum-only RP before emerging in game. This will allow a considerable amount of characterization to benefit these concepts!

- New Pelvis Models!

- All Arcane Magic Classes will be releveled into Commoner.
    - Experience the Life of an Epic Commoner with our Enhanced Crafting System!
          - Scour the market in search for components to make innovative foods such as bread and muffins!
          - Clean the homes of nobles and witness placeables never before seein in the Dalelands!
          - Judge the exotic subraces of others! They've ruined their lands, they'll not ruin ours!

- New Addition of the Urban Ranger and Druid Variants!

- The Ascension of the Corgi God - Stubbins The Undeterred (Trickery and Travel Domains!)
 - Bear Witness to the Rise of the Wigglebutt Faith
 - Mini Event: The Cats of Arabel are in Turmoil! Will Sharess manifest once more?
 - Prizes for the longest consecutive Belly Rubs!

- New Monk PRC:
Disciple of the Long Dog
Disciples of the Long Dog are an order of martial artists disciplined in the Way of the Corgi. They are believed to have been blessed by the divine favor of Stubbins the Undeterred, though their disciplined ways are often seen as a contradiction to the chaotic leanings of the Wigglebutt Faith. One might say that they are very good boys and girls.

-Hit Dice: d12
-Base Attack Bonus: +1 every level
-Good Save: Fortitude
-Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier

Class: Monk
Alignment: Any non-evil lawful.
Feats: Luck of Heroes
Skills: Persuade 5 ranks
Minimum CHA of 14

1: Defensive Roll
- Corgi Senses: Bonus to Spot and Listen
2: Belly Scratch
3: Charisma of the Corgi - Disciples of the Long Dog may use their CHA bonus toward AC
- Improved Corgi Senses
4: Evasion of the Corgi - The Disciple of the Long Dog gains a permanent 40% displacement.
5: Character Becomes an Outsider and Gains the Following Corgi Benefits:
  Irresistible Charm, Cheerful Disposition, Damage Resistance 10/- Cold

- New Player Race:

Coming with the next Hak update!
Be Prepared!


I'll totally play a Fey Corgi
Only if I can get lot's of pets, though.
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything


Before you ask, no we still don't have a street date ready for Warlock or Swordmage.

This may be remedied by sending Vincent more booze.
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Race Changes to Fey Corgi will only cost $10 and require no application period. Huzzah!


Thank the gods, the end of elves!


This project has been cancelled because we did not reach our kickstarter goal. We'll probably run another attempt the next 1st of April, so save up and be prepared to be a backer!


Do I get a refund? I bought into the dinner with the dev's!
Of course you should fight with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
There's too many they consumed everything