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CD Movie Casting call Revived!!!

Started by , Feb 03, 2014, 02:54 AM

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Not Batman

Revived again!

Elzevir - Robert Downey Jr!


A run through of those either I or others have posted for my peeps.

As suggested by Unholy:

Death Sister Zoey - Milla Jovovich[/b]

Tenedra Ryell'thalisia would have to be played by Cute and Smart Gilmore Girl Alexis Bledel.

Dominic Monaghan as Jay of the Dark Hand

He is small, wirey, a little crazy .. and has already played a halfling in film.

Colton Haynes as Jaylithel Thoslithin ( a little fan service for the girls  ;) )

And as I already used him as the base for Simi's portrait by Hyde

Asa Butterfield as Simkin

For Alton I am having a hard time.. there are few that have the appropriate body build I picture for him that aren't just huge people. Alton is a workout freak with the bodybuilder's v shaped torso but is only 4' 10". Who immediately comes to mind is a flash from the 80s. Bolo Yeung from his days opposite Bruce Lee or Van Damme in Bloodsport. If I had to go with a more current actor, it would likely be a short version of Jason Statham or the somewhat lesser known Joe Manganiello.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


I imagine Ed Sheeran would be a good candidate for Dwaer's head in a film. Mainly because he has crazy ginger hair.

And because there's a picture of him in a bush, and Dwaer lives in a bush.

Ogre Time Yay

With enough makeup to make him look younger, along with makeup to make his skin look white as paper, Ian Mckellen's head would be perfect for Hydaro. Not so much the body though, he'd have to do alot of weight lifting and have alot of muscle gain to capture that look.

I also used Ian Mckellen's facial structure to make my current Hydaro portrait.

As for the voice, if James McCaffrey can pull off an English accent he'd be perfect as the voice actor. He has that old, battered, mature and grouchy tone to his voice that fits Hydaro spot on.

Example of his voice work below: