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Character Theme Song, version 3.0

Started by , Dec 14, 2013, 01:35 PM

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Theme of Marcellus Silversun.. :D 



Shut Your Mouth -

Hey Pretty -

Morghan and Dais

Talking Body -

#1 Crush -

Fire Meet Gasoline -

Amazed - - Of these 4, I feel this best describes Morghan's mindset about the relationship.


Crazy -

No Angel -

Control -


Immortals -


Honestly OK -

The Trick is to Keep Breathing -

Metal Heart -

I Have a Right -  (Though the song is talking to a father figure, for Alex it better describes her relationship with her brother.)

Afterlife -


LoveFuryPassionEnergy -

Galen & Lily

Shut Up And Dance -


Reposting this because the thread came back! Now and forever, this song is totally James.

"One day, will this be over?"


Illix Shimmerscale - Musician, Machinist, Anarchist. 

Carpenter Brut - Anarchy Road


For Bastion (and Alex)

*curses Itunes for playing it today*




I can't think in this city
But I remember
I know every story that it ever told me
Well, I got the blueprint
To create my own myth
That's what made it tragic
Like a summer snowdrift

SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


belladonna Avatar
Jul 2, 2015 17:33:05 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
For Bastion (and Alex)

*curses Itunes for playing it today*
Yeah.. that was pretty rough for the two of them, but it needed to be. I think this one hits it pretty close.

" Just take that little voice in your head that tells you to be tactful and understanding and shoot it. Shoot it in the goddamn face. " - Kirito .. Message is brought to you by the Kirito is Always Right Foundation.


Innocence Maintained - the song pretty well covers her attitude/mindset about life.  "Innocence can't be lost, it just needs to be maintained."

Dangerous - Anyone else have certain songs/albums they play while adventuring?  This one's at the top of the "Alex getting into a fight" list for me.

Alex & James
Take Your Time - Heard this one on the radio, and it made me think of their first several conversations.  ;)

Young & Crazy - "How will I ever be old and wise, if I ain't ever young and crazy?"  Pretty much sums up most of the thought processes of SEVERAL characters I can think of... but for Edge especially.

Beauty and the Mess - "Behind the melody the words don't mean a thing/but every tone I play would give whatever I've not said away"  Rhea's a pretty private individual, but she tends to give away her thoughts and emotions in her songs.  She chooses her music carefully.

Morghan & Dais
And We Run - This song makes me think of these two every time I hear it.
"Yeah we run, running in the dark
And we run, 'till we fall apart
And we run, 'till the heavens above"

Paradise - Not much explanation needed.
"What about us?
Isn't it enough,
No we're not in paradise
This is who we are
This is what we've got
No, it's not our paradise
But it's all we want,
And it's all that we're fighting for
Though it's not paradise"

Down the Rabbit Hole - The song is wacky enough to make me think of her.  "Going down the rabbit hole/get away from all we know.."  :)

Victoria's Secret - Haze has been difficult to place, due to her personality and backstory.  That said, I see certain parts of this song applying to her - especially in the sense of breaking free from her immediate family.

I Like It - I like the positive yet "going to do what I want, you can go to hell" type of message.  ;)

The Wolf - Alright, so... this song wasn't picked because of the obvious connections.  There's something about the music and the beat that also REALLY calls to me as a song for her.

Marco Polo - Likewise as the one above, the song really seems like something she would dance to.

Keep the Streets Empty for Me - After losing her fey aspects, this song seemed appropriate.  There's something haunting about both the song and Sylwyn, learning to (or experiencing) mortality.  It seems that although she's mortal, she moves through the world more lonely than ever.

Tik Tik Boom - This is NOT the Britney Spears song!  This song was written by my friend, Peter Gresser, for the webcomic 5ideways.  Unfortunately, there's not a Youtube version of it. So... you'll have to follow this link and scroll through  the song list to find it.


This one always reminds me of Vesper (and a little bit of her father, John):

Heard this one the other night, and it reminded me of Illix, less for the romantic overtones of the song, and more because of his desire to change the world for the better:

Still working on one for Ro.


And I found one for Roanna! Ro's general outlook on life is summed up pretty well by Frank Turner's "Vital Signs":

There are a few others I'll post later, but they're sadder, and are more to do with her backstory, and the reasons surrounding her departure from her birthplace of Neverwinter.


SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


SDM Sto Helit

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. - C. S. Lewis


Selvaria: Demonstrating her unerring loyalty, to the "Awake"

Illix: For the lighthearted, and the colder sides of him


Celina's and Amaiss' talk made me think of that song. Somehow it seems to fit to Amaiss' state of mind.