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My foray into game journalism

Started by ClockworkMayhem, Jan 26, 2015, 01:42 AM

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Hey, everyone! I recently started writing (again) for GameSkinny's Journalism Training Program - it's like an online internship for writers, journalists, and gamers - and I thought I'd share my work with you, here.

Fair warning - while I'm a decent writer of fiction (but shy about sharing it), I'm pretty rusty when it comes to journalism, so these aren't going to be the greatest, at first. Still, I'd love it if you'd visit my articles, share them, and comment when you feel comfortable doing so and want to start a discussion on something.

You can find my profile here, with a list of all the articles I've written so far. Some aren't very recent - I won't be hurt if you skip the older stuff. <3


Also, anyone can write for GS at any time, and they regularly do JTP sessions, so if you want to give this a shot, yourself, go for it! There are incentives for page views, including pay (though it's not very much)so they also try to teach you in the JTP about using social media to promote your writing, and they share jobs in the gaming industry, particularly those that pertain to writing, pretty frequently.

Atomic Twinkie

10/10 would game journalist again.


I would recommend it, everyone.  They are worth the read, straight forward, and cover what journalism should be more like! (Versus what it had become in mainstream media these days.)


"I will break the chains of our past, the hold of Empires my ancestors swore against. My sins began with him, they will end with me, Seldarine witness to my defiance!" -- Daeatria Ravenshadow

"Our failings did not mean no Dream was. Some fought for it, many died for it." --Kan'itae Ravenshadow

Ogre Time Yay

This journalism changed my life!


ROFL thanks, you guys. I appreciate it.


I got featured! Thanks, you guys. <3


I'm hip. I'll 'follow' you.


Thanks, I appreciate it! Just posted two more articles in the past couple of days. There'll be three more by tomorrow night. If there's anything you guys want to see, let me know, be it editorials, reviews, coverage of certain games...if it isn't already covered, I'll give it a go.


New articles this week! Fewer because I've been busy, but there'll be more tomorrow! A fun one on game-inspired drinks, if anyone's interested!


If you like League of Legends, it'd be awesome if you could share my latest article on the new DJ Sona Ultimate Skin!

Atomic Twinkie

IT'S SO GOOD OH MY GLOB. your article is nice too.



Here's my latest League of Legends article - it's got over 1600 views, and it would be really awesome if I could push it up over 2000! If you like League, and you like the article, it would be awesome if you could share the link on twitter, FB, or wherever!

Atomic Twinkie