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Inner Thoughts

Started by , Jan 09, 2014, 05:33 PM

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If I advance, follow me.
If I retreat, kill me.
If I fall, avenge me.


Another for Dae...

"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." --Unknown author
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


And for Mala: '"I've never been one to recommend drugs...violence...liquor or insanity to anyone. But they've always worked for me."


"Subtlety is a thing for philosophy, not combat. If you're going to kill someone, you might as well kill them a whole lot."
- Vulcan Raven, The Last Days of FOXHOUND
Kestal | Bernadette | Eden | Tonya | Vaszayne | Koravia | Alastriona | Natascha | Emari | Urilias-Zhjaeve | Hiltrude | Tatya | Dioufn | Aida | Cyrillia | Megan | etc.
DM Tiamat | Szuriel | Maedhbh | Cassilda


Zaeth Doth'isheal: "You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit." Oscar Wilde - Picture of Dorian Gray ( LOVE that book, btw)


Cara: "[When] you're going to break the rules, break them good and hard!" Terry Prachett, Wyrd Sisters


Ilcil Taral:  

"Be noble! And the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping, but never dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own."
-James Russell Lowell

"The worst of rebels never arm To do their king or country harm, But draw their swords to do them good, As doctors cure by letting blood."
-Samuel Butler

Ogre Time Yay


"Look, I can't speak without swearing, and I've only got my Grade 10, and I haven't had a cigarette since I've been arrested, and I'm ready to fuckin' snap. So I'd like to make a request under the people's freedom of choices and voices act that I be able to smoke and swear in your courtroom. Because if I can't smoke and swear, I'm fucked! And so are all these guys. I won't be able to properly express myself at a court level, and that's bullshit! It's not fair and if you ask me, I think it's a fuckin' mistrial."
- Ricky



"The characteristic of genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be common, nor the common heroic."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Life is full of infinite absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true."
-Luigi Pirandello


Nayu A'nen

"If you can love something without the condition of being loved in return, then you can feel joy."
- Anisa Khawalid


"No people can be great who have ceased to be virtuous." --Dr. Johnson said that.

Ogre Time Yay

James St. Bell & Hydaro:

"Needless to say...
the beast was stunned...
WHIP-CRACK went his whoopy tail,
And the beast was done...
He asked us: "(snort) Be you angels?"
And we said, "Nay!

- Tenacious D


Daeatria Ravenshadow:

"I fear not death, or the moments before my last breath...
...I fear the day where I will dread my one love, the endless night,
...The day where I long to see the very sun that burns my eyes."

-Daeatrialay'aliah Ravenshadow
"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow


Orvil: Don't run! You'll just die tired!

      Stop, drop, and roll won't save you in hell.


Siduri's outlook on life is based on the Ancient Mesopotamian goddess that is her namesake:

Gilgamesh, whither are you wandering?
Life, which you look for, you will never find.
For when the gods created man, they let death be his share,
and life withheld in their own hands.
Gilgamesh, fill your belly.
Day and night make merry.
Let days be full of joy,
dance and make music day and night.
And wear fresh clothes.
And wash your head and bathe.
Look at the child that is holding your hand,
and let your wife delight in your embrace.
These things alone are the concern of men.

                             -Unknown Scribe; The Meissner Fragment