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CD Module Changelog v2

Started by Vincent07, Jul 06, 2018, 05:07 PM

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Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b7

Added a Skybox to Swordhaven.
Updates to a few player areas.

Fixed Brew Potion sometimes not consuming bottles.
Added missing scrolls and Item Creation recipes for Tree Stride and Transport via Plants.
Fixed spells sometimes being actually cast when crafting if you didn't have any more bottles/blank scrolls/bone wands to craft with when using the toggle modes.
Added a temporary fix for Bolt of Glory and Shadow Mask's incorrect innate level fields in spells.2da for scribing/brewing/wand crafting. Full fix requires a 2da/hak update.

Added spell metadata to Armor of Darkness, Shadow Mask, Shadow Hand, Mass Camouflage (again), Blinkplate, Chaos Slash, Cut Off.
Fixed Swordmage's spellshield line of incantations not having a spell name in the dispel feedback.

Potential fix for some more NPCs who were dropping their creature skins.

Darkness can now be spell resisted.
Fixed Darkness stripping the caster's own self-buffs when exiting the darkness AOE. (???)

Fixed Spell Resistance roll feedback being sent twice if you were rolling against your own spell.

Corrected Keen Edge scrolls at the Violet Flame to be CL 10 versions again. (for realsies this time.)

DM Tools: Fixed /setdescription " " to blank a description instead of reverting it to the original, as per the commands help text description.
DM Tools: Added the area int var NO_MAGIC 1 which disables all magic casting in an area for non-DMs. Use int var BYPASS_NO_MAGIC 1 on NPCs or PCs to allow that creature to cast in these areas.
DM Tools: Fixed DMFI Destroy Wand / /dmfidestroy not always destroying the nearest placeable to you when you target yourself.
DM Tools: Fixed /dmfidestroy command reporting "dmfi_destroy" was destroyed.

DM Systems: Disabled grass sprites in DMFI Encounters.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b8

-Added an area for Festival-type events.
-Skeletal Mages in Wyvernspur Crypts will no longer mass dispel, pending further adjustments to the dispel code and to the encounters.

-Added a fix for Darkness doing stuff it wasn't supposed to. No, really this time.
-The Tailor models should no longer show nude options as you scroll through them. You can still access these directly by entering the exact number, or use the body model adjusters to change your default unclothed model to naked ones.
-Fixed the head model adjustment scripts that weren't displaying certain human male heads. 
-Corrected the numbering of the current storyline. We're on Book VIII, not VII.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b9

-Updates to player areas.
-Updates to quest areas.

-Greater Spell Mantle, Faerie Fire, Protection from Law, and Sleep all now properly have a duration greater than 0.
-Fixed an issue that could cause characters to exceed level 30.
-Dragonsong of Strength is now an extraordinary effect like regular Bardsong, and thus cannot be dispelled.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08b10

-Updates to player areas.
-Murderous screams should no longer be common to hear in the Arabel Slums (Southeast). Only regular drunken shouting and occasional lamentations should be common now.
-Commoners walking through the Central District will no longer turn around and retrace their steps endlessly. Instead they will reach the edge of the district and continue on to their destination, while new commoners will appear at the other edges of the Central district and go about their own errands, in turn. Hopefully these will be actual normal commoners, and not procedurally generated nightmares. They might look a little off though, in which case it's totally Edge's fault, we swear.

-Overhauled the elementals summoned by Summon VII, Summon VIII, Summon IX, and Elemental Swarm. These should now roughly be on par strength-wise with comparable spells of that level (such as Gate in the case of Summon IX) and no longer be outmatched by Summon VI. Each casting will presently still summon a random type of elemental (air, fire, water, earth).
-Druid and Shifter Wildshapes should now correctly merge all gear bonuses.
-Added a fix to Wyrmling shape breath, so that its damage should be less all-or-nothing, and more relatively consistent. It will also now generate different damage for each target rather than doing the same result to everything.
-Added a command for DMs to randomize the appearance of a standard race NPC they're possessing (/randomnpc), which will alter the head model as well as skin and hair color.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08c

-More commoners should be walking through Arabel Central. They won't be stopping to hang around any weirdo adventurers, though.
-The smugglers in Arabel have been having a little trouble with their portals. It should be clear now that the only extant portals in/near the Smugglers' hideout are IC temporary ones, not something anyone should be overly concerned with.
-Added a teleport point to Tun Plains - Fork in the River Tun. Not because walking all the way from High Horn was a pain, but mostly because typing that teleport key is.
-Swordmajor Rice in the Suzail Palace has put down an attempted rebellion by his chair. No longer will it deny him the ability to sit back down after he greets visitors.

-Random Commoners walking around in Arabel should no longer be blue da ba dee da ba di.
-It is now Summer/Fall. We tried to get Summer/Glau, but she's working on another project that conflicted.
-XP awards at level 30 should be fixed, so you can more easily fuel your consumable addiction.
-Fixed an issue with some weapons not merging properly when shifting, because we'd fixed them before. They are now properly foxed instead.
-The Teleport Key Finder will more clearly tell you when it can't reveal the key for a given area, because you lack a Delta-16 Elite clearance.
-The /listpcs command will now also remind you whether your status is visible or hidden, because I can never seem to remember, so I figure you can't either.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08c1

-Added several new areas north of the Tun Plains, including Tun Plains - Ruins of Easthome, Tun Plains - Edge of the Goblin Marches, and Sunset Mountains - Desert's Edge. These provide a link to the Sunset Mountains Crater from the Tun Plains region that does not pass by Darkhold.
-Added a teleport point to the new Ruins of Easthome area. Additionally, the Undercity portal in the Toy Box that formerly led to the Sunset Mountains Crater now leads to the Ruins of Easthome instead.
-Added fixes for some placeables in the Arabel Bathhouse that were now visible due to water transparency changes.
-Included updates to several player areas.

-Fixed a bug that was allowing Dullahans to somehow masquerade as Commoners in Arabel Central.
-Procedurally generated random commoners in Arabel Central will now also vary slightly in size.
-Added some fixes for Shifting so that losing merged buffs due to bad timing should be less of an issue.
-Fixed some issues with Elemental Shifting not incorporating some of the previous item merge fixes for weapons.
-Tweaked one of the script functions for checking Armor Type/AC so that it won't bug out when it encounters plot flagged armor.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.08c2


-Reverted a change to Darkness's SR check when the function was updated. Darkness can no longer be stopped by Spell Resistance. Normal immunity etc will still work, just now with the properly updated resist function.

-Tweaks to the monster ability systems in sh_elite and sh_library

-Made some minor quality of life tweaks for DMs with the functionality of certain scripts.


-Updated Arabel to the Fall version.

-Updated the OOC Room to fall décor.

-Minor change to the combat dummies in the OOC Arena.

-Various Doors in Stonelands – Caverns of Death – Fortress of the Bugbears are no longer key only. Their locks can be picked.

-Update to a player home.

-Fixed rest flagging in Griffon Hill.

-Added a new creature out on the road south of the Goblin Marches.  Be careful.


-Bloodfang Gnoll Shaman now have 2 versions that can spawn.  One of them has a dispel, one does not. This will add dispels back into the epic Gnoll dungeon, but with far less frequency.

-Rotting Skeletal Mage in Wyvernspur Crypt has received the same treatment. Those without dispel have a Greater Spell Breach instead.

-The Bugbears in Caverns of Death have all been buffed to be more appropriate to a mid-teens area.  Encounter makeup may be redone later to account for issues brought on by CR changes.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


CD Module 4.08c3


-Fixed an issue with vfx added to the Combat Dummy script.


-Replaced missing variables and scripts on Arabel Central.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08c5

More Cormanthor areas added/updated for testing. Test Subjects may be needed for Aperture Sciences Dungeon testing.

The scarred and misfigured guardsman in Immersea has received aid from Sunites in restoring his appearance.

Fixed the misplaced transition in the OOC room.

Added an update for a player house.

Fixed the "Sit" placeables in Mordekainen's Mansion being incorrectly named "Invisible Object".

Overhauled the combat dummy scripts in the OOC Arena.

Added some missing sit placeables on the couch in the Warbling Seraph Deluxe 2 room.

Gem Dragons (Sapphire - LN, Crystal - CN) can now be summoned via the Dragon Knight Epic spell.

Revamped the calculation for Epic Spell slots by adding a base +1 for anyone that is eligible for epic spell slots, and also adjusted the base calculation to round up rather than drop fractions.

Fixed unpossessed NPCs being included in the "left quest chat" notification stream.

DM Tools: Fixed non-quest chat dice rolls not being broadcast to DMs possessing NPCs who otherwise should receive them.

DM Tools: Fixed /setplotflag's missing boolean cast: true is now true and false is now false.

DM Tools: Fixed /setscale not being able to scale items or doors.

DM Tools: Fixed /setscale 1.0 not setting objects scale to 1.0 under certain edge cases.

DM Tools: Script debugger has been cd key locked to SDMs & Admins.

DM Tools: Fixed /setaiscripts not working. (needs to target an NPC not being possessed)

DM Tools: Disabled Grass tilemagic option in the DMFI DM Wand as the visualeffect was broken in an earlier hak update.

DM Tools: When cloning areas, placeables and doors will have their key requirement removed.

Fixed cd_portal_jump jumping party members from other areas.

Fixed area resource override scripts errantly clearing overrides when transitioning/jumping within the same area.

Fixed /afk not clearing area resource overrides correctly.

Fixed Alzhedo not being scrambled for characters who don't know Alzhedo.

Scrambled languages now respect capital letters as typed by the player for languages that weren't using custom grammatical ciphers.

Fixed incorrect resrefs for Sylvan and Loross.

Fixed Shadow Double not removing blacklisted known or memorized spells.

Fixed Shadow Double not copying Sorcerer and Bard PRC gained spells.

Fixed AI attempting to cast time stop if they're still on cooldown. (Fixes NPCs bugging out and trying to chain spam time stops and doing literally nothing else, thereby wasting spells. This was particularly problematic on NPC's using Jasper's AI with Shadow Double and with NPCs in DM Quests where we had given them multiple timestops since Jasper's prioritizes time stop)

Slightly optimized the monster health% script for server performance.

Fixed the monster health% script erasing creature names.

Fixed the monster health% script sometimes not updating.

Fixed the monster health% script sometimes suffixing multiple times onto a creature's name.

Alignments on Character Sheets are abbreviated if the character has a third class and the character's subrace name is longer than 10 characters. This helps prevent long subrace names pushing the third class out of sight. Results may vary depending on your font. *Really* long subrace names will still push the abbreviated alignment onto a second line.

Mordekainen's Mansion areas are now instanced on demand, an unlimited number of mansions can now be in use simultaneously.

Fixed Mordekainen's Mansion splitting the party. Parties are no longer ported into/out of mansions automatically. Anyone who wants to leave or enter needs to use the doors.

DMs and DM possessed NPCs aren't timegated from casting consecutive Mordekainen's Mansions.

Mordekainen's Mansions are correctly destroyed if the mansion is vacated by means other than exiting via the door.

Mordekainen's Mansions can be set to Public Access or Party Only if the caster or DM talks to the doors. By default, player mansions are party only. DM and DM possessed NPC mansions are always public.

Mordekainen's Mansions can be dismissed by the caster or any DM by talking to the doors.

Mordekainen's Mansions are destroyed 1 minute after the last person leaves.

Mordekainen's Mansions doors have a neat little appearance animation now. (requires you to be on latest stable / 8193.28 to see)

Fixed Shadow Walk's crafting recipe.

Fixed Tailoring Models not copying helmets to the NPC.

Fixed Tailoring Models creating and deleting clothing from you for every modification that needed to be copied from the model to your clothes. This is only done once now. (weapons/shields/cloaks/helmets might still spam)

Fixed Tailoring Models dropping clothes on the ground. (weapons/shields/cloaks/helmets might still be dropped)

Tailoring Models now copy per-part colors.

Tailoring Models now copy your scale, wings, and tail when copying your PC appearance to the NPC.

Consolidated the various creature OnSpawn setup variables into a single script with some new additions.

Added creature variables for overriding cast spell's metamagic, spell penetration, and save DCs.

Ported in some backend code for some of Fox's custom npc boss abilities.

Fixed Acid Sheath not having reduced damage for NPCs.

Crafted wands now have 50 charges, instead of d20 + CL.

Updated /pclist to group visible players by area as well as some minor QoL formatting fixes.

Fixed missing gold value on Earthquake scrolls.

Fixed an edge case bug where respawn penalties could be applied if you weren't automatically raised in the OOC Arena.

Fixed spells cast from placeables (such as for projectile traps) and spells cast from DMs not being able to target neutral or friendly creatures correctly.

New Player Commands:

/dragontype <alignment>
Sets the type of dragon you summon via Epic Spell Dragon Knight. Valid alignments are LG, LN, LE, CG, CN, CE. Neutrals are the default if this is not set. This should be persistent through resets.

/dragontype Lawful Good
/dragontype LG

/outfit list
Lists all your saved outfit appearances.

/outfit save <name>
Saves your currently equipped clothing/armor appearance.

/outfit save Casual Pants
/outfit save Casual Skirt

/outfit load <name>
Loads the saved outfit's appearance.
n.b. You can only load an outfit's appearance that matches the base AC of your currently equipped outfit.

/outfit load Casual
/outfit load Swimwear
/outfit load Tahlrans Pink and Sexy Coat

/outfit delete <name>
Deletes the saved outfit.

/outfit delete Casual 2

/outfit show <parts>
/outfit hide <parts>
Allows you to toggle the visibility of parts of your equipped clothes/armor. You can specify multiple parts with the same command to hide or show multiple parts at once.

Preset Groups:
all, top, bottom, arms, larm, rarm, hands, legs, lleg, rleg, feet

Individual Parts:
neck, chest, robes, belt, pelvis, lshoulder, rshoulder, lbicep, rbicep, rforearm, lforearm, lhand, rhand, lthigh, rthigh, lshin, rshin, lfoot, rfoot

n.b. You can only hide the chest on base AC 0 clothes, you can't hide the chest on armor.

/outfit hide lshoulder lbicep lforearm lhand
/outfit hide robes belt arms neck
/outfit show gloves feet
/outfit show all

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08c6


-Random commoners in Arabel will now randomly switch between a selection of outfits
-Various Bandits near Halfhap and the Moonsea Ride will have a more varied appearance.

-Epic Spell Dragon Knight can now summon any metallic or chromatic dragon, as well as Sapphire, Crystal, and Amethyst Gem Dragons. This can be set by selecting the appropriate color via the /dragontype command.
-All of the summoned monsters from the Gate and Summon IX spells will come equipped with weapons of equal ability now (and thus all will have +5 weapons for the purpose of bypassing monster DR).

- The /dragontype command now recognizes color as a valid syntax, i.e. "/dragontype red" would set you to summon a Red Dragon. You can also specify an alignment, as before, which will select based on the original list (Bronze for LG, Blue for LE, etc).

-Fixed a couple of tier 5 unusual ammunition types that were missing the appropriate color tag.

Scripts: (Courtesy of Fox)
Fixed DMs not being able to enter other player's mansions.
Fixed players other than the caster not being able to leave mansions.
Fixed "Copy to other side" and "Copy from other side" tailoring model options.
Fixed issues with the AC on the tailoring models not being copied from your PC correctly for some items, causing you to not be able to copy the outfit's appearance back to your PC.
Fixed last saved date on spellbooks, quickbars, and outfits not being updated.
Typing just /outfit with no subcommand argument will open a conversation menu for browsing and managing your outfits, including adding outfits to a favorite outfits list.
n.b. /quickbar and /spellbook do not have menus yet, but are planned to in the future.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."


CD Module 4.08d1

-Updated module to NWN v.33 and implemented new hak files.


-Starfury damage adjusted to d6 / 2 levels, up from d6 / 3 levels.

-Added feat constant for Wingless Flight.

-Implemented Wingless Flight check into the Fly tool script.


-Replaced the Cradle Maze dungeon with an entirely new version. New areas, updated Minotaurs and loot.  Should be appropriate for low/mid teens.

-Added various DM event areas.


-Updated the NPC wererat models to the new Project Q versions.

-Fixed missing Fire immunity on Fire Giants.

-Increased the size of the Skittering Beetles.
"You think any of it matters? The things we did? The lives we destroyed. That's all that's ever gonna count. So, yeah, surprise. You're going to hell. We both are." -Angel


CD Module 4.08d2

- A few small fixes to some future boss ability scripts.

- Unrestricted /walk.

- Added "Flight" to .32's new "More Actions" tile actions radial menu. You'll find this menu when right clicking on the ground.

- Additional changes to spell targeting functions to allow MIRV spells such as isaac's, firebrand, etc to target and harm PCs when cast from placeables and projectile traps.

- Fixed incorrect damage colors in the combat dummy session report.

- Fixed physical damage dealt stat on combat dummy's being erroneously displayed when no physical damage was dealt.

- Fixed combat dummy's multiplying and respawning multiple copies on a session timeout.

- Spellslots are no longer lost when loading an outfit onto clothing that was granting spellslots (whether by a bonus spellslot property or an increased casting ability bonus).

- Fixed Evil aligned characters not being able to summon Black, White, Red, or Green dragons.

- Reimplemented the warning message on login if your client is out of date with the server. It is always recommended to play on the same version as the server, especially now that there will be growing feature disparity with old versions of the game. If you continue to play on old versions you will be missing out on new server features.

- DM Tools: Patched a server crash in /dmfidestroy

- DM Tools: /outfit load can be used by DMs and DM possessed NPCs without matching AC restrictions. (The AC type on the equipped item will be changed to match the loaded outfit)

- DM Tools: Rewrote /dmcopyarea, /dmclonearea, and /resetarea commands to be compatible with .33, please report any bugs.

- DM Tools: You no longer need to reload the area when using /setplaceableappearance.

- DM Tools: /setdescription now opens the description editor if left blank.

- DM Systems: DM Possessed NPCs now receive the extended spell casting combat feedback messages that DMs have.

- DM Systems: Rewrote and re-enabled event area autosaving:
- Now using native .33 script functions instead of NWNXEE.
- Now only autosaves areas flagged dirty (modified or used in some way).
- Now reports to the DM when the area they're in is autosaved.

- DM Systems: NPCs spawned through DMFI Encounters no longer drop loot by default. To allow an item to drop as loot set the int var ALLOW_DROP 1 on the item itself.

- Fixed a bug introduced with .32 where tile source lights that were set to off become red when an area is reset/copied/created during runtime.

- Fixed misspelt Aglaronddan language widget and some typos in the Recorder of Origins conversation.

- Updated all nwnx nwscripts to NWNXEE .33

- Depreciated all NWNX_Util_IsValidResRef function calls for native nwscript functions introduced with .32

-  Migrated spell metadata used in scripts to JSON with expanded metadata and wrapper functions.

-  Fixed bioware resist spell feedback messages not being hidden correctly for DMs who were possessing NPCs with full control.

New Player Commands:

Allows you to edit your PC's description with a nice popup UI window. Using the Description Editors in the OOC Room will now also use the new editor if your client is up to date and supports NUI.

n.b. Text doesn't wrap and overflows the text editor, this is a Beamdog bug. It's recommended you write your description outside the game and then copy paste it into the editor in game game when you're done.

Toggles crawling.

Opens a Help Page with various topics from server information to mechanics to chat commands. This will eventually replace the journal in game and be a supplemental source of summarized information from the forums.

Opens a popup window that lists all active friendly spells on you. This will not show spells flagged as harmful.

New Animations by Terallis:


New DM Commands:

Opens a popup window that lists all active spells (including harmful spells) on the targeted creature.

/createprojectiletrap <spells.2da>
Creates a spells.2da projectile trap by first selecting the trap trigger, then selecting the placeable that'll be the projectile origin.

Additional variables such as caster level, DC, metamagic, etc can be set on the projectile origin object with the usual array of creature override_* variables documented in the DM forums.

n.b. Not all spells work correctly with projectile traps. MIRV spells like isaacs will also target hostile mobs, and some spells are hardcoded to work via explicitly testing factions and might not consider PCs to be a valid target.

/redrawtrigger [reset]
Redraws a trigger. To start, select a trigger and then left click to draw new points. Right click to finish. A trigger requires at least 3 points. Use /redrawtrigger reset to reset the last trigger you edited.



CD Module 4.08d3


- Fixed Emotions: Courage sometimes not replacing earlier castings correctly.

- (Potentially) improved the reliability of not losing spell slots when loading outfits on items that granted you spell slots. This is largely server lag dependent and might not be 100% fixable.

- Fixed using /normal after /crawl not restoring your ability to run.

- Fixed Greater Malison affecting friendlies.

- Fixed Greater Malison lacking spell metadata.

- DM Tools: Fixed some script issues with /dmcopyarea failing on large areas when sanitizing the area.

- DM Tools: Fixed /setmaxhp not working whilst possessing the NPC.

- Removed NWNX_Weapon_SetWeaponIsMonkWeapon now that baseitems.2da handles it natively.


Fixed missing variables on the Cradle Maze needed for /listdungeons.


Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08d5

Scripts (courtesy Fox):
Fixed a server segfault crash in area importing.
Rewrote /listpcs backend to utilize JSON instead of SQL.
Rewrote spell metadata's backend to utilize JSON instead of SQL, hopefully resolving module database lockups that was breaking anything reliant on the non-persistent database (crafting, the old /listpcs, /help, /viewspells, /outfit conversation, quest chat, and some other systems)
Fixed bought outfits from the tailoring models having item properties under certain circumstances.
DM Tools: Fixed /viewspells for DMs.
DM Tools: Fixed NPCs in copied areas having stale action queues.
DM Tools: NPCs should walk their waypoint paths in copied areas now.
DM Tools: Transitions with both sides in the same area are now preserved in copied areas. This doesn't include paths at this time.
DM Tools: Large performance improvements to the copy area commands.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."

Fire Wraith

CD Module 4.08d7

Cradle Maze updates (courtesy Vincent07):
-Fixed AC value on Minotaur Shaman
-Added Minotaur Archers
-Adjusted spell abilities of The Gorgon, and flagged as a Boss.
-Slightly decreased some door lock DCs.
-Slightly reduced loot value of the final chest.
-Door leading to the final chest room will now properly eat the key.

Added new area "Hullack Forest - Edge of the Wyvernwater - Nalavara's Scar."  (See here for the IC events that lead to the creation of this: )
Adjusted the southern/western borders of certain existing Hullack Forest areas as appropriate to link to the new area.

Made more adjustments to Claire's pathing in Arabel Central so she shouldn't get confused and double back on her patrol route.
Increased the fog clip distance in Arabel North.

Made a number of additions to the in-testing Mistledale, Cormanthor, and Yulash regions.

Added the /resetfootsteps command which will reset your footstep sounds to the correct default, in case polymorph or mount issues left you sounding like a centaur or such.
Journal entries with information about rules, game info, and such, are no longer added to PCs on login. These have been replaced by information under the /help command.
Added ability to set Yulash, Ashabenford, and Shadowdale as Inn/bind spots and respawn spots (once those areas are open).

Began adding Yulash versions of the various low level quests. This should not interfere with any existing ones, however if there are any such issues please let us know.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -George Bernard Shaw

"So long as you harbor love for this world, ever shall there be a place for you in it. Your adventures will never end."