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Considering adding tilesets?

Started by mrsnickers32, Mar 11, 2020, 06:32 PM

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Particularly, would the DM team consider utilizing any of Lord of Worms' Tilesets? CD is gorgeous as is, I have always been fond of playing and building inside any of his sets.

Or even Sen's groupings of the same:


As one who's actually used the seasonal forest tilesets many times, I can clearly say you have to do VERY specific things with them to make them not look... terrible. The tile edges are very visible and it just ultimately looks super ugly. This can actually be said for the vast majority of the Lord of Worms tilesets as a whole, even.
Eirik Hjartoreldr
Ulrik Dawnfall


I have to concur with Terallis. I have used Lord of Worms sets too. Worms makes some beautiful tiles but doesn't back up his work with looking at Alphas, transparencies, shadows for mistakes. I've even found rounding errors within his tilesets not to mention missing edges and a whole allotment of things. Being an old member of the CTP team I know what I'm talking about.